Sticky and wet crumb means the crumb is too wet; there is too much water in the finished product. 4.Under-baked bread 5. If youre going from low hydration (60-65%) bread dough to a sourdough (65-80%) hydration, youre most probably not going to know how to handle it properly. Step 3 - Total amount of flour is 80 grams + 600 grams = 680 grams. More noticeable sour taste, possibly unpleasant. Modified: Sep 13, 2022 by The Pantry Mama This post may contain affiliate links. Thanks for the tip! Copyright 2021 The Pantry Mama 2021 - All Rights Reserved, 5 Ways To Strengthen A Sourdough Starter: Give Your Starter A Boost, Sourdough Discard Crackers Recipe with Parmesan + Rosemary, Easy Sourdough Discard Sandwich Bread Recipe, Sourdough English Muffins {with a discard version too}. Wet hands are a good idea when handling dough, however you should be able to shape your dough with dry hands very easily. Step 1: feed the sourdough starter About 12 hours before you plan to mix the dough, to a clean jar add; 10 grams unfed starter 25 grams water 25 grams flour Cover the jar loosely and allow it to rest and room temperature. Instructions. And wait longer before slicing. What Basic Methods Are Used To Make Quick Breads? Wet and sticky dough is caused by a few different issues. What to do: This is a heavily over proofed dough. If your dough is sticky, its going to stick to whatever is dry, so if youre touching it with dry hands, youre going to struggle. The usual choice of flour for dusting includes bread flour, rice flour, semolina; all these flour works just as well for preventing sourdough from sticking. CAUSE - gummy sourdough can be caused by a starter that's too young or inactive and or under fermentation. An under fermented sourdough loaf will have a shiny, pale crust that lacks crunch. Ensure that you have scored enough - you need one good score to ensure that your dough expands. Jack Sturgess. But you could also use other methods such as kneading or coil folds. Beginner bakers are best to start off with low to medium hydration dough before moving onto high hydration. The only solution for this is to toss your dough and put your time into strengthening and maturing your sourdough starter. I think it's quite common to get some stickiness if you are slicing fairly soon after the end of bake. (Rest for45 minutes @76Ffollowed by coil folds) - repeat 3x. Just know that it will be sticky early in this process. Water that is too soft causes dough to be sticky and slack from the lack of minerals; reverse osmosis water and soft tap water can cause your dough to be too wet and sticky. When Im not baking sourdough, I love to hang out with my three boys on our farm, tend to my jungle of indoor plants and drink good coffee. Dont forget about your dough or leave it in a warm area for too long or youll end up regretting it. Artisan Sourdough Bread Recipe - A Beautiful Plate It really is a delicate balance to ensure that the yeast have consumed enough of their food to produce those beautiful pockets of air - but not too much so they can still provide oven spring at baking time. If your dough is under fermented it will lose shape quickly and spread when it's tipped out of the banneton. I've written a full guide to why sourdough deflates after scoring here. To achieve a 75% hydration I will attempt again with the following: 390g of flour mix to 282g of water, adding on 90g of starter (at 100% hydration as I always to a 1:1 flour water ratio feed). If you're using a young sourdough starter, there's always a chance that it's just not quite ready to bake with and will cause your dough to be too wet and sticky. It will stay very wet and sticky, rather than strengthen with each stretch and fold. But if you leave the flour, water, starter and salt to autolyse, the flour absorbs all the water and becomes fully hydrated. *This article may contain affiliate links. What has gone wrong to cause this issue? However, you should avoid using a mixer to do this, because it can overheat the dough and break down the gluten strands. First, good effort, but where did you get the recipe from? Hi community, i am new to this forum but have been reading a lot of advice from fellow bakers here while my sister and I are trying out our very first sourdough.. We have gotten to "Charlie" (we name our sourdoughs alphabetically hoping to get it right before the alphabet "Z"), but our sourdoughs were never right. We would like to share the recipe we used here, hopefully to get some help from the experienced bakers around! The hardness of water measureshow much calcium and magnesium ion is present (expressed as ppm). This is when you let the dough rest after it is mixed but before you start to knead it. Bread SOS Episode 5: STICKY / TACKY Sourdough Crumb - Bake with Jack Add the sourdough starter to a large mixing