Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics: Systematic review: the effects of carbonated beverages on gastro-oesophageal reflux disease., Digestive Diseases and Sciences: Effect of carbonated water on gastric emptying and intragastric meal distribution., ESHA Research, Inc., Salem, Oregon: Seltzer water., Frontiers in Nutrition: Increased Hydration Can Be Associated with Weight Loss., Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing: Effects of carbonated water intake on constipation in elderly patients following a cerebrovascular accident. *, Support healthy weight loss 0% Saturated Fat 0g grams. Stick to one a day if you're a woman, or two if you're a man. Each serving of BEVVY provides a good source of soluble fiber to help you reach your daily goals.*. The country was preparing for many visitors, and they needed a drink that could be easily served in crowded bars and restaurants. So, when it comes to making healthier choices, where do you turn for reliable information? The beer landscape is changing. Why is BEVVY different from other weight-loss tea supplements? . Most hard seltzers don't contain gluten, a protein found in grains like wheat and barley. Bevy Long Drinks initial styles are sweet, tart, refreshingly packed with flavor and 5.8% ABV. Local stores or outlets in your area might offer online ordering and delivery services, but because of the three-tier system in the US we cant sell Hard Mountain Dew to drinkers online. BRAND. Just mix BEVVY in cold or warm water twice a day for extra appetite support and to help keep your results on-track. Calories 110. Nationally, Bevy will see a $10 million investment in 2022 with a digital-first strategy, including paid social, dedicated PR and an NHL sponsorship., Not drinking? The brewers from Guinness iconic St. Jamess Gate Brewery are no exception,, Forget the cocktail shaker Americas #1 ready-to-drink margarita delivers flavorful refreshment, no bartender required. If so. But the best part is, you dont have to fly to Finland. Bevy Long Drink is our signature spin on this classic. The key ingredients work with your body to help you fight cravings and stay on track, while supporting healthy weight loss. serving of beer with a similar ABV. Carbs: 0g (0g Sugar) Alcohol Content: 5% ABV Natural Light Seltzer For a 120z can of Natural Light Hard Seltzer Calories: 133 Carbs: 4g (4g Sugar) Alcohol Content: 6% ABV NUTRL Hard Seltzer For a 120z can of NUTRL Seltzer Calories: 100 Carbs: 0g (0g Sugar) Alcohol Content: 4.5% ABV Pabst Blue ribbon Stronger Seltzer Our Privacy Notice and Terms & Conditions have changed. Fat: 0 grams Cheers! Drink a 15-calorie BEVVY instead! ", Houston Methodist: "Is Spiked Seltzer Really Healthier Than Beer? Hard seltzer isn't a sugary and syrupy calorie bomb! In some cases, like Four Loko Hard Seltzer, there is added sugar involved that really bumps the calorie content up. While a shot (1.5 ounces) of rum, gin, tequila, or whiskey has about the same number of calories as a can of hard seltzer, sugary mixers can send calorie counts through the roof. Dieting is becoming more common these days, with consumers opting for low-cal options in their drinks. It appears with blog dairies, tips, and advice on topics such as diet, exercise, and stress relief. Unfortunately, the days of enjoying Bevy have come to an end as weve decided to put the brand on ice and pause production. Get the latest in beer, wine, and cocktail culture sent straight to your inbox. What is Hard Mountain Dew? That's why we use no artificial flavors or sweeteners, and even brew our own real iced tea and use real agave nectar in Truly Margarita-Style. Bevy is a long drink that contains alcohol. Like hard seltzer, regular beer is about 5% alcohol. The following products contain the ingredient sensitivity Gluten: There are no ingredients or ingredients derived from milk, eggs, fish, crustacean shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts or soy used in any of the products we are currently brewing. All rights reserved. By clicking Subscribe, I agree to the WebMD, Smart Grocery Shopping When You Have Diabetes, Surprising Things You Didn't Know About Dogs and Cats, Bird Flu Deaths Prompt U.S. to Test Vaccine in Poultry, COVID Treatment in Development Appears Promising, Marriage May Help Keep Your Blood Sugar in Check, Getting Outdoors Might Help You Take Fewer Meds, New Book: Take Control of Your Heart Disease Risk, MINOCA: The Heart Attack You Didnt See Coming, Health News and Information, Delivered to Your Inbox, Potential Health Benefits of Seltzer Water, Becoming a Vegetarian: Foods to Choose From. Responsible "What Are You Drinking? Keep in mind that a standard glass of wine