The phone number is not in service, and Google street view shows what appears to be boarded-up windows. I think Rollei made a star filter or two - but they're not always available on eBay or other places. Properly functioning Rolleiflex 2.8f cameras generally sell for between $900 and $1,500, with finer examples commanding a premium. On vintage cameras manufactured to less demanding tolerances, black foam inserts were used to keep film doors light-tight. I am pretty sure I didnt imagine the sound of its mirror (and capping plate) retracting or the vibration connected to same. I believe I had read that they had worked for Voigtlander, but I didnt know about the stereoscopic Voigtlander camera the Rollei was based on. Thank you. The 3.5E (also known as 3.5C) was the first 3.5 model to feature the newer 5 element Zeiss Planar or Schneider Xenotar 75mm f/3.5 taking lenses. The 35mm adapters are 3D printed by Randy Smith of, and can be used with 35mm film in any medium format camera. Leather strap options include: One commonly sought Rolleiflex TLR accessory is the ubiquitous Ever-Ready case. And then the conversation will continue down different roads depending on what other information the person has to share. Richard Avedon used a Rollei for most of his fashion work. The Automat came with either a Zeiss Tessar or Schneider Xenar 75mm f/3.5 taking lens, Bay I filter system, and Compur-Rapid shutter with geared dials for adjusting shutter speed and aperture. Only the 2.8 models of rolleiflex compete with it in lens quality, and even then, that's up for debate. Finally, if a seller claims that their Rolleiflex TLR had a CLA, there should always be a sticker with the repairmans name in one of the film spool chambers. Thanks to details like this, Rolleiflex TLRs earned their reputation for being superbly engineered. Franke and Heidecke went bankrupt in 1981 and was bought by a different company who restarted TLR production in 1987 with the 2.8GX. Rolleiflex 2.8F Let's see what the newer Rolleiflex models offer. While all Rolleiflex models command a premium over most other TLRs, the Letter series does so at an even higher level. More important, using the Rollei reminds me of what drew me to photography nearly 50 years ago-- I love the process of setting up the camera, composing the image and capturing it and the peace that it gives me. Video: A look at the rare 'white face' Rolleiflex 2.8F - DPReview Constructed primarily of metal and glass and covered with a luxurious leather skin, Rolleiflex cameras are solid, and feel good in the hands. What makes a Rolleiflex TLR so special? Zeiss Ikoflex (models with Tessar, Compur-Rapid shutter, and from a dry climate). Thanks! I say. From what you've said about your Rolleiflex in this forum, perhaps this questioin is for you. It has a leaf shutter. TLR style cameras had been around for about 30 years. About Company; Our Benefits; Our Services; Contacts; Testimonials; You won't be disappointed with any. And I use the Rolleinar close-up filters for portraits and other up-close work. So, you want to buy a TLR Rolleiflex? Good choice! - Martin Reekie I hope you will receive this promptly. If you scan your film, then you can add star effects in image editing software. Note that there is also the Shutter-Speed-Tester app for Apple IOS and Android that measures the accuracy of the shutter based on the sounds. What do Lens Adapters do? Rolleiflex 3.5 E2 Model 1 (type K4C2) has the removeable finder hood too. Is the 80 mm 2.8 Planar found on Rolleiflexes exactly the same lens? 600mm. A late 60's Model T with either the Tessar or Xenar would be an excellent choice. minor lens flaws) for under $500. Besides the Hasselblad cameras, the Rolleiflex is probably the most recognizable camera in the world. The problem is that with only 12 exposures per roll, too much time will be wasted removing and reinstalling the camera in the case. Thank you so much for sharing it. This is also a good thing to think about if youre thinking about buying a Rolleiflex. Used Film, Disposable & Single-Use Cameras for Sale in SM73PX The first Rolleiflex, as we know it today, was not released until 1929. (Upper West Side) Model is MX-EVS. I will always own and use a Rolleiflex! If you have