bowl. We all know that drier dough is easier to handle since it sticks less, so use this to your advantage and make a basic low-to-medium hydration sourdough before you try the more difficult higher hydration ones. Cover with cling film and let rest in the fridge for 12-15 hours. Dutch Oven Sourdough Bread | EmilyFabulous Think about how professional bakers look when handling their dough. Make sure that you do your best to avoid this mistake by learning about sourdough fermentation timing and knowing when it's ready to move onto the next step. "Final" or "overall" hydration is supposed to include both the water and the flour in the levain. You want the bread to be completely cool so you'd generally want to wait at least 3-4 hours and some bakers recommend waiting 24 hours to enhance flavor. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. There are plenty of methods for developing gluten, so its up to you to try out different variations and figure out which is best for you. Bake for 15-30 minutes until golden brown and dry (not burned). As the flour is better hydrated, more water is absorbed by the dough, and less water is coating the doughs surface which makes the dough feels less wet and sticky. First, it's helpful to have a small bowl of water nearby to dip your hands into before touching your dough. The two main bread baking systems commonly used today are the sponge/pre-ferment system and the straight dough system. strengthening and maturing your sourdough starter. It really depends on where you are in the sourdough process. The gluten structure has become weak and is unable to hold up. You can still bake it and eat it, but it will be a solid mass, not the light, airy sourdough you were expecting. Why Sourdough Bread Makes You Feel Bloated - Detox Empowered If youre not comfortable handling high hydration dough like sourdough, Id advise that you drop the hydration of your dough slightly and see how you handle that. Well, sourdough is a stickier, wetter dough than regular yeasted bread. Copyright 2021 The Pantry Mama 2021 - All Rights Reserved, 5 Ways To Strengthen A Sourdough Starter: Give Your Starter A Boost, Sourdough Discard Crackers Recipe with Parmesan + Rosemary, Easy Sourdough Discard Sandwich Bread Recipe, Sourdough English Muffins {with a discard version too}. It can also be called Fool's Crumb where the bread appears to have an "open crumb" however the holes are large and surrounded by an uneven, tight crumb that is not desirable. Take the bowl off the scales and mix well, it will look rough and lumpy, but never fear it will soon start to look like bread dough! sourdough before baking. A Guide to Troubleshooting Sourdough Bread - The Pantry Mama Mix the drier dough until it has developed into the desired dough strength. Flour Cleaning: How to Clear the Dough After Baking - Food & Wine This is the dry mixture. 150g bread flour, 150g all-purpose, 90g whole wheat flour with 350g water (slightly warmer than room temperature by the touch), with 90g of starter and 9g of salt. Your sourdough starter is not ready to bake with yet and needs some time to mature or you need to take steps to strengthen it. Instead of kneading your dough manually for 8-10 minutes, youd be better off using a series of stretch and folds to develop gluten. One set of strong Stretch & Folds. Remove the pot from the oven using pot holders (please be very careful ). Some doughs are sticker than others because of the type of flour. Autolyse vs Fermentolyse: Which One Should You Use? 3/4 cup (170g) active sourdough starter 1 tablespoon honey 1 teaspoon salt Instructions Add all ingredients together in the bowl of a stand mixer with dough hook. The dough will develop further in strength becoming dry and workable, as it will be able to retain more moisture once it has gone through the bulk fermentation phase and the folding phase. Pinpointing the cause of your wet and sticky dough will depend where in the sourdough process you are. In this blog we will explore what causes wet, sticky dough and how to fix the issue so you can bake amazing sourdough bread. 475 F covered, and 450 uncovered for 20 min seems too hot to me for only a 30% whole grain loaf: 300 g einkorn / (900 g + 90 g from levain) = 300 / 990 = 30.3%. 