Morning Spy. Their fears of nuclear led them to basically willingly put puppet strings on a number of important decisions the country will have to make. That calls a defense expert on the plan. Id call it a battle group wholly equipped with obsolete AFVs. There is also a chance of that senario, Trouble is it is Trumps policies towards NATO ( even threatening to leave it) and distaste for Europe that has given the impetus to Putin to try this on. Special Forces, or a couple of thousand US Marines or Paratroopers. It had been thought Mr Putin would choose the 'simple option' of sending troops into the Donbass region in south-eastern Ukraine and then negotiate for it to become an independent state, providing a buffer between pro-western Ukraine andRussia. Their problem then, as now, in terms of getting into the EU, was/is corruption. Russian Warships Shelling Towns Near Odesa as Naval Activity Increasers These Russian landing ships are probably headed into the Black Sea for possible amphibious ops against Ukraine. AnyRead more , Once again I must say that your assessment is spot on. I didnt think anyone could be worse than Trump. The US CSG in the med training with Italy and Spain no doubt this is positioned close by aswell. Six Russian ships go past UK sparking fears they are going to Ukraine Working hard for your Master Putin, Hay! And the capitol protests are nothing to do with this. @RoyalNavy ships @hms_tyne and @HMSDragon have escorted three Russian warships through the North Sea and English Channel as part of a unified response with allies. Russian deputy Defence Minister Alexander Fomin confirmed that the mission includes the relocation of two S-400 mobile surface to air missile battalions, a Pantsir-S battalion and 12 Su-35 fighters for the 'surprise' inspection and drills. At the end of the day it isnt going to be Britain v Russia, It will would be a NATO coalition. Er, as infantry, I had all of 9 seconds according to the briefing table on the Majors desk reading down the list and RMP were given 36 hours; and the rest is history. Exact date yellow weather warning for snow and ice forecast to hit UK - will you be affected? Agree as a tunnel runs under the channel we have right to defend the tunnel and if at war blockade the channel to defend it. Europe must now start taking this threat seriously, re-arm and be prepared to fight. 'This of course would be the most costly economically, politically and in terms of human lives and that's probably why it's least likely,' Melvin said of an all-out invasion. Its more difficult now given the numbers they have positioned. Also the Blockade the Atlantic Iceland gap. Stand by to be surprised. Our carriers will only come intoRead more . Why would Poles help Ukrainians? For use in the littoral, these also need to be smart weapons, able to accurately discriminate between types of ships not good to go sinking the wrong ships! You can unsubscribe at any time. In an announcement on Monday, the agency said the surprise. I really cant believe he wants to invade Ukraine. The BBC said shots were fired and that as many as 20 Russian aircraft were "buzzing" the British ship. 'We have information that indicates Russia has already pre-positioned a group of operatives to conduct a false flag operation in eastern Ukraine,' she said. I have lost count how many times I have read about explosions in Iran over the past two years or so. The Ivan Gren-class can transport 40 BTRs or IFVs and 300 troops. 'I strongly, strongly hope that we can keep this on a diplomatic and peaceful path, but ultimately, that's going to be President Putin's decision.'. Its all well and good having such weapons, but they arent much good without good accurate targeting information. People always seem to vastly underestimate the effectiveness of a medium gun. Leading to our militaries being optimised for fighting second rate foes. Historical connections with Lvov/Lviv arguably Polish for some. 25% might just be enough, with the right weapons onboard! NSM like Harpoon has a range that means it flies way over the horizon. Tommo dont get carried away with what the media put out. The task group were joined by RAF Typhoon and F-35s jets, plus tankers RFA Tideforce and RFA Tiderace. Ill also add American Democrats have a strong distaste for Putin starting roughly in early 2017 when US intelligence agencies determined Russia helped elect Trump. 