Spousal relationships should come first. However, both Brooklyn and Staten Island shaped my attitude and made me who I am. My husband was diagnosed with cancer in March last year and in September we were told it was incurable. He's had two courses of chemotherapy which haven't worked. a shock of course. I will never forget his response to my question the day before his 60th birthday. My husband is evil onthese but it is a necessity. Thank you for your reply and I'm sorry to hear of your loss. This has made him feel very sick and tired. For the first time in a long time, maybe ever, I was putting my husband first. I hope you have a close family who supporting you, as well as your husband. Im at a point where the sadness has turned to anger. I'm no Saint, nor am I a martyr but just wanting to give whatever support I could. So thankfully I do not feel quite so alone. If you have the energy to be nasty, then you have the energy to pause and not say it. more than 3 years ago. My husband was diagnosed with cancer in March last year and in September we were told it was incurable. My husband of 30 years my best friend for 35 years was just diagnosed with stage 4 throat cancer. He's the best husband anyone could ask for. There's help out there for you. I can only suggest this, but maybe you could talk to your own medical team and see what they suggest if they know him as well? We have fellow moms and neighbors who help take our kids to practice or bring us soup. I put up with it because I loved him and realising it was the cancer I made a determined decision to stay right by him. he won't eat, won't drink, if I try to push either he gets very cross with me. I don't know what to do, I just feel helpless We have no children and no family nearby (he hasn't got any family at all except his step-dad who is 82 years old,and my family is abroad). It sounds like your husband is scared and taking it out on you. How is his sickness ? Dad has terminal bladder cancer - cant eat/ How can I support and look after my family. If youve been knocked down get up, dust yourself off, and get back in the arena. I remember Saturday nights when we were people who went into a restaurant and ate good food, people who drank beers and Long Island ice teas. Are you receiving any counselling ? I think thats what any normal person would give you. My spouse's diagnosis made me realize just how much I loved him. Equally , my husband has had 2 courses of chemotherapy which haven't worked and he was due to start on a new course last week but that hasn't happened as he was in hospital for 3 days last week as he couldn't stop being sick and then he was readmitted on Monday and dischargedtonight as again couldn't stop being sick. As you've found arguments don't help. He was 40 years old. SHOW LINKS:10,000 NOs: THE BOOKSUBSCRIBE TO OUR (WEEKLY) NEWSLETTERFOLLOW MATT ON SOCIALFIND OUT HOW YOU CAN BE A 10,000 NOs INSIDER. Staten Island-based, Brooklyn-bred Lisa Marie is one funny wife and mom. It's heartbreaking watching him being so scared but you are allowed to have a voice, as you are also going through this too emotionally. He's just come home from hospital after 10 days afterdeveloping blood clots on his lungs and an infection. They dont know the person we knew before Cancer came calling. 2023 Cable News Network. Maybe assomeone else mentioned on here could you stay at a friends for a few days to give yourself a break,write him a letter with some happy memories and also how your feeling now which he could read and reflect on. I will never love another like I do him. He won't go out either so just stays at home all day sitting down and going to bed at 8.30 but can't sleep at night. He's a very small man physically. This is so frightening. We have no close immediate family, but we do have good close friends. Letting them know they hurt you and I used to tell him when he was out of line, that or just get up and leave the room. When her husband was diagnosed with. Think of the alternative. David didnt live to see his 61st birthday. I just take each day at a timeand gratefully accept every offer of help given. Dan Bongino, 46, was diagnosed with Hodgkin Lymphoma last year, and had chemotherapy and radiation to treat his disease. How and why does marriage, children, and family influence your humor? The oncologist actually said I will do my best but you have to do your part too. Like you I am very scared at how quickly he is deteriorating. We were the kind of people who are here now, who talked and laughed all night. It wasn't him. This is despite a cancer diagnosis for husband, David, which unexpectedly launched a comedy career as an offshoot to a following on social media, posts to which served as a mental health outlet. He appears to be shrinking and ageing. Sign up for notifications from Insider! @onefunnymommy Lisa Marie Riley: F Cancer & Choose Laughter. He is skin and bones and won't eat anything. When we were at A&E last week they said that his blood count was so low they were considering transfusion but he insisted on going home and they said hopefully the iron tablets would help. Riley, who was born and raised in Brooklyn and now lives in Staten Island, always had a big New York personality and sense of humor. what kind of cancer does onefunnymommy husband havegirondins bordeaux players. Now we are just waiting for the tests and the results probably around a week later in February. She always had a smile, and rarely, if ever, mentioned her own sadness. "A lot of people are thinking it but they won't say it. It was never a great marriage, and yes, he was always a difficult person, but I never thought it would end this way. Your social media following is growing, and you have plenty of gigs coming up. I dont consider myself to be a comedian, but I needed an outlet for my mental health and social media became the perfect one for me. Please keep in touch. Bongino bravely shared his cancer battle on