The Office of Health Care Quality (OHCQ) is the agency within the Maryland Department of Health charged with monitoring the quality of care in Maryland's health care facilities and community-based programs. a list of all states/jurisdictions where the institutions curriculum meets state educational requirements for professional licensure or certification, a list of all states/jurisdictions where the institutions curriculum does not meet state educational requirements for professional licensure or certification, and. [(7) Utility RoomsExistingFacility. OHCQ believes that requiring a licensed social worker with adequate training will increase successful care coordination. C. The[facility]nursing homeshall obtain Departmental approval of the following pertaining to thespecial care unit: (2) An organization chartofthe special care unitandits[inter-relatedness]relationshipto the rest of the nursing[facility]home; (5) A quality assurance plan which includes: (b) Identification of the[most important]predominantaspects of care provided; (b) The administration of[medicines unique to the needs of]medicationsthat are relevant tothe special care residents; (9) An inventory of[the]anyspecialized equipment to be housed[in]onthe unit to provide services in the special care unit. 3. The director may not disclose, directly or indirectly, the identity of any individual tested. When the resident is transferred from the nursing home for any reason or at time of death, the administrator or the administrators designee shall notify the attending physician and the: (3) Responsible party designated by the resident. [(2) Each facility shall submit a written proposal to the Department for satisfying the developmental training program requirement.]. (h) Obtain annual approval of infection prevention and control program activities by the infection prevention and control oversight committee. .41 Physical Plant New and Existing Construction Requirements. The culture change nursing home shall be required to have service areas that meet the specifications in this chapter for: [C. Call SystemNew Construction. The quality assurance plan shall include: (3) Procedures to take action when there is a change in the residents condition,including: (a) Communicating changes to the director of nursing or the residents attending physician; and, (b) Changing the residents plan of care as necessary; and. The water heating equipment shall supply adequate amounts ofheatedwater according to the following temperature guidelines for: (1)Resident use, the water temperature shall be between 100F (38C) and 120F (49C): (2) Food preparation use,as referencedin COMAR 10.15.03; and. (1)To support placement in a specific position, there shall be sufficient documentation in the employees record reflecting his training and experience. (1)At least three meals or their equivalent shall be[served]offereddaily, at regular times,with not more than 14-hour intervals between the substantial evening meal and breakfast. The installation of a portable air-conditioning unit shall be approved by the: (d) If windows cannot be opened for ventilation, a central HVAC system shall be provided and maintained. (3) This position shall be staffed at a ratio of 1.0 Full Time Equivalents for every 200 beds. BLS Healthcare Provider certification from American Heart Association; additional life support training, as applicable to unit requirements. ]; (c)[Usage shall conform]Ensure that usage of toxic and flammable insecticides and rodenticides conformsto the U.S. Environmental ProtectionAdministrationand Maryland Department of Agriculture requirements[. of Legislative Audits operates a toll-free A. [(b)](c)CoolAny temperature between[8C and 15C (46 and 59F)]46F and 59F or 8C and 15. [B.] All rights reserved. [(5)](e)All flammables shall be stored in compliance with NFPA[30,flammableandcombustible liquids code]99 Health Care Facilities. the satisfactory completion of the program in each employees personnel record, (2) The course content shall adhere to the. Complete the mandatory pre-license education hours (RN and LPN) or Maryland School of Health Professions equivalent coursework to be accepted by the Maryland Board of Nursing. State Operations Manual for Provider Certification, Appendix RResident Assessment Instrument for Long-Term Care Facilities, Transmittal No. Responsibilities delegated to other staff besides the director of nursing shall have a clear delegation of authority. (c) Successful completion of a curriculum in physician management or administration from[the American Medical Directors Association or another curriculum approved by the Department or its designee; and]: (i) AMDA: The Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine; or. The facilitys admission policy shall include a statement as to whether or not medical assistance patients will be admitted and if admitted, under what circumstances.]. (2) A minimum pressure of 15 psi during demand period is required at top floor equipment. (b) Relocation does not mean the movement of a resident if the effect of the movement is to move the resident from: (i) The distinct part of the nursing home that is a skilled nursing facility to a distinct part of the nursing home that is not a skilled nursing facility; or. (a) The nursing home shall provide residentswith theirown bed. (b) A copy of the record of disposal shall be forwarded to the Office of Controlled Substances Administration. Other forms of evidence may include pictures, (j) If applicable, lighting in toilet rooms of the common area of refuge. fraud and/or abuse of State government (1) Medications shall be accurately and plainly labeled. The printed version is considered the official version. (2) The team shall establish goals for each problem or need identified, or a combination thereof. This program shall include: (2) Maintaining good body