Collectively our analyses point to bats being the primary reservoir for the SARS-CoV-2 lineage. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. Nat. In the absence of any reasonable prior knowledge on the TMRCA of the sarbecovirus datasets (which is required for grid specification in a skygrid model), we specified a simpler constant size population prior. Region A has been shortened to A (5,017nt) based on potential recombination signals within the region. Which animal did the novel coronavirus come from? | Live Science 4, vey016 (2018). Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, pangolins have been making headlines. The estimated divergence times for the pangolin virus most closely related to the SARS-CoV-2/RaTG13 lineage range from 1851 (1730-1958) to 1877 (1746-1986), indicating that these pangolin . These are in general agreement with estimates using NRR2 and NRA3, which result in divergence times of 1982 (19482009) and 1948 (18791999), respectively, for SARS-CoV-2, and estimates of 1952 (19061989) and 1970 (19321996), respectively, for the divergence time of SARS-CoV from its closest known bat relative. We compiled a dataset including 27human coronavirus OC43 virus genomes and ten related animal virus genomes (six bovine, three white-tailed deer and one canine virus). The assumption of long-term purifying selection would imply that coronaviruses are in endemic equilibrium with their natural host species, horseshoe bats, to which they are presumably well adapted. 30, 21962203 (2020). The fact that they are geographically relatively distant is in agreement with their somewhat distant TMRCA, because the spatial structure suggests that migration between their locations may be uncommon. 6, eabb9153 (2020). acknowledges support by the Research FoundationFlanders (Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk OnderzoekVlaanderen (nos. The coronavirus genome that these researchers had assembled, from pangolin lung-tissue samples, contained some gene regions that were ninety-nine per cent similar to equivalent parts of the SARS . The authors declare no competing interests. Chernomor, O. et al. In such cases, even moderate rate variation among long, deep phylogenetic branches will substantially impact expected root-to-tip divergences over a sampling time range that represents only a small fraction of the evolutionary history40. Are you sure you want to create this branch? NTD, N-terminal domain; CTD, C-terminal domain. 68, 10521061 (2019). (2020). We use three bioinformatic approaches to remove the effects of recombination, and we combine these approaches to identify putative non-recombinant regions that can be used for reliable phylogenetic reconstruction and dating. We compare both MERS-CoV- and HCoV-OC43-centred prior distributions (Extended Data Fig. & Holmes, E. C. A genomic perspective on the origin and emergence of SARS-CoV-2. New COVID-19 Variant Alert: Everything We Know About the IHU Variant Sorting these breakpoint-free regions (BFRs) by length results in two segments >5kb: an ORF1a subregion spanning nucleotides (nt) 3,6259,150 and the first half of ORF1b spanning nt13,29119,628 (sequence numbering given in Source Data, & Li, X. Crossspecies transmission of the newly identified coronavirus 2019nCoV. Liu, P. et al. Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics, Department of Biology, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA, Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Transplantation, KU Leuven, Rega Institute, Leuven, Belgium, Department of Biological Sciences, Xian Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Suzhou, China, State Key Laboratory of Emerging Infectious Diseases, School of Public Health, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China, Department of Biology, University of Texas Arlington, Arlington, TX, USA, Institute of Evolutionary Biology, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK, MRC-University of Glasgow Centre for Virus Research, Glasgow, UK, You can also search for this author in Anderson, K. G. nCoV-2019 codon usage and reservoir (not snakes v2). PANGOLIN lineage database (15, 16) was used to analyze the frequency of lineages among countries. & Holmes, E. C. Recombination in evolutionary genomics. The genetic distances between SARS-CoV-2 and Pangolin Guangdong 2019 are consistent across all regions except the N-terminal domain, implying that a recombination event between these two sequences in this region is unlikely. Share . Don't blame pangolins, coronavirus family tree tracing could prove key Softw. 