is 5 ounces, less than half the size of a can of hard seltzer. For such a low-sugar sentiment, this sure feels sweet. *, And its so simple to use. Nowadays there are many different brands available, just like there are a lot of beer brands. Bevvy inspires people to taste, buy, and enjoy the best cocktails and spirits in the world through recipes, photos, reviews, expert advice, videos, profiles, and more. Liquor: 0 carbs, not counting mixers Low in Calories. Unfortunately, Four Loko is one of the few hard seltzers on the market that does not disclose their calories or carb content, likely because they are both quite high. When you pick up a 12oz can or hard seltzer, you can expect it to be roughly 90-110 calories in total. Bevy is a popular alcoholic drink that comes in a variety of flavors. , For calorie counters, its an easy choice between hard seltzer and most popular cocktails. Theres a Guinness for that! WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Light beer: 5.3 grams per serving Many consumers yearn for that special cocktail experience without the fuss of a fully stocked bar. Seltzer water has gained popularity over the past few years as a refreshing and healthy alternative to soda. Bevy Long Drink is a refreshing new take on a classic ((SL Advertiser)) Bevy Long Drink is a refreshing new take on a classic. I have an entire post on the topic that you can find here. As you can see by this guide, every hard seltzer out there is very low carb. . HARD MTN DEW is a new flavored malt beverage (FMB) available in four bold flavors, including MTN DEW, Baja Blast, Black Cherry, and Watermelon. If your hard seltzer is made from sugar, you'll need to include nutrition facts and an ingredient list. That's because they actually take water out of your body by making you pee more often. Chicago, IL 60661. Craft beer can total 200 calories per 12 ounces and may be as much as 6.5% alcohol. * Comes with 40 individual servings (net wt. Bevy's new sparkling citrus refresher is made from a delicious and easy-drinking blend of citrus flavors and wild juniper berries for an exceptionally thirst-quenching beverage that's perfect for. While inspired by the traditional cocktail, Bevy will be the first Long Drink-inspired beverage available in the U.S. thats made without spirits. Seltzer water is an excellent choice for staying hydrated. For a 12oz can, you can expect most hard seltzer to be right around 100 calories. In 2014, we led all alcohol companies by voluntarily placing a nutritional label on all of our brands. Blends Bright, fresh citrus zing with the sweet, mild spice of wild juniper berries. For a 120z can of Henrys Hard Sparkling Water, For a 120z can of Jose Cuervo Hard Seltzer, For a 120z can of Michelob Ultra Organic Seltzer, For a 120z can of Mighty Swell Spiked Seltzer, For a 120z can of Natural Light Hard Seltzer, For a 160z can of Pabst Blue Ribbon Stronger Seltzer, For a 120z can of The Shell House Sparkling Hard Seltzer, For a 120z can of Topo Chico Hard Seltzer, For a 120z can of Wild Basin Sparkling Water. Product Information. Hard seltzer is as convenient as a can of beer. 0g sugar, 0g carbs, no preservatives and only 100 calories per 355ml can. Consuming an array of fiber-rich foods like beans, vegetables, whole grains, and Shakeology and drinking BEVVY twice a day can help you hit your daily fiber goals. You can grab it in nine-packs of 12 ounce cans or purchase individual lime or pineapple flavors in 16 ounce and 25 ounce cans. Randomized, single-blind, placebo-controlled clinical study of 100 overweight and obese men and women aged 4555 years who took 150 mg green tea phytosomes or a placebo twice daily (10am and 6pm) for 24 weeks. *Price, vintage and availability may vary by store. Drinking BEVVY twice a day can help: Curb cravings Alcohol itself is technically its own macronutrient, we just dont count it alongside fat, protein, and carbs because its not essential. Wine: Up to 4 grams per 5-ounce serving Research has even shown that seltzer water can help promote the feeling of fullness, or satiety. Much like other alcohol, our Hard Mountain Dew does not go bad (like milk or eggs do), but its flavor profile will change over time. Champagne (4-ounce glass): 84 calories and 12% alcohol So next time you reach for a Bevy, be aware of the sugar content and enjoy in moderation! ", The Drinks Business: "10 of the Biggest Hard Seltzer Brands. (Wine and distilled liquor are gluten-free). Most alcoholic drinks have little to no nutritional value. ), 2014 - 2023 VinePair Inc. Made In NYC. Blends bright, fresh citrus zing with the sweet, mild spice of wild juniper berries. For any taproom exclusive, limited release styles, or outstanding