alignment and proper positioning of bedfastresidents; (3) Encouraging and assistingresidentsto change positions at least every 2 hours to stimulate circulation and preventpressure ulcersand deformities; (4) Encouraging and assistingresidentsto keep active and out of bed for reasonable periods of time, within the limitations permitted by physicians orders; (5) Encouragingresidentstoengage in resident-chosen community and independent activities andachieve independence;and. ), Comments may be sent to Jake Whitaker, Acting Director, Office of Regulation and Policy Coordination, Maryland Department of Health, 201 West Preston Street, Room 512, Baltimore, MD 21201, or call 410-767-6499 (TTY 800-735-2258), or email to, or fax to 410-767-6483. (c) Administrative, Bulk Storage and Soiled. A licensee[aggrieved by]that disagrees withthe imposition of a sanction under A(2) of this regulation may appeal the Secretarys action in accordance with Health-General Article, 19-364 and 19-367, Annotated Code of Maryland. The attending physician shall: (7) Respond promptly to notification of, and assess and manage adequately, reported acute and other significant clinical condition changes in residents;[and], (8) Ensure that individuals receiving palliative care have appropriate comfort and supportive care measures; and. (15) Department means the Maryland Department of Health. (1) For every four licensed beds, there shall be at least one hand washing sink. The proposed action has no impact on individuals with disabilities. (8) During training, a trainee may provide only that care for which the trainee has demonstrated competency to the satisfaction of the appropriate program instructor. State resources. (d) "Board" means the State Board of Nursing. Standardized recipes are those recipes which have been tested by the[facility]nursing homeor another source[which assureconsistency in]and that ensureconsistentquality and quantity. (2) Document the verification in the residents medical record. The[facility]nursing homeunit shall meet all applicable requirements in Regulation[.26F].46of this chapter for emergency electrical power, including the provision of: (a) To service the medical gas systems, a vendor or staff shall be trained and accredited in accordance with NFPA 99 Health Care Facilities Code. H. Transfusion Services. (18) Discipline means the medical, rehabilitative, nursing, dietetic, activities and social service components affiliated with the operation of a nursing home. (b) Provide the liaisons contact information to the local emergency management organization. truthful and transparent services. D. A licensee[aggrieved by]that disagrees withthe imposition of a sanction under A(1) or (5) of this regulation may appeal the Secretarys action by filing a request for a hearing in accordance with Regulation[.59].78of this chapter. There shall be a separate entrance into each room]. It shall be the responsibility of the supervisor to delegate relief duties to[a person]an individualqualified to serve as relief[(See Supportive Personnel, Regulation .07, of this chapter.)] (a) Orient staff to the emergency and disaster plan and to their individual responsibilitiesin relation to the planwithin 24 hours of the commencement of job duties;[and], (b) Document completion of the orientation in the staff members personnel file through the signature of the employee; and. The licensee may renew the license for an additional 2-year term, if the licensee: Pays the renewal fee; Submits to the Board: A renewal application and satisfactory evidence of compliance with . Opportunity for Public Comment. (c)The Department shall approve the increase in beds within 72 hours following receipt of the[facilitys]nursing homesdocumentation that the required additional staff is[]in[place]positionto serve the increased number of beds. ]; [Agency Note:Refer to Regulation.26 Sof this chapter for window screening requirements.]. Hot water temperatures in laundries shall conform to applicable standards of the International Fabric Care Institute for laundry water supply. The minimum requirements are: (1)A call station or stations providing detachable extension cords to eachpatientsbed in the patientsrooms. A physician in attendance upon an infant born to an untreated woman with a positive serological test for syphilis shall report test results for the mother and infant to the health officer immediately. 22, December 2000, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services, is incorporated by reference. D. Reports of Findings. (6) A call system shall be provided in each residents bathroom and bathing area in locations accessible to the residents. R. 9 (January 4, 2019), and is available online at (3) Local Law or Ordinance, Where Applicable. The[facility]nursing homeshall provide or make arrangements for services to identify and meet the[patients]residentsmedically relatedphysical,social, and[emotional]behavioral healthneeds. (2)All clinical information pertaining to a[patients]residentsstay shall be centralized in the[patients]residentsmedical record. The[goal]goalsshall be realistic, practical, and tailored to the residents needs. A. (1)If the[administrator is absent from the facility an excessive amount of time and the Department determines that the]director of nursings absence[from nursing service]while covering for the administratoris having an adverse effect on[patient]residentcare,the Department may require the designation of a specific registered nurse who shall be named the[]assistant director of nursing[]. Yes. (b) As high as practical, as such the bottom of the outdoor air intake is: (i) At least 6 feet above ground level; or. 410.764.4777 | Toll Free 800.492.6836 . (34) Licensed pharmacist means an individual who is licensed by the Board to practice pharmacy as defined in Health Occupations Article, 12-101(l), Annotated Code of Maryland. [(b) Guideline for Infection Control in Health Care Personnel.]