The Public Utilities Commission crossing number shown on the railroad crossing sign, Date the detour will be put into use and the estimated time it will be in use, Estimated volume of traffic to be detoured over the crossing, Whether additional protection is proposed. Caltrans District 3 (@CaltransDist3) / Twitter Require ballast for drums according to manufacturer specifications. In urban and suburban areas with high vehicular traffic volumes, place the signs at intersections. Confirm that AFAD are placed in accordance with the plans and where clearly visible to the AFAD operator and to approaching traffic. the lane closure unless the end of work area is obvious or A G20-2 "END ROAD WORK" sign shall be placed at the end of lane closure during hours of darkness. Record inspection dates and conditions observed in the project records. Confirm the signs display only pre-approved messages and that the messages conform to the Changeable Message Sign Guidelines, and district and Caltrans policy. Before making a decision to approve a change order that would result in a prolonged ramp closure, weigh the results of the study with factors, such as construction costs, travel costs, delay, and safety. Removal of the traffic control systemRemove all workers and equipment from the roadway. Take special care to consider areas in schools or senior citizen center locations. If you cannot contact the local CHP coordinator in advance and the officer reports for duty, the fee will be equal to 4 hours of overtime pay and mileage incurred, if any. For traffic control requirements, refer to Section 12, Temporary Traffic Control, of the Standard Specifications and the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (California MUTCD). Caltrans Updates - California Highway Patrol Verify telescoping flag trees maintain an upright position when being used. Verify temporary or permanent pavement delineation is in place before opening the traveled way to traffic. Caltrans and the CHP have an interagency agreement that is the basis for the Construction Zone Enhanced Enforcement Program (COZEEP). Verify the pavement is clean and dry and the contractor places the channelizers during conditions that meet the required temperatures. For example, anchor guardrail ends and install crash cushions. Verify the planned temporary signal system includes a backup power source and automatic transfer switches. The resident engineer should determine which contractor activities might use COZEEP support. Construction signs should be covered or removed whenever they no longer serve a purpose. Achieving this transition is worthwhile, even though it may extend the traffic control system farther than the minimum necessary to clear the work zone. Try to eliminate surprise elements from temporary roadways. The status in LCS will change to APPROVED. The LCS will notify the contractor by email of the approval or rejection. Obtain the information of trained contractor representatives, including whether they will be requesting or providing a status of closures, or both. Allow only one type of portable delineator on the project. All traffic control devices should conform to Section 12, Temporary Traffic Control, of the Standard Specifications. Results will display in a new window. Before opening a roadway to unrestricted public traffic, the final delineation must be in place on the roadway either by using long-term or short-term temporary delineation or channelizing devices. Review these requirements with the contractors before work starts. Traffic cones are paid for as part of the contract item for the traffic control system. If a system shutdown occurs, planned or unplanned, the contractor should provide flaggers to control traffic until the traffic signals are functioning correctly. Serves as a liaison between Construction, the DTM, and the TMP manager. For example, if the number of lanes is reduced and the direction changed, complete the lane drop before starting the alignment change. Subsequent relocations of each barricade are paid for as extra work using the force account method. LAKESIDE. Work zone activities can disrupt the publics mobility and access. Allow only one type of plastic traffic drum on the project. The lump sum payment for this item includes all costs for placement, operation, maintenance, relocation, and removal of the Automated Work Zone Information System. Verify that temporary automated end of queue warning systems comply with the requirements in Section 12-3.39 Temporary End of Queue Warning System, of the Standard Special Provisions. Verify that garments worn by the contractor's staff comply at least with ANSI 107-2004 Class 3. A contractors failure to perform is cause to suspend work. Pay special attention to