allergen questions, please reach out using the Contact Us form. A steady stream of new, innovative, ready-to-drink cocktails, all available in the convenience and portability of a can,, Little Things, Sierra Nevadas Successful, Inclusive Craft Brand Family, is a BIG Success Four years ago, as the hazy/New England IPA craze was moving full steam ahead, Sierra Nevada created Hazy Little Thing IPA. We take seriously our responsibility to limit website access to adults of legal drinking age. Every Truly (yes, including Extra) contains only 1g of sugar. A lot of people assume that alcohol is all carbs, but thats not the case at all. We recommend using the latest version of Chrome, Safari, Firefox, or Edge. If youre not satisfied with your product, simply go to and select the Return or Exchange icon for a Return Authorization to return the product within 30 days for a full refund of the purchase price, less s&hguaranteed. 2022 HARD SELTZER BEVERAGE COMPANY, LLC. The Bevy has fewer calories than many other alcoholic beverages, and is also low in sugar. If you're avoiding gluten, that makes them a better choice than beer, which is made with barley. Drink plenty of water when you're having hard seltzers or any other type of alcohol. You must consult your doctor before acting on any content on this website, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition. Review of Bevy Long Drink Sparkling Berry Refresher, Can You Sue Someone For Giving You An STD, Narcissistic Fitness Fanatic Crossword Clue, A Food Worker Is Putting Chemicals Into Clean Spray Bottles, ICU Industrial Credit Union Community Food Co-Op, Will I Lose My Teeth If I Have Periodontal Disease. Helps curb cravings with regular use* Helps support healthy weight loss* No gluten, dairy, or soy, and less than 8 mg caffeine $49.95 Retail Price I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to It's 100 calories, gluten-free with no added sugar, and available in four flavors: Lime. Bevy Long Drink Brings Finnish Happiness to the States. March 1, 2023. Hard Mountain Dew products do not contain ingredients or ingredients derived from milk, eggs, fish, crustacean shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, or soy. Going out for a couple of drinks can add 500 calories, or more, to your daily intake. Generally, the key components of standard green tea extracts are not well absorbed by the body. Did you know Finland is the happiest country in the world? "Mix things up" with the new and improved mixed 12 pack, now featuring 6 delicious flavours - Peach, Lemon, Grapefruit . Flavors include grapefruit, black cherry, and lime, and inventive combinations like Pineapple Pomelo, Pear Elderflower, and Raspberry Ros. The Bevy Long Drink is a refreshing and flavorful way to enjoy your favorite alcoholic beverage. Serving Size (fl oz) Serving Size (ml) Servings Per Container (12oz / 16oz/ 24oz) Alcohol By Volume . Copyright Cheat Day Design, LLC 2023 All rights Reserved. Also known as sparkling water or carbonated water, seltzer water is still water that has been infused with carbon dioxide gas, causing it to bubble. View all 12. HARD MTN DEW contains Acesulfame Potassium (Ace-K) and Sucralose. To ease understaffed bars, the Finnish government commissioned the creation of a refreshing alcoholic drink. Years of development at Guinness have yielded a delightfully true-to-taste non-alcoholic stout. Earlier this week, the brewer withdrew its full-year guidance and announced write-downs on stock because of lower-than-expected demand for its Truly hard seltzer brand. To find HARD MTN DEW near you, please visit our Product Finder. The category-leading ready to drink brand High Noon has expanded its portfolio with a new tequila seltzer. Seltzer water also has shown promise in relieving indigestion. We look forward to hearing from you! The original Bevy Long Drink has 220 calories per can. By using this website, you agree to the Privacy Policy & Terms and Conditions of use. Vijayanagar Sugar Pvt Limited (VSPL) is an integrated sugar factory established in the year 2009. As the weather gets warmer, that means one thing: its hard seltzer season. smirnoff red, white and berry seltzer nutrition facts. One reason could be that somehard seltzers have fewer calories and carbs than many beers, wines, and cocktails. Corona Hard Seltzer is the newest addition with spiked seltzer water. The category is forecastto grow to $3 to $4.5 billion over the next two to five years. Save to List. serving of average analysis: Calories: 100, Carbohydrates: 3 grams, Protein: 0 grams, Fat: 0 grams. A typical 12-ounce can has 100 calories and 2 grams of added sugar. One industry report says over half of people in the U.S. who drink alcohol have at least one weekly. High Noon Tequila Seltzer. When sugar and fat cravings hit, it can really throw off your healthy nutrition plan. Hard seltzers also only contain around 100 calories per serving, compared with around 150 calories for a beer. 0% Total Fat 0g grams. Your email address will not be published. Thats about 2 teaspoons worth of sugar. If you dont see it on the finder it hasnt arrived near you yet. *, Green Tea Phytosomes Wellness; Food; Nutrition; Younger shoppers consider the beyond beer category first and are looking for new varieties and flavors. She has a keen eye for detail and a passion for language, which makes her an excellent editor. 