. A. (e) In an existing nursing home, the usable floor area for rooms havinga bedroom shall have a finished ceiling height of 8 feet. (3) An audible signal and a nurses call enunciator indicating the room from which the call originates or an alternate system approved in writing by the Department, shall be located at the nurses station. A. (b) Tuberculosis in a communicable form does not include: (i) When the individual who has presumptive or confirmed active disease, has had three negative AFB smears, collected 824 hours apart, shows clinical improvement, and has received chemotherapy to which the strain is susceptible for at least 14 days; or. However, once a facility elects to use these procedures or systems and a modification is granted, the systems may not be changed without prior approval of the Department. The nursing home shall make its admission and discharge policies available for review by residents and the residents representative. (5) Janitors ClosetNew Construction. The employee may refuse to be immunized if medically contraindicated, against the employees religious beliefs, or after being fully informed], unless medically contraindicated, against the employees religious beliefs, or after being fully informed of the health risks of not being immunized. (1) A nursing home shall possess a functioning automated external defibrillator (AED). For questions or . The director of a medical laboratory defined at Health-Gen 17-201(b)(1) as any facility, entity, or site that offers or performs tests or examinations in connection with the diagnosis and control of human diseases or the assessment of human health, nutritional, or medical conditions . In a culture change nursing home, service areas shall be provided for resident care needs as approved bythe Department. (b)A nursing care unit[also]bathroomshall include: [(a)](i)A toilet, within the care unit, for the use of personnel[, a]; and. resources. (i) Shall be at least 30 square feet per bed, not including corridors; (ii) May not include toilet rooms in the 30 square feet per bed; and. A catered or satellite system shall be covered by a contractapproved by the Department. (2) The janitors closet or service alcoveshall be[equipped]: (iii) Arack for hanging brooms and mops; and. (5) Certified dietary manager means an individual who: (a) Is licensed as a dietitian-nutritionist by the Maryland State Board of Dietetic Practice and registered as a dietitian by the Commission on Dietetic Registration; (b) Is a graduate of a certified dietetic technician program approved by theAcademy of Nutrition and Dietetics; or. D. Laundries-Existing Facilities. .44 Physical PlantHeating and Cooling., National Human Trafficking Hotline - 24/7 Confidential. (b) The following shall be considered a minimumallowance of floor space: (i)100 square feet, single-bed room; and. [(2)](b)[Seventy-five]A nursing home shall allot 75square feet[shall be allotted]for treatment area per[patient]resident,based on peak treatment schedules. 4140 Patterson Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21215-2254, Attn: Director of Complaints & Investigations. (2) The nursing home shall keep poisons and medications marked for external use only separate from general medications and Schedule II drugs. People often confuse the Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR) with the Annotated Code of Maryland. (ii) Ahand washing sink equipped with[4 inch wrist blades,]goose-neck spout,[and]separate soap dispensers,anddisposable papertowel dispensers. (b) Certified graduates of a State-approved medicine aide course. A nursing home shall provide cubicle curtains and tracks in multiple occupancy bedrooms between beds to insure privacy of residents. (3) Local Law or Ordinance, Where Applicable. (3) The nursing home shall make its administrative and resident care policies available for review by residents and the residents representative. A physician in attendance upon a patient having syphilis shall request the health officer to conduct a contact investigation or report to the health officer any untreated individual identified as having had potentially infectious contact with an individual having syphilis. (e) A filter frame shall be durable and carefully dimensioned and shall have an airtight fit with the enclosing duct work. B. Spaces housing medicine storage cabinet, medicine preparation area, and biological refrigerator shall be under the direct visual control of the nursing or pharmacy staff. A nursing home shall maintain a minimum design temperature of 75F or 24C for all occupied areas. The activating device for those signals shall be located in each patients room and each and every bathing compartment and toilet room or compartment used by patients. (13) Supervision of certified medicine aides to ensure that the aides act within the limitations and restrictions placed on them. (1) The Secretary may issue a license to a[comprehensive care facility]nursing homeor an extended care facility for less than a 24-month period under any of the following conditions: (d) If new construction is completed to the point of being able to provide all necessary services to its residents but certain substantial items of equipment[of]foroptional servicesare temporarily lacking, which in the opinion of the Department will have no immediate adverse effect on the safety or health of its residents[, are lacking temporarily]; or. Appropriate provisions shall be made for emergency auxiliary heat by means of alternate sources of electric power, alternate fuels, or standby equipment. Hot water temperatures in laundries shall conform to applicable standards of the International Fabric Care Institute for laundry water supply. (c) The janitors closet shall be connected to mechanically operated