locations where vertical or horizontal curvature restricts the sight distance. Key personnel involved in traffic control have responsibilities as follows. Request an impact study for ramp closures of short duration where the possibility of adverse results or sufficient public concern exists to identify effects on adjacent businesses. Clearly identify early-finish and late-finish milestones for every major activity. To implement COZEEP, use the guidelines below, intended to apply COZEEP resources more uniformly throughout the state. Highway I-80 CalTrans Lane Closures - California Highway Commute and The project engineer should include adequate COZEEP funds in the project estimate. Check the contractors layout work. How the contractor will meet the projected rates for material delivery to the job site. M1. Chapter 1 - Caltrans Construction Organization, 4-1202B Temporary Traffic Control Devices, 4-1202B (10) Temporary Crash Cushion Module, 4-1202B (14) Portable Changeable Message Signs, 4-1202B (16) Temporary Flashing Beacon Systems, 4-1202B (17) Automated Work Zone Information Systems, 4-1202B (18) Portable Transverse Rumble Strips, 4-1202B (19) Portable Radar Speed Feedback Sign Systems, 4-1202B (20) Automated Flagger Assistance Devices, 4-1202B (21) Temporary Automated End of Queue Warning System, 4-1202C (2)Temporary Pedestrian Access Routes, 4-1202C (3) Bridge Cleaning and Painting Activities, 4-1203B Temporary Traffic Control Devices, 4-1203B (10) Temporary Crash Cushion Module, 4-1203B (14) Portable Changeable Message Signs, 4-1203B (16) Temporary Flashing Beacon Systems, 4-1203B (17) Automated Work Zone Information Systems, 4-1203B (18) Portable Transverse Rumble Strips, 4-1203B (19) Portable Radar Speed Feedback Sign Systems, 4-1203B (20) Automated Flagger Assistance Devices, 4-1203B (21) Temporary Automated End of Queue Warning System, 4-1203C (1b) Contingency Plans for Closures, 4-1203C (1d) Status Updates for Authorized Closures, 4-1203C (1f) Placement Sequence and the Start of Work, 4-1203C (1i) Reverse Operations Inside Closures, 4-1203C (2)Temporary Pedestrian Access Routes, 4-1203C (3) Bridge Cleaning and Painting Activities, 4-1203D (3) Temporary Lane Line and Center Delineation, 4-1203D (4) Temporary Edge Line Delineation, 4-1203D (5) Temporary Traffic Stripe Tape, 4-1203D (6) Temporary Traffic Stripe Paint, 4-1203D (7) Temporary Pavement Marking Tape, 4-1203D (8) Temporary Pavement Marking Paint, 4-1203E Temporary Pavement Delineation for Seal Coats, 4-1206B Temporary Traffic Control Devices, 4-1206B (9) Temporary Crash Cushion Modules, 4-1206B (13) Portable Changeable Message Signs, 4-1206B (15) Temporary Flashing Beacon Systems, 4-1206B (16) Automated Work Zone Information Systems, 4-1206B (17) Portable Transverse Rumble Strips, 4-1206B (18) Portable Radar Speed Feedback Sign Systems, 4-1206B (19) Automated Flagger Assistance Devices, 4-1206B (20) Temporary Automated End of Queue Warning System, 4-1202 B (14) Portable Changeable Message Signs, 4-1202C (2) Temporary Pedestrian Access Routes, 4-1203C (2) Temporary Pedestrian Access Routes, CalOES: Power Outage and Fire Recovery Resources. PDF TYPICAL LANE CLOSURE - California The invoice backup will include the COZEEP service summary and copies of cancellation notices. The following are typical situations in which field adjustments are necessary: If long closures are unavoidable, protect the active work area by placing barricades or drums across the closed lanes, upstream of the work area. Confirm the intended vehicle path is clearly visible. Portable Changeable Message Signs (PCMS) are required only during times, places, or activities stated in the plans and specifications and are not required when the traffic control system is nonoperational or for discretionary use. Verify the contractor offsets the approach end of Type K temporary railing by 15 feet minimum from the edge of an open traffic lane, according to Section 7-1.04 Public Safety, of the Standard Specifications. While the Caltrans' charts did not explicitly dictate that a contractor must perform work during nighttime hours, the charts functionally required that any work requiring a lane closure could only be performed at night. Also, when possible, use barrier vehicles or an impact attenuator vehicle between the approaching motorist and workers on foot. The records form may vary according to the magnitude and complexity of the subject. To confirm that contractors can access LCS and LCS Mobile, do the following before work begins: 8 CCR 1599, Flaggers, requires illuminating flagger stations during the hours of darkness and lighting should be in compliance with 8 CCR 1523, Illumination, for nighttime highway construction. Remember that the motorist has no