Two commanders can lead an army dispatch. When selecting commanders you should choose based on what scenarios you want to excel in. is lynne hybels still married to bill. She should be upgraded to Level 27 and 3 stars and used to gather Wood. Joan Prime deals a powerful fan-shaped area-of-effect (AoE) damage to targets through her active skill, which is rare for a cavalry commander ( Xiang Yu is currently the only other cavalry commander that has a similar AoE skill damage, while William 's AoE skill damage is a rectangular shape). The secondary commanders talents DO NOT work. Minamoto and Cao Cao are the best Cavalry duo in the game. Only invest for specific roles. No priority if you're F2P or low-spender. 5/5/5/5 skill distribution. Tyrannical Lion, his expertise skill, reduces much more the damage suffered by his army in battles and applies a debuff of damage and march speed to the cavalry units, which will be his main objective in combat. TBH, it makes me angry that rookies to the game like you even think they know something about ROK when in reality all you can do is make a dysfunctional and outdated list. Gilgamesh was shaking up the rally meta upon release but has cooled off a little bit since that - still great in open field. Support: Its main advantage as a specialization is to provide support of any kind to the units under the command of these commanders. Lets think it like this: 50% uses cav, 40% uses infantry, 10% uses archery. Only before your kingdom hits KvK Season 4/Season of Conquest. I personally think lohar and Boudica are great for pve, especially if you arent gunning for a maxed minamoto or cao cao (and most wont be). What's really nice is the 30% march speed when you get into trouble, but overall not the best commander. If youre lost what commander you should level up and take to the route to max out in Rise of Kingdoms I hope this guide here will help you, including my recommendations in what order you should stuff their level trees and what commanders they work best with as secondary commander. Only before your kingdom hits KvK Season 4/Season of Conquest. His area damage is just great, he reduces damage taken & buffs health, he generates extra rage and boosts skill damage. Seondeok is a pure farming commander and should not have any priority to invest in, especially not Universal Sculptures. Still a great commander to run and useful. Pretty great Commanders! This guide has been updated to reflect the changes to the talent tree in Update 1.0.11. When fighting against a weaker enemy, you can use your march speed to chase them down. Don't invest Universal Sculptures into this commander. No priority if you're F2P or low-spender. They are at the weakest link in the chain. Cyrus is a full-blown archery commander and has skills that make him a beast when it comes do dealing skill damage and buffing troop damage. They are not as powerful as the legendary commanders, but they will be very helpful if we are F2P players especially because they require less time and effort to raise them to the maximum, unlike a Legendary. Cleopatra is a pure farming commander and should not have any priority to invest in, especially not Universal Sculptures. Being divided into different categories with a detailed explanation, you will get a lot of interesting information and easily know which commanders you should focus on during the current game meta. AOE COMMANDERS WORTH FOCUSING ON - Rise of Kingdoms - YouTube Talent build and pairing links are broken. This guide is based on in-game experimentation and calculations from my Commander Tier List. 5.6 In Short, The Best 5 Commanders in ROK Right Now are: Rise of Kingdoms Tier List Infographic Best 5 Legendary Commander for Free Players There is always the debate among " F2P " or " Low Spender " players about which Legendary Commander we should choose and why. Held what was promised right from his release and is actually good in pretty much everything. He has his perfect pairings where he's still making the world go upside down. Constance's gathering skill increases Wood gathering speed by 20% and other gathering speed by 15%. No priority if you're F2P or low-spender. Invest Prio - Before SoC/KvK4 ONLY! Easier to get numbers. Runs the meta and will do that for quite some time, so I highly recommend every player invest in her, Joan of Arc Prime is another new prime commander in Rise of Kingdoms that's worth running a really strong, comparable with the other ones. Recently Lilith also released an update with the museum building which provides certain buffs to some old commanders like YSG, Charlese martel, and others. About Joano, mine is already 40 and gathering is full, What should I up next ? Ant-Man Grows Big - The Loop Commanders are the heart of Rise of Kingdoms. Ragnar Lodbrok was hyped to be an awesome commander with the release of the Vikings civilization but the reality is that he will lose value quickly the further your kingdom develops and more and stronger commanders become available. Being F2P players, it is advisable to use a primary Epic commander that we have quite advanced or at maximum and secondary assign a Legendary that we are developing little by little, so we will have an effective pairing. No priority if you're F2P or low-spender. No matter the rarity of the commander, anyone can be used as primary. Epic Commanders are pretty strong Commanders. :) would be great if you share! Tamar is a pure gathering commanders that you can use for that, no question, but no commander to use anywhere else or invest any Universal Sculptures in! I love writing guides and doing guide videos for the game. You can also pair him up with different commanders that use leadership but also with a commander that nukes like Minamoto. The amount of rewards that you get from Barbarian Forts depends on the percentage of the total damage that your troops deal in the battle. Amanitore really shines as a defending commander (city and objectives garrisons) and in open field when paired with Artemisia. If you are a F2P player, Pelagius and Lancelot are a great alternative to the more expensive legendary commanders. Rain of Arrows is his active skill that causes great damage in a small radius, up to a maximum of 5 units. Invest Prio - Highest! Worth the invest still once you're done with the highest-priority commanders. He is, and I don't think that one player here will disagree, also the easiest and cheapest legendary commander in Rise of Kingdoms to unlock and also to max out and a great choice to use and with his 4th skill that increases all damage by 30% he is still viable. However, Sun Tzu and Kusunoki are the best Infantry and Archer commanders in the Epic tier and should be paired with Joan in group battles. Also viable in the open field as well. 5-1-5-5. Best Cao Cao Commander Guide: Skills, Talent Builds, Pairs & Roles Jan Zizka defines and counters defending upon his release and has been whirling around in the meta quite a bit, but that's his main cause and what he does so he's absolutely no universal commander. Rise of Kingdoms - Comprehensive Guide to Commanders Chose One, his active skill, deals huge direct damage to a single target, it is an excellent skill for PVP, even PVE. Invest Prio - High! Only before your kingdom hits KvK Season 4/Season of Conquest. Enter your email address in the form below and we will send you a message as soon as possible whenever our ranking regarding the best commanders in Rise of Kingdoms is updated! It reflects my OPINION of each commanders efficacy in multiple scenarios. Was told not to use aoe commanders which I have no idea which ones are as I never played it. If you aim for a legendary with this combo then Please go for the powerhouse Yi-Seong/Tomoe. For talents, focus on the Archer path and build towards "Venomous Sting" and "Whistling Arrows". Play Rise of Kingdoms on PC to fully enjoy the game! Charles Martel looks, on paper, as you could think he is actually a good defensive commander with also a good shield absorption plus a really strong counter-attack. Invest Prio - Niche! Sun Tzu is the best AOE commander in the epic tier. Still, if you already have him maxed you can have some fun with him, no doubt. Currently, there are 28 different commanders in the game, each with their own unique skills and attributes. Still, if you use a cavalry army and need a good secondary commander he can be a good choice but not a great invest from scratch anymore. Subscribe Today: Join. Invest Prio - Niche! Note: This list is up to date till the latest release of new Archer commanders Boudica Prime, Henry V and Thutmose III. Invest Prio - None! Once an army has generated 1,000 rage, in what is known as the active skill cycle, they will automatically unleash a Commander's active skill. Scipio Africanus Prime is a crazy commander and the only thing he is not good in is defending (which doesn't matter). Rarity: Epic Specialties: Leadership Conquering Skill Country: Ottoman Ratings 4/5 - (33 votes) Overall Although the damage scales down quickly by 25% for each additional target, his active skill inflicts on targets a defense reduction of 30% for 3 seconds. The secondary commander level does not determine the max troop capacity. waiting for Chisgule's opinion on commanders. Mulan is a great secondary commander with an insane buff in her active skill and is super versatile to use with any unit and commander. The