'Our view is this is an extremely dangerous situation,' said White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki. "Today, a detachment of ships and support vessels, headed by the large anti-submarine ship Vice-Admiral Kulakov of the Northern Fleet, passed the Pas-de-Calais and continues to move southward in the . On Monday, two C-17 transporters left the UK with 2,000 armour-piercing missile systems and soldiers to teach Ukraine's forces how to use them. Estimates of the numbers of new Russian troops moved closer to Ukraine vary from 60,000 to around 100,000, with a U.S. intelligence document suggesting that number could be ramped up to 175,000. Russia is allied with Iran, need I say more. Its a land grab and a hard lesson to NATO not to expand further east and Im afraid Ukraine who have been pro west since independence will pay the price. To see all content on The Sun, please use the Site Map. That was 4 years ago after the initial push against ISIS was over. With 4 missiles in each bay of an F-35 (like the 1000lb GBU fits into), says that the warhead cant be that big, say like a Hellfire or Brimstone around 15kg. Last night, Kiev hailed Britain for sending anti-tank weapons and troops as an 'important first step' to help the country defend itself. However, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said he may consider halting the pipeline if Moscow attacks. The other question which has been posed before-if the Ukraine had not given up its nukes, would Russia risk starting a fight with them? In comarison with previous pictures those ships are sailing well loaded. A pair of those would make a proper mess of todays warships. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken will meet Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Wednesday before holding talks with his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov in Geneva on Friday in the latest attempt to defuse the crisis. Without listing specific equipment plans General Carter hinted long-range precision rockets, air defence missiles and surveillance drones would be brought into service. Russia said it had ventured as far as 3 km (2 miles) into Russian waters near Cape Fiolent, a landmark on Crimea's southern coast near the port of Sevastopol, headquarters of the Russian Navy's Black Sea fleet. So easy to detect and evasion not impossible but also easy for CIWS to lock onto. "By maintaining a visible and persistent presence, the Royal Navy ensures compliance with maritime law and deters malign activity to protect our nations interests. Ukraine was in part happy to negotiate them away for exactly that reason. Agree entirely with what you say but I feel Trump was the one who emboldened Putin in the first place with his wimpish behaviour and with Biden following and little if any better, then no wonder Putin is considering pushing his luck. Well on your point about coming to Ukraines aid in any meaningful way, I would disagree to an extent. The big question is-could this conflict once started, and if NATO do get involved, be limited to a conventional battle? He may lose power after a disastrous foreign adventure. The Defence Forces is monitoring a group of Russia warships which have been spotted acting unusually off the south of the country. Surely he loses more than he gains. You talking Cobbers as usual! do you have the recipie for this distillery? A NATO coalition would see RN surface ships targeted first as the weakest AsUW link in the chain. Iranians being bombed at will??? 'He emphasized the United States unwavering commitment to Ukraines sovereignty and territorial integrity and reiterated the principle of nothing about Ukraine, without Ukraine.'. Protect their own borders through forward defence. Really poor analysis of a foreign state. US coast guard confirms Chinese and Russian warships off Alaska Screen for heightened risk individual and entities globally to help uncover hidden risks in business relationships and human networks. The Black Sea, which Russia uses to project its power in the Mediterranean, has for centuries been a flashpoint between Russia and its competitors such as Turkey, France, Britain and the United States. 