8) mthipsorn / Getty Images Now available in a 24oz can. One great resource is the U.S. Department of Agricultures Nutrient Data Laboratory. Enjoy refreshing fruit alcohol beverages at outdoor gatherings or enjoy a hard flavored . 2022 Day a Life Media. But the amounts vary, depending on what kind of wine you choose. Serving Size: oz. You can change them in your browser settings. Read about the nutritional information, flavors & more, here! Barefoot Hard Seltzer is technically the lowest calorie hard seltzer out there, but that is based on the can being 8.4oz total when most other hard seltzers come in 12oz cans. Infused with deliciously . For such a low-sugar sentiment, this sure feels sweet. Yes. To learn more visit Persons sensitive to any of the identified allergens in the CONTAINS or MAY CONTAINS statement should avoid that product. In 2020, an estimated 50.3 million liters (13.3 million gallons) of long drink were sold by breweries in Finland, according to Statista data, down slightly from the prior year but up nearly 25%. But what are the nutrition facts for this popular drink? And, while you're there, you can also learn about the Bevy Long Drink. By clicking 'submit', I accept Corona's terms and conditions and privacy policy and consent to Corona's use of my personal information for marketing and analytics purposes, including receiving marketing and promotional communications. Hard seltzer is as convenient as a can of beer. You can purchase seltzer water infused with syrups to add . Sip to see. We are proud of our products, proud of our ingredients and value transparency, so we are happy to comply with the request for additional information. Our website services, content and products are for informational purposes only. And its calorie count is similar to that of many light beers. Threenewrefreshingly light seltzer styles with a hidden twistof fruit flavorin each, plus one mystery flavor that will test your taste buds. In fact, you can expect your average hard seltzer to contain 2 grams of carbs or less compare that with 13 grams of carbs in your average 12 oz. Amount Per Serving. While no alcoholic beverage is healthy, most of these brands celebrate their low calories and carbs. Imported by 2020 Crown Imports, Chicago, IL. serving average analysis: Cals 90, Carbs 2.6 g, Protein 0.7 g, Fat 0.0 g. Maui and Sons | Corona Floaters Hooded Poncho, Maui and Sons | Corona Palm Fusion Camp Shirt, Maui and Sons | Corona Palm Fusion Pool Short, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. ", Wine Folly: "Champagne vs. Prosecco: The Real Differences," "The Reality About Carbs in Wine. Bevy Long Drink is made with an original malt base containing natural flavors and wild juniper berries. In addition to product labeling and packaging ingredient information, we are committed to transparency and communication with our drinkers. Flavor. Life Experiences. We believe that being healthy and fit should be a priority for everyone and our goal is to provide our readers with the information they need to live their best lives and life experiences. * The % Daily Value (DV) tells you how much a nutrient in a serving of food contributes to a daily diet. As you can see by the guide, most hard seltzers on the market have very similar calories & nutrition facts. Actual daily nutrient requirements might be different based on your age, gender, level of physical activity, medical history and other factors. Bevy is a long drink that contains sugar. Id been talking with a lot of people in the industry and told them we were working on a hazy IPA,. Thats right you can now enjoy a guilt-free alcoholic beverage without having to worry about those pesky carbs. Massachusetts- Flavored Malt Beverages- 5.5% ABV. Add a little something extra to any occasion. " [Bevy is] cocktail-inspired, easy to drink and full-flavored, yet highly refreshing. Corona Extra and Corona Premier Beers. THE. In Finland, the days can be short and the nights long. But is it as healthy as it might seem? But with a higher ABV than other spiked seltzers, you likely won't be reaching for as many . Look, we love a strong drink as much as the next guy, but we find that 5% ABV is the perfect sweet spot between "I could drink these all day" and "You know what, maybe we should do karaoke." 