damage with the rage restored gives such a good bonus in the open field, and most legendaries cant even come close to competing with what he gives to the game. Cavalry: Commanders capable of leading cavalry will carry this specialization as part of their strength, each of the talents will grant powerful upgrades to the units under their command and increase the general statistics of the army. They are difficult to get, especially if you are F2P players, although not impossible. The amount of money you're going to invest in order to come out on top amongst all the players in the game is remarkable. But it can be less than that if you focus your gatherer by ressource. She is not only the best gathering commander but her active skill also makes her the best support commander in the game. List of Legendary Commanders in Rise of Kingdoms | BlueStacks Only invest for specific roles. If you increase to 2 stars, they will be able to reach level 20 and automatically unlock their 2nd skill, like this successively: Like the sculptures, while the rarity of the commander is higher from Advanced to Legendary it will be much more difficult to increase the level of stars and his experience, then the total of experience for every 10 levels: In Rise of Kingdoms, by upgrading to a 3rd star, our commander will automatically allow us to pair it with another, we call this Commander Pairing, it is the main mechanism of commanders. Consider that as a weaker player, if you are able to give a boost to a much stronger player, you are making a much bigger contribution to the battle. ROK Guan Yu Best Talent Tree, commander Pairings and - TechGamesNews He should be used with Infantry and paired with Joan of Arc as the secondary commander. Many people use Lohar for PvE because he increases the experience gained by all commanders by 70%. You want to make sure that the commander you are working on is the best for different tasks in the game. Equipment Blueprints There are also five different equipment rarities to choose from: Normal, Advanced, Elite, Epic, and Legendary. Only before your kingdom hits KvK Season 4/Season of Conquest. The problem is his city hitting skills are useless as you will absolutely have no chance doing that with him. The purpose of this guide is to educate the community about commanders and debunk some of the misconceptions that have been spread by content creators who portray their own opinions as facts without actually doing any research. He's strong and great in pretty much every mode and pairs well with the meta commanders. The elite commanders are quick and easy to get through the keys in the tavern and events like Expedition. No priority if you're F2P or low-spender. However, some of them can be quite strong in the right conditions. Use them if you dont have any better choice. Nomadic Empire: While the army led by Genghis Khan is more than 70% of its strength and has only cavalry units, increases the damage caused to any enemy by 30%, one of the main skills as an expert in leading mounts. Best Commanders Tier List - Updated with new Commanders. Tariq is a full-blood rally commander that can deal with getting swarmed pretty well, but his lack of health doesn't make him a great one for the open field. Commanders Tier List - The Best Commanders in Rise of Kingdoms (v5.0) Used in the right situations you will make multiple targets take more skill damage and he also deals decent damage and can be used quite well, especially in the earlier stages. No priority if you're F2P or low-spender. Once you upgrade your City Hall to Level 22, you will unlock a 5th troop dispatch queue. Construction is a key part of any civilizations development. AOE COMMANDERS WORTH FOCUSING ON - Rise of Kingdoms Gekko Gaming 35.7K subscribers Join Subscribe 13K views 3 years ago #StrategyLivesHere #RiseofKingdoms #RiseofKingdomsGameplay Discord:. The ONLY 8 Commanders You NEED in Rise of Civilizations - reddit Guan Yu and Scipio Prime (Best Openfield) 4. Primary Commander: Xiang Yu. Press J to jump to the feed. Any tips on how to build Joan for support and who her best combo pairing is? And finally, if you are looking for a solid epic barbarian commander who excels at speed, Belisarius is a good choice. No priority if you're F2P or low-spender. Commanders who did not make this list are either not viable for F2P and low spenders, or there exist better alternatives out there that serve the same purpose but better. On her own, she still does pretty well and deserves this spot here in the A Tier. The. Runs the meta and will do that for quite some time, so I highly recommend every player invest in him. That's a bad guide tbh, f2p/low spenders shouldn't focus on Cavalry.. Cavalry