social media and on his radio show, inspiring others to keep fighting. Her husband has cancer, and is on his fourth round of chemo, with more bad days than good. For tickets, click here. Yes , friends & family know, but I feel that unless you are going through or have gone through this awful illness, then it is very difficult for anyone to fully appreciate the journey that I am on. Cancer can changepeoples outlook, they can become dependent, depressed and their outlook in life can change. Rarely says I love you. My teeth fell out. I have a lot of people I used to consider as friends (old work colleagues, hobby friends etc. How and why did your husbands cancer diagnosis lead to your comedy career, and what has been his response to that? They are the ones who help us in the fight to carry on for our children children who still do normal things like ride bikes and play soccer, who laugh at burps and whine about homework and my crockpot dinners. You will be tired and yes, you will be frightened too. I was with him when he passed and I was his full time carer, day and night. The process of chemo therapy too easily becomes a group think blaming the spouse for giving the patient cancer. Regardless, she is devastated by the current situation. what kind of cancer does onefunnymommy husband have. Her TikTok videos have been seen more than 2.7 million times and she has over 500k followers. Since then he has completely shut me out of his life and became so threatening and verbally abusive that I had to leave. I'm having a flashback. In s few months we were fully into a battle with Cancer. cancer is not only a disease of the body,its very much one of the mind as well,you only have to read some of the posts on this site to make you realise how much fear and desperation it can inflict upon sufferers.They can no longer be the person they would choose,but become driven by invading demons in a frenzy of absolute hopeless helplessness. I suffer from Panic Disorder, I am being treated and would be considered 'stable' now. If he starts and you don't want to argue just walk into another room, get in the car and go somewhere else. He finds it unbelievable that people can relate to me and how many friends Ive made through social media, and hes very proud of me. It's so hard watching them getting weaker each day. Joseph E Troiano Listen to @onefunnymommy Lisa Marie Riley: F Cancer & Choose Laughter from 10,000 NOs. We spent many evening in A &E. before the chemotherapy was stopped. David died this past weekend, a spokesperson for the family said on social media. It is not the critic who counts. Anyone who has received a cancer diagnosis holds an indelible memory of the moment the words "You have cancer" were uttered. My throat almost closed up & left me with an airway passage of 5-10%. It leaves you mentally and physically knackered and I mean it when I say Inever want to go into another relationship for as long as I live. They deleted the post the same day. During the outbreak of COVID-19, One Funny Mother Dena Blizzard resorted to Facebook Live to keep in touch with her audience of moms and wine aficionados. It was an energetic night. Cooking is a bond that me and my mother have, so that would be special. If there is a problem with the rights to any image, please contact us and we will look into the matter. We spent 5 days in the hospital getting used to the new plastic in my throat & learning how to clean a trach. Coping with my husband who has terminal cancer. I chatted with Lisa Marie to preview her April 2 hop across the Arthur Kill to perform at the URSB Carteret Performing Arts & Events Center. As his caregiver, I did things I never imagined doing: cleaning open wounds, changing bloody dressings, and feeding my husband through a tube in his stomach. Lisa Marie Riley started her Instagram page in 2019 after her husband's cancer diagnosis. He was frightened and how much can a human brain take to digest the fact you are dying. My husband was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer last July, and that his best option would be to have a whipples procedure as soon as possible. "These people have helped me more than I've helped them," Riley said. more than 2 years ago, I dont know my husband anymore. After 7 weeks recovering from the surgery, he had a 14inch cut across his abdomen, chem. Have you sold out the St. George Theater yet? "They don't find me cool or anything like that," she said. Please let me know how you got on today. I have 2 children, 1 at home, 1 at university. Yes it's really tough when you're not well enough to take the medication. A Warner Bros. If youve been knocked down get up, dust yourself off, and get back in the arena. Since then he has been dismissive and cruell and downright nasty. Michael Causey I've lived in Staten Island for over 10 years. How has your week been? Everyday I dread getting up and having to facea new day dealing with cancer, I am so very frightened and scared. Whether its about doing her familys laundry or the pedicure prices in her hometown, shes amassed millions of views for telling it like it is, all while sporting her now iconic white hair clip. I'm saying it.". And then there was someone who laughed so hard she peed her pants but still didnt want to leave. So stand up for yourself, giving in isn't working. I can't work as I feel unable to cope with that aswell and I just feel we are existing, we are certainly not living ! omg sat here in tears again due to the same situation ,been married 34 years and my husband can be a bully at times ,but since he was diagnosed with cancer last year hes become horrible expects me to do everything for him with no thanks at all ,i too struggling with my own health issues .i hate to say when hes in hospital its a welcome break from his nastiness,and i canrelax.he isn't terminal but seems to be happy being dependent on everyone else to do for him ..i thought i was horrible feeling so cold and angry ,while hes the one with cancer and whose had the operations and infections he loves the nurses saying how well hes done and he's always laughing and joking with them ,until they try to get him to move that is . * To protect your identity do not use your full name. He joked about my being late everywhere. Read More: Why parents and grandparents across the US are getting vaccinated in spite of their hesitancy. He has just finished round 3 of chemotherapy and she shares that the videos give her an outlet . I am angry he thinks that would make me happy. In time you may even find that you can offer such advice and support to others - you'd be amazed how theraputic that can be. Their life changed in that instant. In 27 years of marriage, I had never touched his feet. Im keeping all those. 