The Cover-Up Will Always Get You! We help people hurt by Q. Charlie Ward often has talks with Simon Parkes; another researcher with inside intel.. Its obvious hes had this same behavior his entire life. So I spoke on here recently about how my black mum (we are from ths UK btw) has been sucked in to qanon and other peripheral conspiracies. This article was produced by the Reuters Fact Check team. All vaccines are tested rigorously to ensure their safety and the coronavirus vaccines are no different. He had an arranged marriage at eighteen years of age. Satanic Ritual Abuse & Pedophilia, about Evil UNMASKED!! Cheers to all. Most comments on their channels are negative; calling out Simon and Charlie. I watched his videos and they sound good, its what I want hear, but when him and his guest attack people for asking for proof it . Aliens & the ET Thing, about Evil UNMASKED!! Another month came and went with nothing to report on arrests and executions of famous people at GITMO. The truth is, Charlie Ward isn't a doctor and he admits this. We're being told we're going into another lockdown. Bro Charlie Ward is the fucking devil reincarnate I'm pretty sure, and Alex Jones is his gate-keeper for the synagogue of satan. When he got a parking ticket in the UK. You wouldnt know the truth if it came up and bit you in the ass, A trafikked girl knew him,heard his voice,he denied it said he was on another plane duh took young girls to Jimmy Saville then denied it duh,fat bloke Ward lie after lie,mixes with toe rags in Spain,started go fund me had to give woman her money back,trued to get bloke in Australia to be next King,YOU TELL ME HES NOT MENTALLY UNSTABLE OR AFTER MONEY. Click this link for the original source of this article. He has been speaking it from Day One of his videos. Had iPhone 5 shipped to Nigeria. I never liked this guy. Although its understood content creators make side money by selling merchandise, these sites, especially Charlie Ward, have been pushing silver sales, book sales and membership sales. Lens Autism, The Crewe Murders UNMASKED!! One would think such info would be free to all patriots. Youve got to beleive anybody whos on speaking terms with Jesus. Thats just for starters. We have a full report. Of course, Dr. Charlie Ward is a married man, and the name of his wifeNurselwho is originally from Turkey. All deaths represent events that occur in the general population at a similar rate, FDA staff said (here). But I had no idea what these DUMBs looked like until Charlie described them. [As of this writing he has 134k subscribers.]. Charlie said when he began to challenge their message, he was promptly cut off from the cult and his family. I couldn't agree more about Charlie Ward. As days go by, more and more Charlie Ward and Simon Parkes videos have comments disabled. Invalid Assumptions, about US Election Fraud UNMASKED!! And that was the way the world was run by the cabal / deep state before Q, the Q-Plan and President Trump launched WWIII from the day POTUS was elected in 2016. Charlie said when he began to challenge their message, he was promptly cut off from the cult and his family. Dinesh D'Souza 2000 Mules Exposing The Biggest Election Fraud in US History Chats to Charlie Ward YOUR MONEY IS UNDER ATTACK Follow Charlie on Telegram. It takes meticulous planning not only for efficiency but for safety. The so called enemy is really very well played Actors. News, articles, videos, etc or chat go in the weekly thread or at Qult_HQ. This expertise has come in handy for the United States Government who have hired Charlie to be part of the team that are moving cash, gold and valuables around Earth to back the currencies that are part of the Revaluation and Global Currency Reset. There is no evidence that 100 volunteers died after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine. They will all take a bow when the next election is done. Both Simon Parkes and Charlie Ward claim to have insider info from high ranking officials involved in the Deep State take down (draining of the swamp.). As a side note to this Charlie Ward video, its disturbing at the end when he says, Jesus loves you. The way he says it, it feels like hes mocking us. In my opinion you are adsbad as you are asking charlie out to be. A lot of people out there are in good faith but naive and ready to believe fairy tales. Fools In a Hole Make It Worse by Digging! I have always been able to read people very well. THE GREAT AWAKENING TOUR 2023 WITH CHARLIE WARD, SIMON PARKES & DAVID MAHONEY. You telling us what we all know is of no use to us. Dr. Charlie Ward, the author ofIm Just Charliehas been currently running his own business which is to move physical currency for celebrities worldwide. without a shadow of a doubt hes [Gods] got his hand on him (President Trump) because hes removing the Trafficking, the drug lords, the pedophile gangs. Many of you may not know who Dr. Charlie Ward is, so let me explain a little bit about him. Unfortunately, I can no longer open the video and . Charlie Ward Ward, of Tallahassee, is a former professional basketball player and the current Head Coach of Florida State University Schools' "Florida High" boys basketball team. Like Like The truth is, Charlie Ward isnt a doctor and he admits this. Both Charlies Ward and Freak have said that Q-Team/The Alliance, have taken more than 50 years to figure out this plan and striven to implement it. They are phenomenal. Our mission at Operation Disclosure is to bring you important news events and raw intel from various sources focused on exposing the Deep State/Cabal and their downfall. i Think we get 75% true and 25% misinformation both as a way to inform the public and to Misdirect the Deep state. Charlie ward is a fraudster. This can be analyzed from a million ways. PRAY! I think thats why he loves Putin and Trump. [The Chinese Communist Party no longer exists.]. Source: Introduction, 3. The Cover-Up Will Always Get You! It is worth every minute of my days and weeks to get their words down. The speakers claim that the COVID-19 vaccine is being used for population reduction is not supported by evidence. They are not Communist Chinese but are descended from the Himalayan Line, and are funding this entire Global Transition. Keeping Secrets, The Crewe Murders UNMASKED!! Cheers. One very important story in Charlies life is about his daughter. Hutton, Head of the Snake, The Crewe Murders UNMASKED!! Adam & James and the Banks. Is there an off-planet aspect to this Global Reset? He has said, many times, that he was brainwashed from the time he was a child so he has a deep-rooted aversion to lies. The man dropped the child and drove off. Political Complexities Muddy the Binary Waters, about 11. 07:55. He is a renowned financier of the world and an important asset of world government. On Nov. 10, a trial for Chinas Sinovac vaccine was also halted after a volunteer died. And if you pay any attention at all most people that do what he does, do have products for sale. Ward was an exceptional football player as well, winning the Heisman Trophy, Davey O'Brien Award, and College Football National Championship while quarterbacking the Florida State Seminoles.Despite his college football success, he was not drafted to the NFL, opting instead to play in the National . I have been a writer since my school days as I loved getting to know about people and their experiences in life. If its about Simon not making money, I get it, but shouldnt this info, if true, be shared far and wide? She still believes Biden was the fake president and that there were signs from Trump and all that. It comes direct from inside the White House and there is no higher authority than that on Earth. It began with some of his wealthier guests who asked him if he could get some of their cash to a different country. Thats a general picture of who the Alliance are so if they give their blessings to Charlie Ward, Charlie Freak and Colleen, youd better believe their INTEL has been thoroughly vetted. Dr. Charlie Ward is as sensationalist and as off the rails as is Parkes both are Brits. In an 8-18-20 video with Mark Attwood, Charlie said: Trump is sending out Red Flags all over the place but hes TOTALLY IN CONTROL, 9:42 Trump made a point of mentioning they took out the head of the beast first well the head of the beast was the Phoenicians the 13-demon-Bloodline Families he took those out right at the start so that nobody [minions] had nowhere to hide they were the people behind the scenes that controlled everything thats where every Birth Certificate in the world are because Venice is technically off-shore and thats why were under Maritime Law, 10:12 So when [the families] were taken out they had nowhere to go and theyve taken them out bit by bit by bit, 10:21 The reason I knew the Vatican was being emptied was because our own Security guys were looking after the Pope, and also there were guys that I use for moving currency around the world all all of them employed, Ive been included as part