'How can we be given a chance to defend ourselves if you're not giving weapons? Ukraine didnt invent the weapons so im curious how much of them they could have used and ultimately maintained over time. Spain is sending warships to join Nato naval forces in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea, and Denmark also said it would send a frigate to the Baltic Sea. Tabloid sensationalism Im afraid Tommo. Going after the Ukraine neatly side steps the maritime flank to some extent. EFP is tripwire forces (and not many of them ie only 3 Battlegroups in total) to prevent Russian incursions into Poland, Lithuania, Latvia or rather to reassue the peoples of those countries they are not going to affect the Russo-Ukraine situaution. Irish defence forces have been monitoring the activity of Russian warships that on Tuesday made a U-turn off the country's coast. "It is a hypersonic sea-based system - [and the vessel has other] latest-generation weapons. looking at the satellite images of the Rusian camps near the boarder. I have little doubt that corruption in Russia has led to some pretty shoddy construction. It was not immediately clear what equipment would be arriving today. Or perhaps NATOs drive eastwards since the fall of communism might just be giving them sleepless nights! The ships - which included a . and Access unmatched financial data, news and content in a highly-customised workflow experience on desktop, web and mobile. Well they didnt of course and no sympathy was deserved . All depends on how you define corruption but generally speaking most countries are corrupt at some or all levels us included. They would be very worried about Wildcat with Sea Venom & Martlet, and Merlin Mk2 with Stingray capability. A capability upgrade as and when needed, might well happen. Not training troops. Will Stewart Now over, the Russian ships heading for the Med, inc a cruiser. The Turks the bosphorous cutting off vital Shipping routes to Russia. Your logic makes no sense. Australia just signed an agreement with UK Defense minister to dedicate Wharf and logistics to readily accommodate Royal Navy ships basing them selves there . LONDON, June 24 (Reuters) - Russia warned Britain on Thursday that it would bomb British naval vessels in the Black Sea if there were any further provocative actions by the British navy off the coast of Russia-annexed Crimea. Russia isnt confident, Putin is looking for foreign enemies to placate the growing criticism at home. This is a normal response to transiting warships from other nations., Russian amphibious assault flotilla to transit English Channel. Launch control was always in Moscow. 'Also, if he just occupies the eastern regions he will never be able to take back the whole of Ukraine because of the inevitable strengthening of Ukrainian forces in the remainder of the country in the aftermath. He has set out his demands publicly (Ukraine never to join NATO, EFP troops to withdraw from Poland and the Baltics as a minimum) and he will then withdraw his troops we in the west will not agree to any of that. You act like the US has nothing to prepare for or be cautious with and we can throw our weight around like Panama in 1989. What you are saying is if the US had pre-positioned a couple thousand troops in Ukraine, it wouldve prevented Putin from planning and then sending 100,000+ troops to the border along with simultaneous exercises across all their armed forces around the globe including this one: The RN suffered badly in the Falklands through short sightedness and gaps in capabilities, and is sadly doomed to suffer again unless it takes the enemies and their capabilities and tactics seriously. Not many decent investigative journos around now. Meanwhile, in the Black Sea, the Kasimov antisubmarine ship 'successfully destroyed' air and sea targets by artillery fire in storm conditions, in a naval exercise. Dont want to show my age but I remember reading about the Ropucha class as a schoolboy in the 80s. Perhaps all they want is a buffer zone with no NATO assets in sight? And its theseRead more . Astutes dont need to surface to receive Comms, they are more then capable of receiving them whilst deep. I think Irans aspirations in the region run much deeper than having mild cooperation with Russia. SPEAR 3 will have a small warhead, but it will be very accurate. I know Sean but she would certainly Grind Vlad Putin down, Thats true enough, she grinds me down and I accept the science behind climate change!! Russian warships sail down British coastline | CNN Something will give as you cannot maintain an army at this sort of readiness indefinitely. Next time round-Hillary Clinton vsRead more , Grandpa Biden has been engaged with the Pentagon bigwigs and was informed that Troops had already been pulled out of Vietnam .Now have your 40 winks and Cocoa, You cant blame Trump for this. Yes China has been throwing money at increasing the capabilities and sheer size of its military in it race to become the worlds dominant hyper-power. We are no longer accepting comments on this article. They now believe they have achieved their goal and no longer have to bowRead more , Err no. Russia released footage filmed from a Russian SU-24 bomber flying close to the British ship. If allowed to go unchecked, this will only serve to embolden both