2 Lack of root-to-tip temporal signal in SARS-CoV-2. The Pango dynamic nomenclature is a popular system for classifying and naming genetically-distinct lineages of SARS-CoV-2, including variants of concern, and is based on the analysis of complete or near-complete virus genomes. RegionsB and C span nt3,6259,150 and 9,26111,795, respectively. These residues are also in the Pangolin Guangdong 2019 sequence. D.L.R. RegionsAC had similar phylogenetic relationships among the southern China bat viruses (Yunnan, Guangxi and Guizhou provinces), the Hong Kong viruses, northern Chinese viruses (Jilin, Shanxi, Hebei and Henan provinces, including Shaanxi), pangolin viruses and the SARS-CoV-2 lineage. Extended Data Fig. Zhou et al.2 concluded from the genetic proximity of SARS-CoV-2 to RaTG13 that a bat origin for the current COVID-19 outbreak is probable. The shaded region corresponds to the Sprotein. Its origin and direct ancestral viruses have not been . CNN . In the absence of a strong temporal signal, we sought to identify a suitable prior rate distribution to calibrate the time-measured trees by examining several coronaviruses sampled over time, including HCoV-OC43, MERS-CoV, and SARS-CoV virus genomes. 4), but also by markedly different evolutionary rates. Preprint at (2020). ISSN 2058-5276 (online). The web application was developed by the Centre for Genomic Pathogen Surveillance. Graham, R. L. & Baric, R. S. Recombination, reservoirs, and the modular spike: mechanisms of coronavirus cross-species transmission. 21, 255265 (2004). Our approach resulted in similar posterior rates using two different prior means, implying that the sarbecovirus data do inform the rate estimate even though a root-to-tip temporal signal was not apparent. In December 2019, a cluster of pneumonia cases epidemiologically linked to an open-air live animal market in the city of Wuhan (Hubei Province), China1,2 led local health officials to issue an epidemiological alert to the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organizations (WHO) China Country Office. From this perspective, it may be useful to perform surveillance for more closely related viruses to SARS-CoV-2 along the gradient from Yunnan to Hubei. There is a 90% DNA match between SARS CoV 2 and a coronavirus in pangolins. Microbiol. Intraspecies diversity of SARS-like coronaviruses in Rhinolophus sinicus and its implications for the origin of SARS coronaviruses in humans. However, the coronavirus isolated from pangolin is similar at 99% in a specific region of the S protein, which corresponds to the 74 amino acids involved in the ACE (Angiotensin Converting Enzyme . 24, 490502 (2016). Pink, green and orange bars show BFRs, with regionA (nt 13,29119,628) showing two trimmed segments yielding regionA (nt13,29114,932, 15,40517,162, 18,00919,628). Syst. In March, when covid cases began spiking around India, Bani Jolly went hunting for answers in the virus's genetic code. Accurate estimation of ages for deeper nodes would require adequate accommodation of time-dependent rate variation. cov-lineages/pangolin - GitHub A counting renaissance: combining stochastic mapping and empirical Bayes to quickly detect amino acid sites under positive selection. Lemey, P., Minin, V. N., Bielejec, F., Pond, S. L. K. & Suchard, M. A. Viral metagenomics revealed Sendai virus and coronavirus infection of Malayan pangolins (Manis javanica). Grey tips correspond to bat viruses, green to pangolin, blue to SARS-CoV and red to SARS-CoV-2. We considered (1) the possibility that BFRs could be combined into larger non-recombinant regions and (2) the possibility of further recombination within each BFR. We demonstrate that the sarbecoviruses circulating in horseshoe bats have complex recombination histories as reported by others15,20,21,22,23,24,25,26. Membrebe, J. V., Suchard, M. A., Rambaut, A., Baele, G. & Lemey, P. Bayesian inference of evolutionary histories under time-dependent substitution rates. Green boxplots show the TMRCA estimate for the RaTG13/SARS-CoV-2 lineage and its most closely related pangolin lineage (Guangdong 2019). In outbreaks of zoonotic pathogens, identification of the infection source is crucial because this may allow health authorities to separate human populations from the wildlife or domestic animal reservoirs posing the zoonotic risk9,10. A distinct name is needed for the new coronavirus. 94, e0012720 (2020). Download a free copy. Of the nine breakpoints defining these ten BFRs, four showed phylogenetic incongruence (PI) signals with bootstrap support >80%, adopting previously published criteria on using a combination of mosaic and PI signals to show evidence of past recombination events19. Coronavirus origins: genome analysis suggests two viruses may have combined Without better sampling, however, it is impossible to estimate whether or how many of these additional lineages exist. matics program called Pangolin was developed. COVID-19: Time to exonerate the pangolin from the transmission of SARS Menachery, V. D. et al. Extended Data Fig. 36) (RDP, GENECONV, MaxChi, Bootscan, SisScan and 3SEQ) and considered recombination signals detected by more than two methods for breakpoint identification. Overview of the SARS-CoV-2 genotypes circulating in Latin America 1c). The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2 | Nature Medicine Evol. Google Scholar. Zhou, P. et al. Current sampling of pangolins does not implicate them as an intermediate host. You are using a browser version with limited support for CSS. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative, Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry (2023), Nature Microbiology (Nat Microbiol) 56, 152179 (1992). 