of the team that moves that around the world to back the currencies in different countries there is an obscene amount of cash and gold that was taken out of there, Theres also ridiculous amounts of gold in the Philippines Cambodia Vietnam, Ive been over to Vietnam and Ive inspected 178 underground warehouses full personally, You have to also understand that this is UNRECORDED GOLD, because that will be used to back the currencies around the world, "Charlie Ward Talks QFS, Dragon Bonds, Gold, GESARA" by Kat - 8.18.20. I need to think about what theyre saying and if Im reading their words then its easier for me to retain and understand the essential points. Charlie Ward iPhone Video, from Marbella Spain, Saturday Morning March 28, 2020, President Kennedy attempted to initiate NESARA by shutting down the Fed. You talking about the human-thumb who flogs magic-water on yt? everything is prepared the last and most important piece from the trb system! Research different things in your quest for knowledge and use discernment. Did he own 1 or 2 hotels? He works with many Security teams that do the actual physical moving of the cash and he is the one who makes the plan on where/how theyll move it. Indeed. If you wish to receive the daily Operation Disclosure Newsletter, please subscribe via the button below. A Scientific Analysis of Dr. Ryan Cole's False Claims: "There Is No Nanotech and No Graphene" in C19 Vax Vials; Counter-terrorism teams deployed against peaceful Australians labelled as 'Conspiracy Theorists' (Video) Eventually there will be only one way out of this Khazarian-created killshot clusterf*ckONLY ONE! Charlie Ward, after discussing his troubled upbringing and how he found God and committed himself to a life of pursuing and honoring the truth, answers questions from Robert Steele about Q's genesis in 1960's, JFK Jr. possibly being the next President, the total takedown of the cabal, and more. Here is an 8-28-20 update from Charlie Freak. However, there are no signs of clashes or problems in Dr. Charlie Wards relationship. There are many truth seekers like Charlie Ward such as Mel K, Juan OSavin, Gene Decode, Michael Jaco and more. Grandfather of 4 Father of 4 and Husband here's what people are buying right now! Read the Art of War and see how Donald Trump really fights. CDC Admits Over 75% of COVID Deaths Were People "Who Had at Least Four Comorbidities" CDC Director Rochelle Walensky acknowledged that over 75% of COVID deaths were people "who had at least four comorbidities" and were "unwell to begin with." "The overwhelming number of deaths, over 75%, occurred in people who had at least four comorbidities," said Walensky. Hillary Clinton Hangs, about EVIL UNMASKED!! ps..don't forget to buy his silver and his book on your way out. Important Announcement: Operation Disclosure's URL has moved back to the original URL. You can also watch this interview here:https:/. Invalid Assumptions. The Depopulation Agenda, about Evil UNMASKED!! Analysing Military-based Conspiracy Information, 13. From the very start, this has all been a big farce. Have a friend or loved one taken in by QAnon? Your email address will not be published. THE 5TH GENERATION WARFARE WITH GENERAL MICHAEL FLYNN & CHARLIE WARD. Epilogue, about The Crewe Murders UNMASKED!! The games the elite are playing with us have taken a dangerous turn. I think he is more of a deluded /crazy guy. All Rights Reserved. They eventually did find the man who was a registered sex offender. This gift of his to smell BS and seek out the truth, has stood him and all of us who listen to him in great stead. Advanced Information Warfare, Evil UNMASKED!! X22 Report: Scavino Message Confirmed, The Public Will Know Soon, [DS] Failed, Next Phase Coming And We Know: COLONEL drops TRUTH b@mbs, Biden embarrassment, Pfiz#r exposed! Filter posts: Good Advice - Making Progress - Success Story - Media Request. MUST WATCH!! A famous name in the business world, Dr. Charlie Ward. Posts should relate to the direct experience of dealing with Q/adjacent folk. Any links needed for my research? Thank y 5G,159,9/11,46,Abortion,11,Ancient Civilizations,29,Animal Rights,1,Anna Von Reitz,297,Anonymous,4,Antarctica,12,Artificial Intelligence,24,Ascension,36,Australia,58,Aviation,7,B. This is what Ive managed to piece together about Charlies life, from his own words. Because of his work, He has known the Dragon family for more than 15 years. That was just one of many defeats delivered by the deep state. Charlie is NOT a doctor. As Pfizers vaccine was rolled out across the UK in a world first (here), the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) staff said on Dec. 8 there were a total of six deaths in Pfizers 44,000-person trial. He should show his cartoons he drew too of these aliens he was involved with. Not even the Whitehouse is real. Charlie Wards optimism and calm is infectious. In a very important video with Robert David Steele on 8-7-20, Charlie described the DUMBs because he had personally been inside two of them. -Charlie Ward has been in 2 DUMBs in Bath, England.