Putin and Xi, so interesting times ahead for all of us. Most of these incidents were blamed by Iran on Israel. Military analysts said even if it overwhelmed Ukraine's army, which is half the size of its own, Russia could face guerrilla-type resistance, making it hard to hold on to captured territory. means nothing until they are in the fleet, weve got more warships but the admiralty and the M.O.D cant see beyond their arrogance 5 more rivers given the thai navy upgrades to their batch 2 KRABI i.e a 76 otto melara rapid fire gun which was chosen ahead of the raytheon ram 116 system two extra 30mm cannon located aft of the bridge wings with the option of martlet sometime in the future otions to fit harpoon, these are real warships and we should do the same and designate them as corvettes or light frigates add 5 more warships to todays number of 19, then, 24 ships soundsRead more , reasonable place to forward base a t31 maybe. An analogy would be how the small number of US troops placed in both Syria and Afghanistan deterred attackers until they were removed andlook what follows. This is a US created crisis for US domestic reasons. British warships escort Russian fleet through English Channel, Turkeys first dedicated intelligence-gathering ship, TCG. Erm, theres certain CO of a T23 on TV at the moment who disagrees with you not to mention Radakin hgiving HoC evidence, I havent see the show, so Ill take your word on it, Surely if Russia invades Ukraine theres gonna have to be big increases in defence and security spending were gonna have to reinforce all Eastern European alliance members for that matter any country world wide that feels threatened buy any powerful country, Hi Geordie, Youd think so. I really dont disagree with you. I'm sure there will be no decision about [Ukraine] without [Ukraine],' he wrote. " Russian warship, go fuck yourself " [a] was the last communication made on 24 February 2022 during the Russian attack on Snake Island in Ukraine's territorial waters by border guard Roman Hrybov to the Russian missile cruiser Moskva. NSM is able to navigate by GPS, inertial and terrain reference systems. France Germany etc may send troops to countries near Ukraine but fighting Ill be surprised. Build the strongest argument relying on authoritative content, attorney-editor expertise, and industry defining technology. And if we enter a shooting war with Russia. it wont need much of a spark to set it all off. A RUSSIAN warship armed with "unstoppable" hypersonic missiles is sailing towards the US coast in a show of strength, reports claim. Sounds like we havent learned any lessons from history! I would love it if we did do that. The Iranians are being bombed at will. Cheers dave , I think our boss were trying too make us look on the bright side I doubt if the Careers office would have stated that when we signed up, And yet, of all the capability gaps, this one worries the RN the least. I wouldnt imagine it would be allowed under international law. These vessels are more than likely head to Syria to onload stores. Whilst the Canada and now Mexico border problems are now very real indeed. However, the IDF has a long standing policy of refusing to confirm or deny allegations ofRead more . Nope me neither. "Escorting the Russian task group alongside forces from our NATO allies has demonstrated the UKs commitment to the alliance and to maintaining maritime security. I am generally centrist and an issues rather than party man and had high hopes for Biden. It said about 50 BTGs were already in place to the north and east of Ukraine and in Crimea to the south. If it doesnt conform to the official line it gets spiked. 'We're now at a stage where Russia could at any point launch an attack in Ukraine, and what Secretary Blinken is going to go do is highlight very clearly there is a diplomatic path forward. Is not the opposite more true? ", DON'T MISS:Vladimir Putin braced for Kremlin 'ultra-nationalists' mutiny[REPORT] West puzzled after Putin evacuates warships and submarines from region [REPORT] UK tanks to cause 'real problems' for Russia on Ukrainian frontline[REPORT]. Their speed, range, persistence on station, sensors stealth and firepower make them the modern day battleships, only vastly more effective. Comms on a dived Astute very limited. Whilst we (NATO) wont be firing shots, theres a massive amount that can be done with regards to intelligence and weapon supply that, arguably should have been done a month ago. READ NEXT:Army poised to send 'game-changing' tanks to Ukraine to smash RussiaBefore and after maps show Russia's territorial losses in UkraineUK tanks to cause 