only means, that you must use speedups to get that army a number, going for mixed you train 3 at a time, not 1. Every Commander in Rise of Kingdoms has their own set of skills both passive and active. Frederick's special thing is that he's a leadership commander with a skill tree and this means he is your best choice to build a huge mixed army for one march, also due to his fresh recruit skill. Again, this ranking here is to help you prioritize your Universal Scultures and not the strength of the commander in the game or what role he plays as Flavius dominates the defensive aspects with his release. Invest Prio - None! He should be used with Archers and paired with Joan of Arc as the secondary commander. Kusunoki Masashige (Primary) + Joan of Arc. In this guide, we will explain the generalities of the system and the correct way to use each of the options and tools that the game proposes to us to have the best possible commanders according to our game form (F2P or P2W). Die Zelle. Invest Prio - Niche! Belisarius. Near the bottom. For talents, focus on the Nuker path and build towards "Feral Nature". The most efficient way to farm experience and resources is by rallying Barbarian Forts. The new commanders pushed him out of the meta so hard that he doesn't even work well as a secondary commander anymore. Infantry: Specialization for commanders expert in leading infantry, their talents will grant these units improvements in fundamental statistics that will systematically grow into a powerful army under the command of these leaders. Therefore, it is better to be the rally leader as you commanders will deal a large percentage of the damage, giving you higher tier rewards. Paired with Leonidas one of the strongest marches in Rise of Kingdoms right now, unless you have invested heavily into the new Prime commanders. For this reason I dont use AOR commander in group battle. No priority if you're F2P or low-spender. Harald Sigurdsson is a super hard-hitting direct damage skill and quite versatile in using him for PvP, conquering or open-field hunting. Still, he's one of the oldest commanders in Rise of Kingdoms and falls off the meta more and more quickly with new commanders that get released. They both have powerful direct damaging nuking abilities. Genghis Khan is a commander that has fast Rage regeneration, thanks to his talents of Skills. Meta-defining right from the start and the craziest hunter in the open field with an incredibly strong kit. Before increasing the star level of a commander to unlock the 2nd skill, make sure you always have the 1st skill to the maximum, this is the active skill and the most important in most of the commanders of Rise of Kingdoms. Invest Prio - Niche Only invest for specific roles. Cao Cao is the best option for F2P that we have if you want to use a Civilization with special cavalry units, even his versatility is great for any type of choice. So, many rally setups benefit from having him, but I don't believe that every player should build him, tbh. The list isnt functional. 1= 1 skill, 2= 2 skills, 3= 3 skills and so on. Each civilization has one as a leader (default commander), however, we can unlock them all as we progress through the game using silver and gold tavern keys and events such as Expedition, Ceroli Crisis for Keira and Lohar Trial for Lohar. Invest Prio - Niche! Instead of attacking other cities, F2P and low spenders should also focus on group combat. Still a great commander to run and useful. Rise of Kingdoms - Comprehensive Guide to Commanders. Saladin got his ranking adjusted for the open field as he will not get targeted that much anymore when there are Xiang Yu's on the table. For F2P and low spenders, your commanders will spend the majority of the time either fighting in PvE or gathering resources. The variety of talents that the game gives us is great and we can create it to our liking. She should be upgraded to Level 30 to unlock her 4th skill and you should use epic commander sculptures to unlock her expertise skill. Ramesses II & Why He is Great for F2P Players! In reality, F2P and low spenders should never be attacking other cities, especially by yourself or as the rally leader. For exemple gaius have extra bonus speed for food. Full Rise of Kingdoms Commander List & Detailed Guide Full list of all Rise of Kingdoms commanders and the best tips for maxing out their potentials! thelfld is right now the best commander for all free-to-play players as you can purchase her Sculptures right in the Expedition Store. His expertise Second to None can trigger a double cast of the Chosen One by probability when he leads only cavalry units, one very important skill for any game mode, both PVP and PVE.