knowledge of the traffic control plan and is entirely dependent on the system for warning and guidance. Obtain a copy of the manufacturers operating instructions. An impact attenuator vehicle must be used for the placement and removal of temporary traffic control devices when required by the contract. Highway SR-17 over Santa Cruz Mountains CalTrans Lane Closures Use the standard formula for taper length shown in the California MUTCD or in the projects traffic control plan details. Verify that Type 1 and Type 2 flashing arrow signs comply with the specification requirements, including number of panel lights, display modes, power source, and devices to plumb and level the trailer. Materials produced offsite and delivered to a job site, such as asphalt concrete and concrete, can be delayed by events including plant breakdown, loss of trucking, or trucking delayed by traffic congestion because of accidents or by the project itself. Timelines for the contractor and the engineer to meet at the job site, review progress, and forecast when work will be stopped to open the lane, shoulder, ramp, or route to the public. When crossovers require the removal of median barriers or protective devices, review conditions and, where possible, maintain the integrity of the remaining portions of the devices. Refer to Section 7-1.04, Public Safety, of the Standard Specifications, and Topic 902, Sight Distance and Clear Recovery Zone Standards, of the Highway Design Manual. Stationary closures on a traffic lane are 10-97 before placing the first cone on the traffic lane, and 10-98 after removing all the cones from the traffic lane. Establishing continuity is especially necessary if previous traffic shifts have created confusing or conflicting diagonal joints and have eradicated pavement markings. Category 2 devices include barricades and portable sign supports. A desirable standard consists of full width lanes plus an effective width of constructed shoulder. A square joint is even more necessary when asphalt concrete joins concrete, because at night and during rainy weather, the joints often stand out more prominently than traffic lane lines. The following guidelines apply to the color and texture of pavement surfacing materials: The following guidelines apply to speed zones: Frequently, special provisions restrict work on the existing traveled way to a specified period at night. Mobile Verify that all traffic control devices are correctly placed and functioning properly. Do not allow the application of temporary pavement delineation over existing pavement delineation. Directs the termination or modification of active planned lane closure operations when traffic delays become significant, without compromising traveler or worker safety. Verify that the impact attenuator vehicle complies with all specification requirements. Design for the least change in alignment, speed, or both. Caltrans announced a 59-hour weekend closure of Seacliff off and on ramps on southbound Highway 101 in Ventura County . Lane widths should be consistent with the widths of the approach roadway. Take the following steps before work begins: Discuss any flagging operation with the contractor before the operation begins. Welcome to the official Facebook Page of Caltrans District 1! The between the L tapers required for each closed traffic lane; Lane Closure Report for the week of 7/29/19 - 8/2/19 Inyo, Mono & Eastern Kern Counties - The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) would like 555 were here. For public convenience, such as routing traffic through detours when not shown on the plans and when ordered by the engineer, providing flaggers is change order work for which Caltrans pays 100 percent. Verify visibility and legibility requirements. Pay special attention to the aiming of the sign whenever solar-powered signs are used. Links Regional Sites Traffic Control Plans (TCP) and/or Detour Plans are reviewed and managed by the Right of Way Management Section and are required for all construction work within the road right of way which modifies vehicular, bicycle and/or pedestrian traffic patterns and are necessary to ensure the safe and efficient movement of traffic through construction For details related to preconstruction conferences, refer to Section 5-003, Preconstruction Conferences with the Contractor, of this manual. CalTrans Lane & Road Closures SR-91 East East Wed Mar 1 2023, 10:01PM Lasting 7 hours Full closure lasting 7 hours on On Ramp for Electrical Work affecting All lane(s) in District: 12 From: Beach Blvd, Rte 39 Buena Park to Artesia Frwy, Rte 91 Buena Park View on Google MapsID: C91QA-0018-2023-03-01-22:01:00 Submit the CHP notification to the person who issued the daily report. PDF TRAFFIC CONTROL SYSTEM TABLES FOR LANE AND RAMP CLOSURES - California The traffic control plan should be appropriate for anticipated conditions that may occur during construction. Require the contractor to anchor bases of traffic cones that do not have enough size and weight to keep the cones in an upright position. If the contractors activities interfere with vehicular or pedestrian traffic, contact the contractor and request correction of the deficiency. Refer to Section 4-1202C (1a), Lane Closure System, of this manual. Why doesn't your Road Closure website show the closures on Angeles If the proposed materials have been previously used, check them for acceptability listed in the ATSSA publication. 