2,000 calories a day is used for general nutrition advice. Protein: 0 grams. Labatt Blue Light Seltzer Blood Orange Blackberry . This site does not support the browser you are using. Massachusetts- Flavored Malt Beverages- 5.5% ABV. Seltzer water by SELTZER nutrition facts and analysis.. Daily values are based on a 2000 calorie a day diet. Not Artificial We like to keep it real around here. oz. Seltzer water should not be confused with mineral water, which contains mineral and sulfur compounds from a mineral spring, or tonic water, which includes quinine (a common treatment for malaria) along with sugar or high-fructose corn syrup. Less is more especially when it comes to calories. Bevys new sparkling citrus refresher is made from a delicious and easy-drinking blend of citrus flavors and wild juniper berries, for an exceptionally thirst-quenching beverage thats perfect for any occasion. A nutrition facts panel only applies to sugar-based hard seltzers since they fall under the jurisdiction of the FDA. Through fun recipes and helpful blog posts, we're going to make healthy living simple. A 12-ounce can of CACTI has 150 calories, 2 or 3 carbs depending on the flavor and less than 1g added sugar. . 2005 - 2023 WebMD LLC. BEVVY helps make it easier to stop thinking about food all day and stick to your goals, even if youve struggled in the past. Were all fun and games, except when it comes to allergens. All 12oz cans of Truly have under 110, which means plenty of refreshing flavor that won't weigh you down. In fact, no alcoholic beverage is a good choice for hydration. 2005 - 2023 WebMD LLC. That being said, I cant deny the insane popularity of hard seltzers, and every year seems to have more and more brands releasing their own hard seltzer. They are naturally low-calorie and low-carbohydrate drinks, per Healthline. You must be of legal drinking age to enter this site. Fiber: 0 grams. Bevy has all the attractive attributes of the beyond beer category sparkling, full-flavored and cocktail-inspired. Each serving of Bud Light Seltzer has 100 calories, less than 1 gram of sugar and 2 grams of carbs. Bevy Long Drink is made with an original malt base containing natural flavors and wild juniper berries. Nothing tastes better than your team winning the game, except the cold Truly in your hand. The main ingredients in our beers are water, barley malt, corn, yeast and hops. Below are the serving facts for both Lime and Grapefruit. This website provides detailed information on the nutritional content of foods. Cocktail-inspired FMBs are growing faster (+27% in dollars) than full-flavored traditional FMBs (+4% in dollars). This blog exists to make it all much, much simpler. For a 120z can of Alani Nu Spiked Seltzer, For a 120z can of Arctic Chill Hard Seltzer, For an 8.40z can of Barefoot Hard Seltzer, For a 120z can of Flying Embers Hard Seltzer, For a 23.50z can of Four Loko Hard Seltzer. For more information, go to I am one of, When it comes to living a healthy lifestyle, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. All 12oz cans of Truly have under 110, which means plenty of refreshing flavor that won't weigh you down. You can purchase seltzer water infused with syrups to add flavor. Most hard seltzers are made with brewed cane sugar and/or malted rice, with soda water and flavorings added. No, Hard Mountain Dew is not gluten free since it is made using a process similar to beer. SOURCES: 5) pjohnson1 / Getty Images HARD MTN DEW is available now in IA, TN, FL, OK, AR, MO, MN, VA, Las Vegas, OH, and IL, with expanded availability to come! Grapefruit. Hard seltzer has officially exploded. 2022 HARD SELTZER BEVERAGE COMPANY, LLC. In a world where we are constantly bombarded with messages about what we should and shouldnt be eating, it can be hard to know what to believe. 