questions about the Rolleiflex 2.8F or any of the other Rolleiflex cameras, leave them below in the comments! It would be a lot of fun responding to comments from strangers about the word "Magic" on my cameara. The pop up finder magnifier helps as well. Yesterday I went out shooting with my Rolleiflex and brought my Sony a7 and 55mm 1.8 as well -- it wasn't too heavy. This takes a bit of getting used to when first shooting with a TLR. Yashica 124G are very popular. Join. Rolleiflex cameras are twin lens reflex cameras (TLR). And while there are flashes and flash brackets that can be used with Roleiflexes, most photographers find that unlimited sync speed most valuable in the studio with strobes and remote flash triggers. Tremendous IQ. It was the photos in my mind and on film from visits to LA that helped me writer my novel. It sold for $75about $1127 today. To make the job easier, keep the leather pieces properly aligned by only removing a small amount of the worn thread at a time. And yeah, old leather camera straps can be a recipe for disaster. Counter and rewind knobs not factory fitted. I am willing to ship it to a buyer then receive an offer after hands on evaluation yourself. Rollei SL66 kit with Planar f=80mm F/2.8 HFT (late version) kit, boxed. The success of the Rolleiflex TLR was undoubtedly due to its high-quality construction; small, light-weight size compared to the press cameras in use at the time; its use of roll film; and sharp Zeiss lenses. Twin because there are two lenses. rolleiflex models to avoid. Thank you B&H! I still have to be aware of the settings on digital equipment, but everything was manual on the retro stuff. Another difference is that most SLRs are oriented a horizontal format and must be rotated to shoot vertically. Buck -- glad you've held onto that Rolleiflex. It was a fun project. We have quite a few 49mm size star filters at B&H. Because the Rolleiflex is a TLR and subject to parallax error when shooting up close, it needs two filters to do it. When you opened the Rollei, you might have noticed that you could see the entire interior of the camera and that there was no shutter. It used B1 film and produced six 6x6cm frames, which were more than four times larger than 35mm film. Wish I was armed with such good info before buying my Rolleiflex 2.8c Planar. Thanks for mentioning the Rolleimeter. It also was available with or without a built in meter. by Eddie Vaughan Wed Nov 26, 2014 10:38 am, by Eddie Vaughan Thu Nov 27, 2014 2:17 pm, Discuss all you like about the Rolleiflex TLR and Rolleicord TLR. One good thing about Rolleiflexes, you can generally use them for a few years, and sell them for what you paid -- they hold their value very well. The pricing is a little out-of-date, but the information is not. rolleiflex models to avoid However, Nikon, Canon, Pentax, and Olympus had the largest 35mm market shares. It may take a few rolls of film before the photographer is used to this, but it eventually becomes second nature. Serial numbers Rolleiflex 2.8 cameras - Twin Lens Reflex This camera was manufactured in the mid 1950s. I found some Rolleiflex automats at KOLS camera that have been cla.Any opinions or experiences with them ? Scratches, which some sellers will describe as cleaning marks, fungus, excessive interior dust particles sometimes described as haze, and balsam separation of lens elements from aging cement, are the main problems to look for. A major appeal of Rolleiflex TLR cameras is that they are so well made. Tokina 600mm F/8 | LENS-DB.COM Zeiss Ikon Ikoflex review - Kosmo Foto Guess what? The 2.8E was available with Planar or Xenotar taking lens, and was only available with the built in meter. The mirror in a TLR is set at a 45-degree angle behind the viewing lens. The 2.8E2 replaced the 2.8E, and was available with or without the built in meter. It is true that even the very oldest Rolleiflex standard with uncoated lens can give very nice sharp image quality with beautiful contrast. Note on my post above: I reversed the thread references on the tripod thread note, but the recommendation stands: get the Manfrotto flange adapter. Once I have my exposure, I set my shutter speed and aperture on the camera. rolleiflex models to avoid