4-1202C (1a) Lane Closure System 4-1202C (2) Temporary Pedestrian Access Routes 4-1202C (3) Bridge Cleaning and Painting Activities 4-1202D Temporary Pavement Delineation 4-1202D (1) Temporary Pavement Markers 4-1203 During the Course of Work 4-1203A Flagging 4-1203B Temporary Traffic Control Devices 4-1203B (1) Traffic Cones Reviews the TMP and traffic contingency plan for constructability issues. Verify the contractor removes or covers any construction area signs that duplicate or contradict the signs for a project within 250 feet of another project. Caltrans | Edhat Do not allow the use of power from private parties to power the temporary flashing beacon system. To establish the geometry, markings, devices, and signs that existed during the project, maintain in sufficient detail a record of the placement into service, the changes, and the discontinuance of roadways and detours. Twenty-four-hour-a-day regulatory speed reductions require coordination with the local CHP office before implementation. Provide protective overhead covering as necessary to protect from falling objects and dripping from overhead structures. Ramps and connectorsManaging ramps and connectors within a closure requires additional consideration. Extend the straight section, known as the tangent portion of the closure, to better position the taper. Review Section 12-4.05, Bridge Cleaning and Painting Activities," of the Standard Specifications. Refer to Section 7-1.04, Public Safety, of the. When an operation is terminated before the time the specifications allow because of circumstances beyond the contractors control, consider granting time, compensation, or both, within the terms of the contract. You may submit a single task order to cover more than 1 day. Connect closures by extending the tangents. Cold storms bringing wind, rain and low-elevation snow heavy at times are forecast through early March. Closure Search County All Counties Selected Counties: Alameda Contra Costa Marin Napa San Francisco San Mateo Santa Clara Solano Sonoma Route (s) All Routes Selected Routes: 1 4 9 12 13 17 24 25 29 35 37 61 77 80 82 84 Shift traffic to one side or the other, but do not split it into two traffic streams. Verify that the contractor is prepared to comply with TMPs related to work performance. When determining how much to include on a progress pay estimate, withhold some payment sufficient to cover the cost of maintaining and removing the signs. Reason for Traffic Control for Water Replacement Project by Lakeside Water District. Consult with the district traffic manager for assistance with these items. At the preconstruction conference, discuss the traffic control plan with the contractor. When an AFAD becomes inoperable, notify the contractor to immediately replace it with an identical device, use a flagger with the appropriate-size advance warning sign and gate cones as shown in Standard Plan T13 or stop all construction activities that require the device to be in operation. Avoid blinding drivers in approaching vehicles when adequately lighting work areas. When planning for pedestrians in work zones, verify that the contractor does the following: When existing pedestrian facilities are disrupted, closed, or relocated, the temporary facilities should be detectable and include accessibility features consistent with those in the existing pedestrian facility. The cross slope must be no greater than 1:50 (2 percent) and the running slope no greater than 1:20 (5 percent). Review the Public Safety section in the contract. Discuss the contingency plan at the project partnering or preconstruction meeting. Coordinate work activities with the CHP and other local and regional transportation stakeholders as appropriate. Visualize what effects changing conditions of visibility and lighting will create. To provide extra maneuvering room, provide wider lanes or additional surfaced shoulder width in transitions and critical alignment. Lane closure lasting 7 hours on Toll Bridge for Bridge Construction affecting #1, #2, #3 lane(s) in District: 4 From: SFOBB Pier 1 (W-1) San Francisco to EB On from YBI Hillcrest Road San Francisco View on Google Maps ID: C80JA-0004-2023-03-07-23:01:00 Directing the contractor to move the portable flashing beacon after initial placement is change order work. Confirm that the temporary roadway is engineered to the same design considerations as those in new construction: Geometrics of alignment and roadway section, Surface of the traveled lanes and shoulders or marginal areas. The district Construction office and the resident engineer should confirm that the contractors activities are compatible with the TMP that affects the project. Verify Category 3 temporary traffic control devices are the type shown on the Authorized Material List for Highway Safety Features. Be aware that collision concentrations and inconvenience may occur with changes in direction, number of lanes, alignment, and speed. Types include plastic traffic drums, portable delineators, channelizers, tubular markers, traffic cones, and Type 1 and Type 2 barricades. Check that portable transverse rumble strips are not placed on sharp horizontal or vertical curves or through pedestrian routes. Do not allow the contractor to mix different types of temporary traffic control devices on the same alignment. If a notice of change is received, attach a copy to your copy of the COZEEP daily report, and submit the original to the district COZEEP coordinator. The Code of Federal Regulations, Title 23, Section 630, Subpart J, Work Zone Safety and Mobility, (23 CFR 630 Subpart J) requires Caltrans to adopt a policy that implements TMPs on all federally funded highway projects. Traffic Control Plans and Detour Plans - Sacramento County, California Inspect Category 2 temporary traffic control devices to confirm they are labeled with the FHWA acceptance letter code and the name of the manufacturer. The following are some possible installation procedures that may be used by the contractor, depending on the situation in which the system will be used: After installation and when the inspector is available, make a drive-through inspection of the system. Maintain written records of orders given and actions taken. Depending on the project conditions, the contractor may use the RSP T30 to T34 of the Revised Standard Plans as a baseline for designing and constructing a TPAR. Verify that temporary pavement marking tape to remain in place more than 14 days is applied according to the specifications, and that temporary pavement marking tape to remain in place 14 days or less is applied according to the manufacturers instructions. Request the guidelines from Construction headquarters. Intended amount of work to be done during each closure. No formalized solution and design applies to all situations. Verify that automated flagger assistance devices (AFAD) comply with the requirements in Section 12-3.38 Automated Flagger Assistance Devices of the Standard Specifications. Ideally, the assistant resident engineer should be able to communicate directly with the contractors maintenance person by radio or cell phone. Responsibilities include: The construction engineer is responsible for confirming that traffic moves through the work zone according to traffic control plans. Coordination with the district COZEEP coordinator is needed to determine local CHP policies. Confirm the contractor installs a reflector on each rail unit placed within 10 feet of a traffic lane. Whenever physically possible, establish and maintain a safely traversable area outside the delineated roadway wide enough for a clear recovery zone. The contractor is responsible for accommodating pedestrians through or around the work zone. Obtain required submittals for the systems in accordance with Section 87-14 Radar Speed Feedback Sign Systems, of the Standard Specifications. Verify construction area signs are from a commercial sign manufacturer and have a Type 3 or higher grade retroreflective sheeting. Retroreflective sleeves on traffic cones. If the contractor requests usage of alternative temporary crash cushion modules, verify that their proposed modules are on the Authorized Material List for Highway Safety Features. During the inspection process, check that all contractor-installed finished elements comply with dimensions and installation requirements. GIS Maps. Once assigned to the project, do the following: When others administer the contract, oversight of traffic through and around a work zone involves overseeing and working with the local agency or private entitys resident engineer. Road Closures and Delays - County of San Luis Obispo - California Contact the project manager to arrange the study. For updates on Angeles Crest Highway, call Caltrans Public and Media Affairs at (213) 897-3656, or