7) WebMD By using this website and its offers and continuing navigating, you accept these cookies. Topo Chico Hard Seltzer delivers all the refreshment consumers love, made in the spirit of Topo Chico Mineral Water, with added minerals for taste. Most hard seltzer out there is very low carb & low sugar, so the calories are only coming from the alcohol itself. Recommended daily intake of essential aminoacids is provided for 180 lbs person. We dont currently sell kegs of Hard Mountain Dew. What is the shelf life of White Claw Hard Seltzer? Below you will find a list of Hard Mountain Dew products that contain one of the specified eight major food allergens (milk, egg, fish, crustacean shellfish, tree nuts, wheat, peanuts, and soy) or certain ingredient sensitivities (sulfites and gluten). Personally, Im not a huge fan of hard seltzer drinks, but Im a terrible judge because I dont like any carbonated beverages. Flavored seltzer water may contain additional nutrients, vitamins, and minerals.Seltzer water is a good source of:. These include stress and damage to the heart, kidney, and brain.Its essential to stay hydrated throughout the day. Pink Lemonade Hard Seltzer by Odd Side - Nutritionix. % Daily Value*. Too many weight-loss teas claim to be healthy but can be full of laxatives or diuretics. This website uses cookies. (Note: Four Loko Hard Seltzer and Pabst Blue Ribbon Stronger Seltzer are not included on this list because they were not available at press time. *Per 12 fl oz. One can has 2 grams of carbohydrates. A small (6-ounce) mojito has 143 calories "The Long Drink cocktail is Finland's best-kept secret, but it's typically made with . ", White Claw Hard Seltzer: "Frequently Asked Questions. A typical bottle of Bevy contains 4 servings, so if you drank the entire thing yourself, youd be consuming 40 grams of sugar thats 8 teaspoons! We like to keep it real around here. We're sorry. Its unlike any beer or pre-mixed cocktail out there., The Long Drink cocktail is Finlands best-kept secret, but its typically made with gin, said Lysyj. MIXED. We are honored to have shared our take on Finlands best kept secret with you. Labatt Blue Light Seltzer Black Cherry Lime . Long drink is a top selling category of alcohol in Finland that was first introduced for the 1952 Summer Games in Helsinki. Consider the following before preparing or drinking seltzer water: People who experience excessive gas or gastroesophageal reflux disease, also known as GERD, should avoid seltzer water, as it may trigger symptoms including increased gas and acid reflux. One cup of seltzer water contains: Calories: 0. Help Desk Software by Freshdesk Support Desk Brewers yeast peptides start from the material used in baking and beer-making, but are further broken down using a proprietary process to create these clinically studied peptides, that when taken consistently 2 times per day, help you fight cravings and stay on track. For more information, please visit Generally, our Hard Mountain Dew will stay fresh for nine months. Yup! Average counts per serving include: In fact, many. Dew, Mtn Dew and the Mtn Dew Logo are resistered Trademarks of Pepsico, Inc. 24819019. All Registered Trademarks, used under license by White Claw Seltzer Works. We're sorry. Get news and marketing. The Long Drink or lonkero, as its known in Finland was first created when the Finnish government commissioned a cocktail for guests attending the 1952 Summer Olympics. ", Journal of Oral Rehabilitation: Investigation of mineral waters and soft drinks in relation to dental erosion., National Center for Biotechnology Information: Quinine toxicity., Nature Communications: Classification of mineral water types and comparison with drinking water standards., Nutrition Reviews: Water, Hydration and Health., The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition: A randomized trial to assess the potential of different beverages to affect hydration status: development of a beverage hydration index.. 6) sam74100 / Getty Images 12 355 1 / 1.3 / 2 5.00 . Light beer has around 100 calories for a 12-ounce can and is about 4.2% alcohol. Or maybe, just maybe, its their best-kept secret: the Long Drink. Some brands may not be 100% gluten free. Its one seriously spirited drink. But, for the most part, you can expect a hard seltzer to come in at 100 calories, which is a great option to fit into any diet. 0.49 lbs.). This website provides detailed information on the nutritional content of foods. Studies show that insufficient water or dehydration can have several short- and long-term effects on the body. 1) bhofack2 / Getty Images *, <8mg of caffeine (can be used day or night), No synthetic colors, artificial flavors, or artificial preservatives. When you eat or drink lots of sugar or carbs too quickly, it can raise your blood sugar to unhealthy levels. What are the ingredients and nutrition information of White Claw Hard Seltzer REFRSHR Iced Tea? Not here! HARD MTN DEW is a new flavored malt beverage (FMB) available in four bold flavors, including MTN DEW, Baja Blast, Black Cherry, and Watermelon. 10) ronstik/ Thinkstock. Home; Health. Protein: 0 grams. MIXED. Variety Packs, Gluten-free, and available in a selection of refreshing flavors, Corona Hard Seltzer is made to be enjoyed in one place and one place onlythe moment.