480F is not as hot as you could bake. Your dough can become sticky when you add too much water or the flour isn't suitable for the type of dough you are making. Always shape your loaf on a piece of non-stick, silicone paper, then when it's proved, stick it straight onto the hot stone and reduce the temperature of the oven down to around 180-200C. Large mixing bowl Measuring cups and spoons Bread thermometer ( fancy or a budget one) Scoring lame Extra (nice to have): Kitchen scale Dough scraper and bowl scraper (yes, they are different) Cooling rack Baking stone (you don't need a dutch oven if you use this) Learn how to make bread and pizza with this awesome book. Remove the potion from the refrigerator before chopping and boiling it. You'll know you have sufficient gluten development by performing the window pane test on your dough. Lightly Flour One Side Of The Dough During Shaping. It will look like cloudy water. If you find your sourdough bread dough is too sticky when you are dividing and preshaping, it might be because it's over hydrated, under strengthened, or under proofed. However, it's much better to find out the cause of the problem so you can fix it and prevent it from happening again. You'll find 6 of the most common reasons for wet and sticky dough explained below, along with possible solutions. Let's dive into each of these reasons and see how you can avoid or correct the situation. Second sign: The dough has become loose and slack, and doesn't seem to hold any kind of shape. When the dough is excessively over mixed, it first becomes very strong and stiff, then when mixed further, the gluten network starts to unravel and unknits, releasing the absorbed water out into the dough environment, causing it to be wet and sticky. sourdough after baking. STEP THREE: Stir down the starter, then mix 1/3 cup of sourdough starter (90 grams) with water (385 grams) using a fork. Inside of bread too moist and gummy - Sourdough The proofing basket is typically made with wood and it is quite porous. A basic sourdough is made with only wheat flour, sometimes just white flour and sometimes a combination of whole wheat flour and white flour. Just dont freeze it. Why Is My Sourdough So Wet & Sticky? - The Pantry Mama How Do You Know When Your Sourdough Starter Is Ready To Bake With? If you're having trouble understanding the timing of bulk fermentation, I've written an easy to follow guide. It might be that your sourdough is too sticky because there is insufficient gluten development. You should also wet your hands with cold water before folding the dough. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to We are compensated for referring traffic and business to Amazon and other companies linked to on this site. If you see anything inappropriate on the site or have any questions, contact me at floydm at thefreshloaf dot com. We want to mix the dough until it develops adequate gluten network which is indicated by a dough that is stretchable without tearing but at the same time offers a degree of resistance when pulled apart. Hi @Semolina, we waited only an hour before cutting into it, hasty on our part! Carefully make it round again pushing the seams underneath. If you can see the light through the dough, youre done the kneading. It is normal when working with dough of very high hydration for it to feel quite wet and sticky after it has finished mixing. It can be a mixture of rye and wheat or just rye. Bread Baking Tools A Must Have For Any Baker, Learn how to make bread and pizza with this, Why Did My Quick Bread Not Rise? Add 60g of sourdough starter and set the tare to zero again; then add the salt and water, again, I find it easier to set the tare to zero before adding the flour. CAUSE - There are a few reasons your crust is too pale. 25 minute proof at room temperature. Pate Fermentee VS Poolish VS Biga VS Sourdough Starter. Content posted by community members is their own. Steaming. A new bake this morning. Place a long piece of parchment paper over the bowl with the dough. Ingredients: 300g water 100g sourdough leaven* (made with your starter) 100g of stoneground organic wholemeal flour 400g organic strong white flour When it comes to transferring your dough, kneading it, or shaping it, youll have a much easier time with the assistance of some additional water. The only issue with this is that the oil will mix in with the dough and alter the flavor, so dont use a type of oil you dont want to risk tasting in the end product.Some people suggest waiting for dough to rise. The crumb is open and definitely "finished" - the bread can be compressed and springs right back. The recommended method to prevent wet and sticky dough from sticking to our hands is to wet our hands with water whenever we are handling the dough; wet dough sticks to dry hands, but wet dough does not stick to wet hands. Only add more flour if it remains excessively moist or sticky after youve kneaded it in. 14. The dough was definitely NOT underproofed - I'd recently been overproofing and this particular bake was, if anything, still a little over. One should be sticky, and one should be dusted with flour. If so, fix that, and try it with your standard bake temps/times, And then, if the problem persists, then add to the lower hydration the lower/longer bake temps/times, too. Skin tension during shaping is developed when one side of the dough sticks lightly