ROLLEIFLEX FOR SALE , TRADE or WANTED Applause from customers Books, Users Manuals For Sale. Haven't had the pleasure of shooting with one. My Dad parst away larst year , and it is now time to look at he's camera's but the one thing he always talk about was the Rolleiflex , He said if i only had one camera this would be the one . Clarence's Wicked Mind: Rolleiflex and Rolleicord TLR (Oct 2003) Most Rolleiflex TLR owners will indicate a firm preference for a particular model or lens type when asked to make a recommendation, but the thing is that there is no unanimity among their recommendations or even a majority recommendation when the recommendations are viewed overall. I used it in 1963-64 and it took great photos of a ski trip to Aspen. ABC'S of Lens Adapting: Using Vintage Lenses on Digital Cameras & More I agree about ebay. The film counter on the right side of the camera should show 1. To replace the leather on the neck strap, drill out the rivets on the alligator clips, insert a fresh piece of leather of the same width, and install new rivets. Compur-Rapid MX CR0 shutter, 1/500s, M and X synchronisation. Condition. Exercising a shutter at different speeds can, in some cases, help distribute lubrication where its needed and result in more accurate shutter speeds. Best of all, Fleenor and Krimar were factory trained by Rolleiflex, have a half-century of experience, use specially machined repair tools and maintain an inventory of original replacement parts. In shopping for a used Rolleiflex, there are some things you want to be aware of. No1SuperCleaner. About 25 years ago I was the staff photographer for a Southern university. Its a good creative and personal challenge. I had a Rolleiclear screen (the first bright screenfound in most later "F" models) and a meter (which still works) installed by the importer in 1965. The cost of a Rolleiflex can vary drastically, but in a general sense the newer the camera and the better the features, the more it will cost. Brighter focusing screens, which generally cost more than two hundred dollars, are easily scratched, and should be handled only by the edges. There are usually a few Rolleiflex cameras for sale at B&H -- along with other 120 film cameras -- If you're in the B&H neighborhood, you should come by and play with them. LXH W11BK Convex Wood Soft Release Button Finger Touch + Wood Hot Shoe Cover Cap For Fujifilm X-E3, X-PRO2/1, X-T2, X-E2S, X10/20/30, X100T, X100, X100S, X100F, X-E1, X-E2 SXT-2, X-T10/2, X-2, X-T10/2, (Black) : Electronics & Photo As I said before, I am not a street photographer, but I try to challenge myself to do more street photography when I can, and my Rolleiflex is my favorite camera to use. rolleiflex models to avoid. Find the Rolleiflex TLR film cameras at KEH Camera or on eBay. After my dad died I inherited his Rollei which had been hanging in a closet for about 35 years. I recommend buying from a reputable camera shop that tests what they sell and offers a warranty, or really doing your homework on any camera and seller online. So in that way what you say is absolutely true. Comes with leather case and Mutar box (incorrectly labelled for the 3.5 cameras). It's Seawood Photo's 75th Year! Possibly in vain, I hope you weaken, oh my love. If youre willing to take on those challenges, the rewards can be quite fun. This case came with a desiccant cartridge to absorb moisture and a leather strap that attached with a hole-and-slit method instead of alligator clips. -. I haven't shot with one, but I hear the lens renders beautifully and that the 2.8c are a bit lighter than the f models. Give him a call so you can extinguish that Rolleiflex yearning. By the way, some Hasselblad or Kiev finders have cold shoes for mounting a small flash, or even an exposure meter or other shoe-mounted accessory. Fun fact: Reinhold Heidecke and Paule Franke both worked at Voigtlander together (one was an engineer and the other a sales rep). The Wonderful World of Rolleiflex TLR Photography: Buying a Used Those were easy to buckle to a Dompke "Gripper" strap which IMO, is far better than any leather strap. Just buy a roll of suitable thread, some sturdy needles, and replace the old thread with new. They are in a sweet spot of price and