'real problems' for Russia on Ukrainian frontlineCleverly under pressure over German spy - Britain battles 'silent war'Putin replaces 'General Armageddon' after three months in top job. Itll make Snatch Landrover fiasco look trivial. Prime Minister Boris Johnson said the British warship, which was travelling from the Ukrainian port of Odessa to the Georgian port of Batumi, was acting in accordance with the law and had been in international waters. Lauren Lewis For Mailonline Russia is 'flexing muscles in Britain's back yard' after ten warships Earlier this year, Vladimir Putin said the 135-meter-long frigate would sail for the Atlantic, the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea with the latest generation hypersonic cruise missiles on board. Purely theoretical, but just imagine Putin had deployed military units to Iraq in 2002/2003 as peacekeepers and to secure WMD. The lack of AsUW is a gamble that could prove catastrophic, as bad as the lack of anti-tank weaponry given to the BEF. If NSM is good enough for USN & Germany its good enough for RN. The situation is quiet at the moment but when Idlib lights up the Russians will be there in force. But at various times four navy frigates were deployed. The politicians have finally realised that imposing cuts on manpower and platform numbers relentlessly for the last 70 years has led to a navy that is too small to fully fulfil its Gobal Britain role. Which begs the question why? Sweden has also been reinforcing its forces on the island of Gotland in case the Russians attempt anything there. Or how much BS the kremlin comes up with, I think RT chat forum is your home you have many friends there Ivan lol. Im not entirely sure how/where you have Ur info ref Astutes having v limited Comms when dived from? By teatime at least during the cold War the surface arm of the RN was given 7 days before lights out 6 days more than the RAF , only the Army faired better indefinitely if resupplied ? I meant a small number combat troops postured to help the Ukranians defend themselves. The US Coast Guard in Alaska came across Russian and Chinese vessels on an ordinary patrol earlier this month, the agency has said. I doubt you can stand at all given the amount of hallucinogens you must be partaking. A Russian military ship armed with hypersonic missiles has sailed through the Strait of Dover, the narrowest part of the English Channel - only a few miles away from the English coast. If the RN really wants anti ship missiles, we would get them. 'The different scenarios for how exactly Russia might seek to persuade the West to meet its (security) demands by punishing Kyiv don't even necessarily include a land incursion,' he said. Pity we dont have an enormous fleet of attack submarines to take out surface ships. NSM has a IIR seeker so it can discriminate but the target still needs to be there when it arrives to be discriminated against! A distraction for poor ratings at home possibly. The USA didnt pick UkraineRead more . The assessment put the number of rebels within Ukraine who are loyal to Moscow at 35,000 and estimated Russia has a further 3,000 military personnel within Kiev's territory. Lithuanian Defence Minister Arvydas Anusauskas said today: 'In the current situation, we view the arrival of Russian armed forces in Belarus not only as a destabilising factor in the security situation but also as the one posing an even bigger direct threat to Lithuania.'. All vessels travelling through the Bosphorus have to book passage where a Turkish pilot will board to insure safe passage, that includes men of war irrespective of nationality. The NATO Allied Maritime Command is "closely monitoring" Russian frigate Admiral Gorshkov, it said in a tweet with a photo of the warship. He said Moscow could try to seize Ukrainian coastal areas on the Sea of Azov, creating a land bridge from the Russian city of Rostov through Donbass to Crimea, adding: 'That would put the Ukrainian government under a lot of pressure.'