on the work surface while the hands pulls the dough inwards from the opposite side, stretching the surface of the dough taut. stickiness is usually not cooking off enough moisture. If youre new to making sourdough bread, youre bound to run into a few issues at first, especially if youre not experienced with sticky dough. Score the bread on top with any design you like. It's really important to develop the gluten in your sourdough to ensure you don't end up with a wet and sticky mess. Over proofing or fermenting the dough can also result in the gluten structure weakening causing sticky dough. The bread is heavy, hasn't puffed up in the oven and has a moist, dense texture inside. The dough that is autolysed also contains more gluten strands which is able to trap more water inside the dough. BEST TOOLS FOR MAKING BREAD AT HOME (Links to Amazon below). Often the bottom of your sourdough is burning. PROBLEM - My sourdough feels moist or wet inside, even though it's well fermented. Day 1 - The Start. During this time, the flour has the chance to fully hydrate and gluten network is able to develop in spite of the lack of mechanical mixing. When water is excessively soft, the lack of minerals results in a sticky andslack dough. Start taking internal temp at 45 min total time, and then allow 7 or 8 minutes for every degree it needs to come up. As the gluten develops, the dough becomes less sticky and more manageable. High temperatures can cause premature over fermentation, which will result in wet, sticky sourdough. The science of making sourdough bread Add in your white and whole wheat flours. This site is powered by Drupal. Stir together until the starter is dissolved and the water looks cloudy. Start by swapping out 12-15% of the white flour for whole grain flours; then increase to 25% (and so on) if you are happy with the results. By using the tips below, youll be able to learn how to handle your dough without it sticking to you, so you can actually manage it and make great sourdough bread. Approximate size of sourdough bread: Approximate cooling time: small dinner rolls: 30 minutes: small white loaf (1 lb): 4 hours: large white loaf (1.5 lb): 8 hours: small wholegrain loaf (1lb): 5 hours Salt is called for in every bread formulation, but it is the one ingredient that we most commonly tend to forget to include into our mix. However, sourdough hydration levels can be pushed past 100% with the right technique which we will discuss in the subheading below. However, it is possible to get sticky sourdough that is hard to get out of the pan or cut into pieces. This is mainly because sourdough is higher hydration, meaning it contains more water. Place a small oven-safe cooking pot (6x6-inches) with a metal lid into the oven and preheat to 450 F. Gently place dough with parchment paper into the pot. Your email address will not be published. PROBLEM - My sourdough looked great when I removed it from the oven - it was crusty! How to Preshape Bread Dough | The Perfect Loaf When using a proofing basket, line it with a clean cloth and dust its surface with flour by using a sieve to ensure an even coating. If you are doing decorative scoring, it's still advisable to have one "utility" score and then your more shallow, decorative scoring. Stir vigorously until combined; it might look like a sticky, thick dough. You just want to make sure it's not too wet for you to handle. Similarly, if your sourdough starter is too runny you may also end up with a super wet dough. The gluten network serves to provide structure and strength to the dough but it also plays an important role in containing and holding water and moisture. If baking in a pre-heated oven, turn on the oven to at least 200C/392F, once heated, add two big glasses of water to a dish on the bottom shelf Alternatively, you'll need to adjust the amount of starter in your dough to suit the temperature of your kitchen. This also provides its sour flavour and. It has a more uniform appearance than a quick bread, and it cant leave you with a nasty chemical aftertaste. Is rye flour good for . A Basic Sourdough Boule Recipe - The Sourdough School The problem with damaged starches comes from the over absorption of water. How To Make A Sourdough Starter - Sourdough Bread If the dough breaks before you can pull it so thin that you can see the light, resume kneading. MAKE THE DOUGH Mix the sourdough starter and water together in a large mixing bowl - I use my dough whisk for this. The next day, preheat the oven to 500 degrees for 60 minutes. Turn out on to a surface and knead for 10 minutes or until the 'windowpane effect' is . Send your bread making problems to your name, your location, a method or recipe if possible and the temperature of your kitchen if you know it and we'll get to the bottom of your most common problems right here.