3. He wouldn't have left, and he wouldn't have gotten treatment. I have projects in the works, but I take everything day by day. "There's a lot of great people and great opportunity.". I really wish I could give you a big cuddle right now. Infidelity is the elephant in the room of cancer treatment. As a husband, his mission is to defend his domestic haven from harm and upsets. I haven't had any counselling but it's something I think Ineed to look into. Fun is a concept buried far in the past. I can let him go to get treatment, I can't let him go to put him in the ground. The doctors have told us we probably wont have that. We WILL get through this !!! What are your thoughts on this? Hey Cancer, I know you know you suck, but I'm going to tell you again. Peace to you. Stay but not if it turns physical, that's a boundary too far. Doing so prompted him to reciprocate. For most of my marriage, I failed miserably at this. In astrological terms, Cancer is the ruling sign of the 4th house of family and home. It brought it all back. We are a team & we have far too many grandchildren to love & to spoil before we leave this earthly plain. CNN Sans & 2016 Cable News Network. He has lost so much weight. We certainly dont laugh anymore. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and on our RSS feed. On return from holiday he went into hospital for the whipples procedure, which takes 5-7 hours. Ask yourself. My husband tried loads of different anti sickness tablets before they found one which helped. Without them, what would I make fun of? He died unexpectedly from heart failure the day before, just a few months after hed celebrated his five-year cancer survival. Keep in touch. Have you seen theCarteretPerforming Arts & Center? My husband endured this for 3 weeks, suffering every side effect known. And her family gives her plenty to make folks laugh. I can remember only two instances in the ensuing five years that we even exchanged strong words, and then we immediately apologized. How do you take care of them and keep the look of impending doom off your face and staying positive when we know our life now is over and were also avoiding this Coronavirus at the same time. Youll never take my recollection of the night he first kissed me. Would you rather do a cooking show, a comedy show or both? We had the prognosis of one year end Feb 2019. Its been a long battle, I have no words. Staten Island-based, Brooklyn-bred Lisa Marie is one funny wife and mom. Almost two years ago, a big, royal jerk named Cancer sent us normal people packing. - what was he like before you got married ? Although I was still "cancer free" the CT results indicated I had suffered a mild brain stroke while in surgery. If there's one thing we all need right now it's laughter.It is not the critic who counts. In the ensuing years, we enjoyed an extraordinary relationshipa true partnership in every sense of the word. His name still hangs on a plaque at the local swim club for a record no one has broken since 1988. How did you find hilarious mommy on Facebook? Her tiktok videos have racked up over 2.7 million views and she has over 500k followers on her social media platforms. He desparately wants to be at home all the time and I want him here. He's in a lot of pain so they are going to give him radiotherapy starting next week. "One Funny Mommy" Lisa Marie Riley joins Dr. Ian Smith to discuss how she started making her funny videos when her husband was diagnosed with an aggressive cancer as a way to cope. more than 3 years ago. "I've always been so embarrassing to them. All we can do is take things day by day and hope for the best. I truly believe that I will be in the 5% of people who survive this situation because I am otherwise a very healthy person although I am quickly approaching 70. I miss him. Lisa Marie Riley @onefunnymommy is a court stenographer turned comedian. We spent the morning talking about motherhood and why Shlesinger says "a little bit of grace and a conversation would go a long way.". Thinking of you and hoping you are coping at this difficult time. Depression, fatigue, nausea, erectile dysfunction, vaginal dryness, and other physical or emotional challenges may lower sex drive or make intercourse difficult or painful. I don't sleep too well currently. husband's cancer has made him nasty. In addition to being a hilarious wife and mother, Lisa Marie, who was born and raised in Brooklyn, lives on Staten Island. Completely withdrawn. I just wondered if there is anyone else in a similar position to me. If there's one thing we all need right now it's laughter. There was drinking and dancing and way too much fun for 30-somethings to be having. Lisa Maries funny daily observations on life and parenting, along with her trademark hair clip and Brooklyn accent, have had everyone in quarantine chuckling. We were married only 8 months ago and my husband had his cancer diagnosis six weeks later. but it doesn't have to be lonely. Because they need you. "I think they connected with the fact that I just don't give a sh-t," Riley said. I try sohard to be strong for him and ourdaughter, but I look