quality: you can pay $400 to get an automat with a tessar, which will be just as good as a rolleicord, autocord or yashica that you can pick up for $200. Visita il negozio! For only $2.99, I think I'll give it a try. :). rolleiflex models to avoid. The 3.5F was the f/3.5 counterpart of the 2.8F, and other than the taking lens and the Bay II filter mount, it basically shared the same features and followed the same progression as the 2.8F and its variants. Very complex, hard on batteries, difficult to repair. For starters, you could buy a copy ofThe Classic Rollei: A Definitive Guide. It would be cool to visit Hamburg, the town where they were made. My (dad, aunt, grandfather) had one.. I'd like to include a real Rolleiflex in my installation, but a camera from that period is way too expensive for me to afford - - even a broken one. Join us for weekly film photography inspiration and tutorials. Do this 11 more times to finish off your roll of 12 frames. And reflex means that the photographer looks through the lens to view the reflected image of an object or scene on the focusing screen. All Rolleiflex since have a 5 bladed aperture. The 3.5E2 and 3.5E3 were sold concurrently with the 3.5F, and both were available with or without the built in meter. They are a little tricky to use because youll need a darkroom or changing bag to rewind your film back into the canister. rolleiflex models to avoid This means that the Rollei can be shot at very low shutter speeds hand-held. The film door is L-shaped because it includes the bottom and back of the camera. When deciding between a 2.8f versus 3.5f and white face versus non-white face camera, always let the cameras condition be the deciding factor. 3.5f models can run about $200 less. I found a twin lens Mamiya with a Porro (sp?) The back door is manufactured with such tight tolerances, that there is no need for it. Have you ever thought of doing a review of these cameras. So, if youd like a camera that turns heads yet is stealthy, a joy to use, and want to join the ranks of Richard Avedon, Robert Doisneau, Diane Arbus, Vivian Maier, Imogen Cunningham, Robert Capa, or Alfred Eisenstadt, find yourself a Rolleiflex in your price range and go start your love affair with this marvel of German engineering and creativity! Its stealthy because it doesnt have to be brought to the eye to aim and focus. The company went on to make the less expensive Rolleicord as well. A 3.5F is, to me, the best package. He installed a Maxwell screen,which greatly improved focusing. Even though I'm having a lot of fun, I still yearn for a Rolleiflex! My question is this - Are there any models to shy away from ? Takes fabulous pictures, however. :[EX++] CARL ZEISS Planar 80mm f/2.8 Lens for Rolleiflex SL66 System - $544.23. For a nominal amount of money, a matching neck pad can be made, as well. I use the lens hood when shooting in bright sunlight. The Rolleiflex 2.8f, 3.5f, and some later 2.8e and 3.5e models have removable viewfinders. this article for a general break down of the various models, Your Guide to Medium Format Film Photography, 5 Awesome Medium Format Film Cameras for Beginners, A Comprehensive Review of the Fuji GA645 Film Camera, Olympus Pen F Half-Frame Film Camera Review, An array of colored filters for black and white film (, Leather camera strap and every ready case (, Extension hood to better block out light and see the focus screen (. Rolleiflex - Luminous Landscape Seller representations that inspire confidence are, I will supply paperwork for CLA performed on specific date, please e-mail for larger photos with additional details, and returns may be made within 14 days.. ), but these really don't count. They can't ship until the closures end but if you talk to them you can usually get 10 % off the listed price and there's free shipping and a 30 day warranty but you pay shipping back. Choice does not matter. FOR SALE! Beautiful condition wide-angle attachment to fit the 2.8 Bay III Rolleiflex cameras. Finding Your Rolleiflex - Rollei Repairs This App can function as a spot meter by dragging the cursor over different parts of the scene. Find her other articles here, such as How To Shoot Kodak Gold 200 and Olympus Pen F Half-Frame Film Camera Review.