. I agree with your 10 year rule. White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki warned of human rights violations and war crimes if diplomacy failed and the Russian government went ahead with its plans. Under international law of the sea, innocent passage permits a vessel to pass through another state's territorial waters so long as this does not affect its security. LONDON, June 24 (Reuters) - Russia warned Britain on Thursday that it would bomb British naval vessels in the Black Sea if there were any further provocative actions by the British navy off the. I think most would agree Trump was a very poor President and Joe Biden has not covered himself in glory. The Russian ships' 'highly irregular' movements sparked Swedish authorities to deploy hundreds of troops and armoured vehicles to the island of Gotland. (NATO will do nothing without US Support) Alternatively, NATO could station aircraft in Ukraine bordering countries and work with the Ukrainian AF to secure Ukraine airspace again daring Putin to attack NATO Aircraft. The core of the Russian navy's Northern Fleet has been observed manoeuvring in and around Irish-controlled waters in recent days, ahead of planned live-fire drills. If Biden was was standing up to Putin hed use some of that military grunt they have. I think ill have a drink now.  With the clown we have as PM? The only delusional people are the idiots who think Biden is doing a good job; hes lost Afghanistan, Ukraine next, and probably Taiwan in 2023 when this emboldensRead more . the less we have to do with the ukraine the better. Unlike the Ukrainians who are, in the main, suffering out in the trench systems with a serious number of dont want to be here conscripts. Concussion will do too much damage. Its a gap that worries the ranks the most! A Ministry of Defence Spokesperson told me: As part of a unified response with our allies, the Royal Navy are monitoring the presence of Russian Ships as they transit through the English Channel. Try it too often, find work elsewhere. The talks between the two diplomats came just a day after Russia unveiled plans for naval drills involving more than 140 warships and more than 60 aircraft, seen as a show of strength. UK and French jets team up against simulated aerial threat, Britain, Italy and Japan merge combat aircraft projects. Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Friday Moscow was not ready to wait forever for a response and that it wanted a detailed written response to every Russian proposal. Defence Forces monitoring Russian warships acting unusually off Irish NATOs multinational battlegroup in Bulgaria reached full operational capability on Wednesday. Mr Putin is aware that as Ukraine does not belong to Nato, there will be no military response by Western states. UK to unveil new law to stop Channel migrants on Tuesday - paper, Holy oil for King Charles' coronation consecrated in Jerusalem, Reporting by Guy Faulconbridge; Editing by Kate Holton, Arsenal seal thrilling comeback win, Man City maintain chase, Nelson keeps Arsenal on course in title race with late winner, Chelsea overcome Leeds 1-0 to ease pressure on Potter, Turkey's earthquake death toll rose to 45,968 -interior minister, Egypt non-oil activity contracts for 27th month as prices surge, Ecuador assembly backs report calling for Lasso impeachment process, Cameroonian businessman charged with complicity in torture after journalist's murder, Indonesia to relocate residents or move fuel facility after fire, Exclusive news, data and analytics for financial market professionals. Likewise the presence of Nato tripwire forces might just persuade Russian planners to step back. I would say that is far more annoying than Greta who actually tries her best to practice what she preaches. The Royal Navy has kept close watch as four Russian ships sheltered from rough weather in the seas off the east coast of Scotland. In such cluttered close waters, the 4.5 inch is probably the best weapon and only weapon you would need. This was at the request of the Australian Government. Apart from Qaswem Soleimmani. A mere 3 BGs in total and designed just to reassure the people of Poland, Latvia and Lithuania. History shows the wisdom of that comment, it was expressed by Montgomery slightly differently. The Ropucha-class landing ship can transport 10 main battle tanks and 340 troops or 12 BTRs and 340 troops or 3 main battle tanks, 3 2S9 Nona-S, 5 MT-LBs, 4 army trucks and 313 troops or 500 tons of cargo. The group of vessels, which remained in international. The Armys flip ups on procurement have disengaged us from effective land ops in NATO context. They hit targets of a 'simulated enemy' in 'large-scale' exercises involving 500 military personnel. How does that relate to this story? A Russian military ship armed with hypersonic missiles has sailed through the Strait of Dover, the narrowest part of the English Channel - only a few miles away from the English coast. The 210-sailor warship left the port of Murmansk in northwestern Russia on January 6 for the Lofoten Islands in the Norwegian Sea. Officialssaid last week that Russia had deployed agents trained in sabotage and urban warfare to launch a 'false-flag' attack on proxy forces, providing the pretext for invasion.