32, 268274 (2014). Mol. 1c). Due to the absence of temporal signal in the sarbecovirus datasets, we used informative prior distributions on the evolutionary rate to estimate divergence dates. M.F.B. Time-measured phylogenetic reconstruction was performed using a Bayesian approach implemented in BEAST42 v.1.10.4. PDF single centre retrospective study Divergence time estimates based on the HCoV-OC43-centred rate prior for the separate BFRs (Supplementary Table 3) show consistency in TMRCA estimates across the genome. PubMed Central BEAST inferences made use of the BEAGLE v.3 library68 for efficient likelihood computations. These means are based on the mean rates estimated for MERS-CoV and HCoV-OC43, respectively, while the standard deviations are set ten times higher than empirical values to allow greater prior uncertainty and avoid strong bias (Extended Data Fig. M.F.B., P.L. Two exceptions can be seen in the relatively close relationship of Hong Kong viruses to those from Zhejiang Province (with two of the latter, CoVZC45 and CoVZXC21, identified as recombinants) and a recombinant virus from Sichuan for which part of the genome (regionB of SC2018 in Fig. Evol. & Muhire, B. RDP4: Detection and analysis of recombination patterns in virus genomes. Lin, X. et al. master 4 branches 94 tags Code AngieHinrichs Add entries for pangolin-data/-assignment ( #512) ad16752 4 days ago 990 commits .github/ workflows Update pangolin.yml 7 months ago docs docs need guide tree now 3 years ago pangolin Publishers note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. In addition, sequences NC_014470 (Bulgaria 2008), CoVZXC21, CoVZC45 and DQ412042 (Hubei-Yichang) needed to be removed to maintain a clean non-recombinant signal in A. Figure 1 (top) shows the distribution of all identified breakpoints (using 3SEQs exhaustive triplet search) by the number of candidate recombinant sequences supporting them. A., Lytras, S., Singer, J. As a proxy, it would be possible to model the long-term purifying selection dynamics as a major source of time-dependent rates43,44,52, but this is beyond the scope of the current study. 6, 8391 (2015). 21, 15081514 (2015). Google Scholar. Alexandre Hassanin, Vuong Tan Tu, Gabor Csorba, Nicola F. Mller, Kathryn E. Kistler & Trevor Bedford, Jack M. Crook, Ivana Murphy, Diana Bell, Simon Pollett, Matthew A. Conte, Irina Maljkovic Berry, Yatish Turakhia, Bryan Thornlow, Russell Corbett-Detig, Nature Microbiology Nature 579, 265269 (2020). A second breakpoint-conservative approach was conservative with respect to breakpoint identification, but this means that it is accepting of false-negative outcomes in breakpoint inference, resulting in less certainty that a putative NRR truly contains no breakpoints. Temporal signal was tested using a recently developed marginal likelihood estimation procedure41 (Supplementary Table 1). c, Maximum likelihood phylogenetic trees rooted on a 2007 virus sampled in Kenya (BtKy72; root truncated from images), shown for five BFRs of the sarbecovirus alignment. This is evidence for numerous recombination events occurring in the evolutionary history of the sarbecoviruses22,33; specifying all past events in their correct temporal order34 is challenging and not shown here. Since the release of Version 2.0 in July 2020, however, it has used the 'pangoLEARN' machine-learning-based assignment algorithm to assign lineages to new SARS-CoV-2 genomes. We focused on these three non-recombining regions/alignments for divergence time estimation; this avoids inappropriate modelling of evolutionary processes with recombination on strictly bifurcating trees, which can result in different artefacts such as homoplasies that inflate branch lengths and lead to apparently longer evolutionary divergence times. Bioinformatics 30, 13121313 (2014). It is available as a command line tool and a web application. CAS For the HCoV-OC43, MERS-CoV and SARS datasets we specified flexible skygrid coalescent tree priors. This statement informs us of the possibility that a virus has spilled over from a very rare and shy reptile-looking mammal . PI signals were identified (with bootstrap support >80%) for seven of these eight breakpoints: positions 1,684, 3,046, 9,237, 11,885, 21,753, 22,773 and 24,628. In other words, a true breakpoint is less likely to be called as such (this is breakpoint-conservative), and thus the construction of a non-recombining region may contain true recombination breakpoints (with insufficient evidence to call them as such). It compares the new genome against the large, diverse population of sequenced strains using a 1a-c ), has the third-highest number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in the state of So. Wang, H., Pipes, L. & Nielsen, R. Synonymous mutations and the molecular evolution of SARS-Cov-2 origins. In the presence of time-dependent rate variation, a widely observed phenomenon for viruses43,44,52, slower prior rates appear more appropriate for sarbecoviruses that currently encompass a sampling time range of about 18years. The ongoing pandemic spread of a new human coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, which is associated with severe pneumonia/disease (COVID-19), has resulted in the generation of tens of thousands of virus genome sequences. Yres, D. L. et al. P.L. (2020). Li, Q. et al. In the variable-loop region, RaTG13 diverges considerably with the TMRCA, now outside that of SARS-CoV-2 and the Pangolin Guangdong 2019 ancestor, suggesting that RaTG13 has acquired this region from a more divergent and undetected bat lineage. Google Scholar. These differences reflect the fact that rate estimates can vary considerably with the timescale of measurement, a frequently observed phenomenon in viruses known as time-dependent evolutionary rates41,43,44. According to GISAID ., DOI: Biol. To avoid artefacts due to recombination, we focused on NRR1 and NRR2 and the recombination-masked alignment NRA3 to infer time-measured evolutionary histories. Biol. Virus Evol. Unlike other viruses that have emerged in the past two decades, coronaviruses are highly recombinogenic14,15,16. Divergence dates between SARS-CoV-2 and the bat sarbecovirus reservoir were estimated as 1948 (95% highest posterior density (HPD): 18791999), 1969 (95% HPD: 19302000) and 1982 (95% HPD: 19482009), indicating that the lineage giving rise to SARS-CoV-2 has been circulating unnoticed in bats for decades. Using the most conservative approach (NRR1), the divergence time estimate for SARS-CoV-2 and RaTG13 is 1969 (95% HPD: 19302000), while that between SARS-CoV and its most closely related bat sequence is 1962 (95% HPD: 19321988); see Fig. "This is an extremely interesting . D.L.R. The Sichuan (SC2018) virus appears to be a recombinant of northern/central and southern viruses, while the two Zhejiang viruses (CoVZXC21 and CoVZC45) appear to carry a recombinant region from southern or central China. Forni, D., Cagliani, R., Clerici, M. & Sironi, M. Molecular evolution of human coronavirus genomes. Use of Genomics to Track Coronavirus Disease Outbreaks, New Zealand Visual exploration using TempEst39 indicates that there is no evidence for temporal signal in these datasets (Extended Data Fig. The boxplots show divergence time estimates (posterior medians) for SARS-CoV-2 (red) and the 20022003 SARS-CoV virus (blue) from their most closely related bat virus. PLoS Pathog. Phylogenetic trees and exact breakpoints for all ten BFRs are shown in Supplementary Figs. Coronavirus: Pangolins may have spread the disease to humans Trends Microbiol. PureBasic 53 13 constellations Public Python 42 17 Preprint at (2020). =0.00075 and one with a mean of 0.00024 and s.d. This dataset comprises an updated version of that used in Hon et al.15 and includes a cluster of genomes sampled in late 2003 and early 2004, but the evolutionary rate estimate without this cluster (0.00175 substitutions per siteyr1 (0.00117,0.00229)) is consistent with the complete dataset (0.00169 substitutions per siteyr1, (0.00131,0.00205)). =0.00025. Mol. As of December 2, 2021, SJdRP, a medium-sized city in the Northwest region of So Paulo state, Brazil (Fig. 88, 70707082 (2014). Robertson, D. nCoVs relationship to bat coronaviruses & recombination signals (no snakes) no evidence the 2019-nCoV lineage is recombinant. RegionC showed no PI signals within it. PLoS Pathog. Nature 503, 535538 (2013). The construction of NRR1 is the most conservative as it is least likely to contain any remaining recombination signals. Genomic characterisation and epidemiology of 2019 novel coronavirus: implications for virus origins and receptor binding. Dudas, G., Carvalho, L. M., Rambaut, A. Because coronaviruses are known to be highly recombinant, we used three different approaches to identify non-recombinant regions for use in our Bayesian time-calibrated phylogenetic inference. Xiao, K. et al. Green boxplots show the TMRCA estimate for the RaTG13/SARS-CoV-2 lineage and its most closely related pangolin lineage (Guangdong 2019), with the light and dark coloured version based on the HCoV-OC43 and MERS-CoV centred priors, respectively. Evolutionary origins of the SARS-CoV-2 sarbecovirus lineage responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic. Aside from RaTG13, Pangolin-CoV is the most closely related CoV to SARS-CoV-2. Divergence time estimates based on the three regions/alignments where the effects of recombination have been removed. Evolutionary origins of the SARS-CoV-2 sarbecovirus lineage responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic, Nature 579, 270273 (2020). Lancet 395, 949950 (2020). 36, 7597 (2002). Nucleotide positions for phylogenetic inference are 147695, 9621,686 (first tree), 3,6259,150 (second tree, also BFR B), 9,26111,795 (third tree, also BFR C), 12,44319,638 (fourth tree) and 23,63124,633, 24,79525,847, 27,70228,843 and 29,57430,650 (fifth tree). collected SARS-CoV data and assisted in analyses of SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 data. ac, Root-to-tip (RtT) divergence as a function of sampling time for the three coronavirus evolutionary histories unfolding over different timescales (HCoV-OC43 (n=37; a) MERS (n=35; b) and SARS (n=69; c)).