at him and feel so angry that he's going though all of this pain and anguish. appreciated. more than 1 year ago. You need your space as you have a lot on your plate. My husband has also accused me of stealing money 9 Not true, but think he has) and has already brought another woman (I think an escort ) into the home I moved out of , for an overnight stay. First kid is a big deal. I recently heard that his son wants the home we shared and tat my husband has made a new will. 5K views, 48 likes, 14 loves, 15 comments, 8 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from The Doctors: Onefunnymommy, Lisa Marie Riley, started making funny videos when her husband was diagnosed with cancer.. Ironically, alone with my husband in that hospital room, away from the cacophony of a house full of children, and despite being robbed of his speaking ability, David and I learned what it was to effectively communicate. I hope that your husband has completed his radiotherapy ok and good luck with your meeting with the consultant tomorrow. 2023 BDG Media, Inc. All rights reserved. But fans didnt know that she quit her job to take care of her husband at the start of the pandemic, held odd jobs to cover their mounting medical bills and moved into her parents home when she could no longer afford hers. He's angry with me, and I totally understand it, but I can't just sit here with him in his normal work routine pretending like he doesn't have cancer. I loved performing in my own town and meeting so many of my online friends and familiar faces. I can't bear thinking of what's going to happen, I know he is scared but he won't admit to it, he doesn't even want to talk about it so I just watch him all white faced and weak and can't say nothing, I am very scared. And now I'm crying because I'm going to lose him. Yes, I miss when we were normal people. And many times, to our pleasant surprise, that ends up being way more than enough.Monday Morsels are the short-form companion to our Friday Interviews of 10,000 NOs brief riffs on the show's central topics & themes as food for thought to chew on throughout your week.It is not the critic who counts. She is followed by over 500k fans and her tiktok videos have amassed over 2.7 million views! Being ill is not an excuse for being a bully, it might explain being the centre of attention attention seeking person, but its not acceptable in a loving relationship. Take care Paddock. Instead of worrying, and pushing, trying to convince everyone that we are one way or another (both as a character and in life), we can just live with the thought that we are enough. Her Instagram has nearly 200,000 followers. I loved him very much. 2. He had lost a lot of weight, his hair and was having problems eating. We were best buds for years. In this excerpt, from one of our weekly Live Zoom calls with the 10,000 NOs Insiders Community, we discuss the fine line between being respectful of others while also asserting one's own will and personality. He is now staying in a hospice most nights, to have his pain managed, to be fed through a nasal tube, which isnot going well. It influences my humor in a way where I can joke about growing up Italian and having people relate and laugh together. But through it all and in the midst of a pandemic Riley has kept her sense of humor, and helped other people laugh too. now, here we are again, and I feel he just will not help himself. Thank you for your reply. Really sorry to hear that - I'm at the other end of that journey - my wife died after 3 years of cancer back in October. My husband is going downhill quite quickly , and I do wonder if he will make it to his next chemo session in 2 weeks time. You have crippled that beautiful, blonde boy I used to know who could slalom ski like an X Games athlete and still tackle a diamond level course in the mountains of Breckenridge. During the pandemic, one mom from Staten Island amassed hundreds of thousands of devoted followers for her hilarious videos about the basic things in life that can drive us all a little crazy. Because of Covid I had no help until little over one month before he passed away. My family is my favorite source of material for my jokes. I can't begin to compute that. Full of expletives (ear muffs for kids please), hysterical rants and a moving revelation about her three year old son's morning ritual that forces her daily to rise to the occasion, this off-the-cuff conversation jettisoned past a long line of previously recorded episodes to be the first episode of our 2021 slate. Riley's approach to comedy is blunt, poking fun at the day-to-day life of a mom and caregiver. I just take one day at a time, as like you said it is so consuming. If you want to give back, share this with someone who could use it and leave a 5-star review on Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen, so more people find this show and benefit from these conversations.If you dig the show, CLICK HERE to learn how you can make this experience 3D by joining our 10,000 NOs Insiders Community: access to a members-only Facebook group, intimate, weekly Live video calls with Matt, including monthly drop-ins with some of his badass past-guests & VIP friends and more. Being a Nurse , I was more than prepared and willing to care for him but there was too much 'crazy making' going on, so I had to leave. My husband is 62 andhadn't been well for a while but he is one of these people who just won't go to the doctors On 16th January he collapsed in town and he had to (reluctantly) go to A&E where they did tests and found a large tumour on the CT scan (colon). My husband is also 53 and we've been married 33 years. My husband is in shock that me just posting these videos got me to where I am. I've been coping with cancer for three years (my husband) and he has been very much like this at times, at first I let it go then realised that the more he did it and I said nothing the more he did it!