exhaust ventilation. (1)Foods shall be prepared by methods that conserve nutritive value, flavor, and appearance, and shall be served at proper temperatures, in a form to meet individual needs. Body Holding RoomNew Construction. You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. ]; [(5)](6)[The]Verifiedlicensure of personnel employed[as registered or licensed practical nurses shall be verified by the facility. (b) Effective implementation of the policies and procedures that are outlined in[F(1)]E(1)of this regulation. Goal[outcome]outcomesshall be measurable in time or degree, or both. In, Initiation of services to meet the rehabilitative needs of the. The frequently asked questions (FAQs) and answers set out here address mandatory reporting by certain entities of occurrences regarding health care providers. F. Space, Supplies. (2) The administrator of the nursing home shall be responsible for ensuring that appropriate procedures and reporting are carried out for all reportable infections. The medical director shall actively participate in the, (1) Advising on the development and execution of an employee health program, which shall include provisions for determining that employees are free of communicable diseases according to current. (2) Departments Office of Capital Planning, Budgeting and Engineering Services. (65)Resident activities coordinator means an individual who: (i) Certifiedtherapeutic recreation specialist; (iii)Licensed occupational therapy assistant; or. (13) Deficiency means a condition existing in a nursing home or an action or inaction by the nursing home staff that results in potential for more than minimal harm, actual harm, or serious and immediate threat to one or more residents. (h) The cost of care and any additional fees. (h) All occupants of any bedroom shall be of the same sex, except in the case of a two-bed room occupiedby: (2) BedroomNew Construction. B. friendly and courteous, timely and Contents of record shall, (1) Identification and summary sheet or sheets including, (2) Names, addresses, and telephone numbers of referral agencies, D. Consultation. [B.] Agency Note: 10 foot ceiling height is recommended. (1) A call system that uses wireless pagers or other wireless communication devices may be used as an alternative system. (ii) Has received chemotherapy for less than 14 days. The Department's regulatory process is governed by the: Administrative procedures Act under State Government Article, State Documents Law under State-Government Article . Search on a word or phrase, or enter the codification number (search is word-specific unless you add an asterisk *). (3) The equipment provided in food service floor pantries shall comply with the requirements of the local health department. (56) Positive tuberculin skin testmeansa test provided as authorized by the Guidelines for Preventing the Transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Health-Care Settings. A written application shall be on file for each employee and shall contain. Virginia Board of Nursing Jay P. Douglas, MSM, RN, CSAC, FRE, Executive Director Brandon A. Jones, MSN, RN, CEN, NEA-BC, President . If the comprehensive care facility or the extended care facility is sold, leased, discontinued, the operation moved to a new location, the license revoked, or its renewal denied, the current license immediately shall become void and shall be returned to the Secretary.]. (2) A nurse and a second staff member who is a nurse or an administrator may destroy controlled dangerous substances in Schedules IIVon the premises of the nursing home. [C.](3)Toilet Facilities in Rehabilitation AreaNew Construction. possible. (3) The vendor providing the food shall have a valid food service permit. The attending physician shall also be notified.] The nature of the threat; 2. An occurrence of a confirmed or suspected infection shall be reported and acted on in accordance with COMAR 10.06.01 and COMAR 10.15.03. Updated Oklahoma Board of Nursing 2501 N. Lincoln Blvd., Ste. C. Laundries-New Facilities. [(2)](3)Respiratory care personnel provide respiratory care services commensurate with their documented training, experience, and competence[; and]. A. In addition, 10 million men and women are abused by an intimate partner every year. Foods shall be prepared by methods that conserve nutritive value, flavor, and appearance, and shall be served at proper temperatures, in a form to meet individual needs. The Office of Health Care Quality surveyed multiple facilities and determined that 75 percent or approximately 172 nursing homes did not employ a licensed social worker. friendly and courteous, timely and Access through Table of Contents Structure (will display table of contents by Title, Subtitle & Chapter). Online jail inmate search miami florida. (b) The filter bed shall be located upstream of the air conditioning equipment, unless a prefilter is employe. G. Before discharge the nursing home shall: (1) Verify that the transfer and discharge to an assisted living nursing home is licensed and appropriate to meet the needs of the resident; and. ];and. No. Agency Note: It is recommended that the comprehensive care facility arrange for a similar transfer agreement with an extended care facility. The nursing home shallinformall new and current employeesof the health risks of not being immunized. E. The social work industry and trade groups would benefit due to the increase in hiring and contracting with licensed social workers. (iii) Clean linen anda clean, comfortable pillowshall be provided. C. Staffing. (ii) Maintain a minimum clearance of 3 feet at the foot of the bed. H. Closed or Inactive Records. Licensure, designed to meet educational requirements for a specific professional license or certification that is required for employment in an occupation; or, Is advertised as meeting such requirements.