visit The resident engineer must email service requests, daily reports, cancellation forms, and tracking spreadsheets to the COZEEP coordinator on a monthly basis. Verify that portable flashing beacons comply with the requirements in Section 12-3.31, "Portable Flashing Beacons," of the Standard Specifications. Reviewing the needs and control of all road users is an essential part of highway construction, utility work, maintenance operations, and the management of traffic incidents through a work zone. In addition, it is recommended that Construction field staff take the online training every 3 years as a refresher. ALT ALT 2.0 Work Zone Impacts Assessment Process Example Design crossover transitions to the highest geometric standards within tolerable limits of cost. Keep the projects completion dates current in the LCS. Advisory speeds are not enforceable by the CHP. Temporary full freeway closures of all lanes in the same direction of travel. AALRR Scores Major Win for AGC-San Diego in Arbitration Against the Caltrans. The Department has standardized its road and lane closure reporting into a statewide Lane Closure System (LCS). It includes public awareness campaigns, motorist information, demand management, incident management, system management, alternate route planning, and construction methods and staging. Also confirm it in writing using Form CEM-2103, COZEEP/MAZEEP Cancellation Form. Once contact is made, the CHP coordinator will return the completed cancellation form. When possible, implement temporary speed limit reductions in conjunction with a COZEEP operation. Dirt is not an acceptable surface. Encroachment permit provisions require the permittee to pick up a closure early without compensation. Verify that construction area signs are placed outside the traveled way, do not block or protrude more than 4 inches into bicycle and pedestrian routes, and comply with Americans with Disabilities Act requirements. Return exceptions to the district and area offices involved for resolution. To enhance night visibility, delineate material, equipment, excavations, or obstructions 15 feet or more from the traveled way. Verify that the sign complies with the requirements of Section 12-3.32, "Portable Changeable Message Signs," of the Standard Specifications, including number of lines and characters in a line, display modes, power source, and devices to plumb and level the trailer. Obtain self-certification using Form TR-0030, "Work Zone Category 1 Temporary Traffic Control Device Certificate of Crashworthiness," from the contractor. Section 2-1, Safety, of this manual covers the responsibilities of the districts construction safety coordinator (CSC) who should periodically review the traffic handling for each project. Some districts have adopted a practice of providing motorists additional warning by displaying information a mile or more in advance of the closure using portable or fixed changeable message signs. At the end of the shift, the senior CHP officer onsite should estimate travel time and mileage for each officer from the project site to the CHP office. If the cancellation form indicates a fee is being charged, retain the form in the project records under Category 21, Construction or Maintenance Zone Enhanced Enforcement Program, and send a copy to the district COZEEP coordinator. The LCS will generate email notifications to the resident engineer and the district traffic manager when the contractor cancels a closure. 124000 and that a designed temporary pedestrian access route (TPAR) is part of the contract plans or that the TPAR Standard Plans are appropriate for the pedestrian route affected by the work activities. Make sure the temporary automated end of queue warning system is in operation only during work, unless special provisions require one for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for certain construction activities. Caltrans Emergency Road Closures - California Open Data For nighttime operations for contractor staff, the law recommends but does not require ANSI 107-2004 Class 3 garments. Create a physical facility that will encourage motorists to appropriately guide their vehicles on the intended path of travel and make it possible for the vehicle to perform as intended. Verify the contractor maintains all traffic control devices in good working order throughout the projects life. Each flag shall be at least 16" x 16" Anticipated times for sweeping the roadway following grinding or import borrow haul operations to allow public travel with little to no visible dust when the lane is opened to traffic. Frequently, the only exception to an otherwise clean roadside is a localized situation such as a partially completed drainage structure or a pile of rubble.