-In the 1990's the cabal was going to nuke the world so the Alliance deactivated all nuclear weapons, including the SSBN submarines [Nuclear Ballistic submarine. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. which has gone on since Time Began and its been absolutely rife for the last 30 to 50 years, We know how much it costs to get certain people into power in certain countries to guarantee that position so thats where I came in learning about that side of it so I can tell you first-hand that it happened because I was involved in it, "Charlie Ward and Tara: Theres So Much Wealth for all of us" by Kat - 8.27.20. The Danger of Advanced Knowledge in Truthseeking, about 21. Tried again to pose as a Nigerian Customs Officer over email, but it was easy to tell he was not. Trust NO ONE especially if you dont know them. God bless you Q, POTUS and the Alliance. Dr. Charlie Ward, Who Is He? Terry Gross Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Early Life, Career, Bio, Dating, Facts, Rebekah Jones Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Early Life, Career, Bio, Dating, Facts, Avery Cyrus Net Worth, TikTok Star, Age, Bio, Early Life, Height, Weight, Facts, Lizz Adams Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Early Life, Career, Dating, Bio, Facts, Kaique Pacheco Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Early Life, Career, Dating, Bio, Facts, Aroha Hafez Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Early Life, Career, Dating, Bio, Facts, Mark Tallman Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Early Life, Career, Dating, Bio, Facts, Alexandra Whittingham Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Early Life, Career, Dating, Bio, Facts, Lee Ward, Glenn Ward, Carla Ward, and Justin Ward. I dont even try to debate her anymore. Maybe what they say is true and those involved are allowing some things to be leaked to calm the people of the world, Im not sure. It seems to me that Charlie Wards whole life prepared him to be a speaker of TRUTH in WWIII. 3 Dec. Charlie had a notification from a bank that they're starting the RV. Partially Transcribed by Kat 7:18 Charlie Ward: They've actually been planning this [collapsing the economy] for 8-10 years strategically it's incredibly well-planned the people who planned it are absolutely brilliant at what they do they actually had to shift the dates around it 7:35 Where we're at right now they're actually ahead of where they'd expected to be March, as with other months, came and went, with nothing happening (as far as we know.). A Living Christ Challenges, about Evil UNMASKED!! In my books, Charlie is a fake. Website Support publisher RSS ATOM JSON About Stats SUBSCRIBE NOW TO CHARLIE WARDS FREE NEWSLETTER Recent uploads 00:23 Must Watch This 54 views a month ago 00:26 Old wrinkly evil looking turd Hutton, Head of the Snake, about The 2014 Crewe Investigation Review. Has found Mr. Ward and another one who goes by the screen name Mark Z. Said he lived in California. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. Charlie Ward on Aug. 18-21, 2020 said, I used to move money to various Countries to make sure elections go the way the elite wanted them to go. That crazy March thing should suffice. He occasionally will jokingly describe his wife as "95% perfect and 5% terrorist." (LOL. and then blow them up so theyll never be used again. We are also focused on disclosing our lost ancient origins and extraterrestrial contact. But in his capacity as a Hotelier he fell into his current job, which is that of moving money around the planet for Governments, billionaires and various VIPs. That sounds like the definition of a Goddess to me.) UFC Fighter Blasts Jimmy Kimmel As A Pedo, White House Calls Anti-2nd Amendment Summit. The state government of Sao Paulo, where the trial was run, said the death had been registered as a suicide and was being investigated (here) . I love that Charlie Ward owns up to his life, including admitting to a period of time, before he married his current wife, when he was a naughty boy. Whenever he says naughty boy he gets this twinkle in his eyes and smiles. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. He wrote his autobiography. Charlie Wards son Glenn exposed his father as a fraud. 202318 00:57. Conman & Hypocrite, Paul Bolte, Evil UNMASKED!! Hey Mandy, havent seen it yet, was wondering about that. MEDIA RELEASE: Barter Tax Avoidance Warning, 34. If March was a crazy month, we saw nothing of the sort. Simon Parkes also has a group membership you can purchase; members are privy to special information on what is going on in the world. Charlie Ward Dr FraudAnd his brand new gift from Trump (or eBay)You would think most people would see through this, especially when all it takes is a quick G. Logic & Experience Support US Conspiracy, 14. Good Using Evil: Juan OSavin, Evil UNMASKED!! Video is found on May 16 2021. NO WAY THE MILITARY WILL GIVE INTEL TO ANYONE PERIOD RE TAKE DOWN. Exposing Secrets, The Crewe Murders UNMASKED!! 2023 - The Tiger News. You can therefore have confidence in what Colleen and the 2 right pair of Charlies record on video because they have the blessings of those who are running the planet: The Alliance. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'millionsofcelebs_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_2',124,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-millionsofcelebs_com-medrectangle-3-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'millionsofcelebs_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_3',124,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-millionsofcelebs_com-medrectangle-3-0_1'); .medrectangle-3-multi-124{border:none !important;display:block !important;float:none !important;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:7px !important;margin-left:auto !important;margin-right:auto !important;margin-top:7px !important;max-width:100% !important;min-height:50px;padding:0;text-align:center !important;}. At the outbreak of WWII, in May 1940, Winston Churchill became Prime Minister, replacing Neville Chamberlain. Ward margin of victory was a massive 1,622 points, second at the time only to O.J. Welcome. I'm really excited to share with you an amazing interview I had last week with Dr. Charlie Ward about what is going on behind the scenes and the mass awakening of humanity globally.Please share far and wide. Currently, he runs his own club namedThe Insiders Club, and if you wish to join it, you can either get an 11/month membership or 99/year membership. Understanding Widespread Systemic Satanic Pedophilia, The Secret Life of A Private Investigator. I am a writer and I love to gather interesting stories and write about them. Explaining Conspiracy In the 2020 US Elections, about 10. False. There is a reason for this. Explaining Conspiracy In the 2020 US Elections, 10. A Big Picture Look at Conspiracy, about 13. about UNMASKING the Crewe Murders: Lets Go! Charlie has said on numerous occasions, People are starving for the truth, which is 100% correct. There have been many members of Q-Team along the way, all of whom had to remain in hiding, like The Dove [code name] who was one of the authors of NESARA, which was written during Kennedys presidency. However, in recent months, Dr. Charlie Ward has gotten much attention from his Facebook updates, Instagram posts, Twitter, and YouTube channel with thousands of fans and dedicated subscribers. In an 8-19-20 video with Nicholas Hoddesdon Veniamin, Charlie said the following: The White House have been following us for some time now and also, theyve re-tweeted some of our videos a real honor their Head of Security keeps us informed about what we can and cant say and we also have contact directly with 2 advisors in the White House, it comes with an element of responsibility to be trustworthy to be honorable and to try and deliver the message in the correct Spirit as well as the direct text. The Samoan Manifestation, about Evil UNMASKED!! Charlie Ward, Jaco, Mel K, Parkes, O Savin, all shills!!!! The coronavirus is BS and theres much else happening behind-the-scenes. He said he was a doctor to get out of a parking ticket and the title stuck. Ten Truth Theses for Easter 2021, Evil UNMASKED!! Hi, I am Charlie Ward, I was born on the 8th June 1960 in Ipswich England and was born and bought up in a religious cult called the Plymouth Brethren or some people refer to it as the Exclusive Brethren.