Magic Words To Make Him Fall In Love, Articles N

District employees shall submit statistical data to the State Department of Education regarding compulsory attendance violations and student attendance in the manner prescribed by that agency. When absences do occur, school personnel will classify the absence as excused or unexcused. In the event of emergency school closings, all assistant principals, secretaries, cafeteria managers and custodians will report for duty, if safely possible, until released by the principal. The testing laboratory must use scientifically validated toxicological testing methods, have detailed, written specifications to assure chain of custody of the specimens and use proper laboratory control and scientific testing. 3. Any dress or personal appearance that the administration has evidence is disruptive, inappropriate, or presents a safety hazard to student or as a possible disruption to the educational/instructional process will be dealt with on an individual basis according to the discretion of the principal. Principal:Lindsay Starbuck Northwest Academy of Health Sciences School. COUNSELING: It is the intent of the District to provide students at the Alternative Education Center with instruction in conflict resolution and/or counseling on a consistent basis. 3. Students will be subject to immediate suspension or expulsion of the privilege of school transportation services indefinitely or for the balance of the school year if their misconduct constitutes a threat to their safety and of others, results in the destruction of public or private property, distracts the bus driver or potentially interferes with the normal or safe operation of the school bus. The Student Evaluation Team (SET) must be set up at each school to guide and monitor the placement, services, and assessment of ELs. 6. No shorts worn by any student shall be so short in length or so wide as to leg circumference as to reveal a students undergarments. If you think you have been blocked in error, contact the owner of this site for assistance. The Northwest School uniform is plain navy blue pants or skirts (navy khaki, navy "Dickie" brand pants, navy slacks). The DDC will consist of three building level administrators from within the school district, namely a principal or assistant principal from the local school, a district level administrator and the assistant superintendent of education in charge of expulsion hearings (or his/her designee). When co-valedictorians and co-salutatorians are named, they will be honored in alphabetical order. The District shall annually and publicly inform parents and eligible students of the following: 1. Such suspension shall be in effect until compliance is validated. Principals and building administrators will provide professional development to certified employees and designated non-certified employees at all schools in recognition of drug and alcohol use and abuse, handling procedures and policy implementation familiarization. Performance-enhancing Drugs include anabolic steroids and any other natural or synthetic substance used to increase muscle mass, strength, endurance, speed, or other athletic ability. The opportunity to redo can be rescinded if a student abuses the opportunity. Students under out-of-school suspension shall not trespass or come upon or be found within any school buildings or grounds except for a pre-arranged conference with the principal. If the State Board of Education finds the disaster or extreme weather emergency to be the cause of the school not operating for the contemplated school term and that such school was in a school district covered by the Governor's or President's disaster or state of emergency declaration, it may permit that school board to operate the schools in its district for less than one hundred eighty (180) days; however, in no instance of a declared disaster or state of emergency under the provisions of this subsection shall a school board receive payment from the State Department of Education for per pupil expenditure for pupils in average daily attendance in excess of ten (10) days. SMOD. Wear gloves when cleaning up blood spills and when in contact with bodily fluids. Principal:Tony Martin Grade frequencies shall be as follows: A = 90-100 B = 80-89 C = 70-79 D = 60-69 F = 0-59. The following will constitute a valid excuse for temporary nonattendance of a compulsory school age student enrolled in school, provided satisfactory evidence of the excuse is provided to the principal of the school: 4. At the discretion of the board, such hearings may be conducted before a hearing referee designated by the board. Student/parent is responsible for making their first counseling appointment within five (5) business days of their positive test notification. Each user, as well as a minors parent or guardian, voluntarily agrees to release, hold harmless, defend, and indemnify, the Rankin County School District, its officers, board members, employees, and agents, for and against all claims, actions, charges, losses or damages which arise out of the users use of the RCSD network, but not limited to negligence, personal injury, wrongful death, property loss or damage, delays, non-deliveries, mis-deliveries of data, or service interruptions. 7:00 AM. The progress of each student in the gifted program will be assessed at least annually to determine need for continuing services. This complaint procedure provides a process for filing, processing and resolving complaints of such conduct. Parent Conferences (IHABA) 2. If your child is sent home with red eye(s) or discharge, your child may return to school 24 hours after treatment is started or when there is no drainage from the eye(s). The procedure for administering corporal punishment is as follows: 1. Hearing before hearing referee: A transcript of the hearing will be prepared and forwarded unto each board member for review as soon as possible. For any suspension of more than ten (10) days or expulsion, a student shall have the right to a formal due process hearing, when requested in writing directed to the County Superintendent of Education; be represented by legal counsel, to present evidence; and to cross-examine witnesses presented by the district. A notation of inadequate attendance (IA) will be recorded on the report card and on the transcript if the student is passing the course. The new website ensures our school communities have a central point of access to the latest information about sports registration, schedules, scores , feature stories, program announcements, photo galleries and more. Our district believes students should be prepared for wherever their personal paths take them, including college, a career, the military and life in general. For those of you that are new to our building, we look forward to getting to know you. Comments and/or report cards from previous school(s); Carnegie Units Requested by student/parent/guardian. denied, 105 S. Ct. 1749 1985; MS Code 37-11-29. 171 Oakdale Road Limited English Proficiency Instruction (IK) 4. A student with a disability is any student who has an IEP or Section 504 plan (MS Code 37-11-57, revised July 1, 2019). Crowdfunding items in an amount of $500 or more shall be formally submitted to the school board for acknowledgement and acceptance. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to avoid any prosecution under any pertinent criminal law of the State of Mississippi and this policy shall be in addition to all other existing or future laws or regulations, either federal or state. If the proceeding results in expulsion, admission may be revoked. The Board insures that the parent/guardian of a student shall have full and free access to review all official records directly related to the student. Not respecting the privacy of a person by posting personal contact information, such as work/home address, telephone, e-mail, photographs, or names, without obtaining prior permission from the person affected. The parent/ guardian/custodian shall be notified in writing of such suspension, and the reasons therefore. Students are expected to be in full uniform every day, all day, while on school property. Students who wish to purchase more than one lunch tray will be required to pay the adult price on the second tray. Requires boys and girls to be separated into different classes when sex-related education is discussedor taught, 3. 3. A signed affidavit from the students parents/guardian stating they have adequate coverage of their own for their child will be a suitable substitute for coverage under the student insurance program. If lice (live bugs) have been found on three consecutive occasions and the student has already been seen by the County Health Department and the student is still found to have lice (live bugs) at school, the student will be required to see their primary care physician for treatment options. Northwest Middle School: Student Dress Code Regulations The primary objective of Greenville County Schools is to provide a world-class instructional program and learning opportunity for every student. When possible or appropriate, parents and students should be notified of general activities of a student considered to be inappropriate on buses. They are as follows: 3. Students who have met the eligibility requirements as outlined in the Procedures Manual for the State of Mississippi Dual Enrollment & Accelerated Programs. The principal shall be responsible for establishing a schedule for the administering of tests within that school. Students respect those students who participate in these activities and see them as examples. The administration invokes its discretionary rights to determine such suitability. MS Code 41-79-21 states that any student in any public elementary or secondary school having head lice on more than three occurrences during the school year must be reported to the county health department for help treating lice. The District Counselor and/or Student Support Services Psychometrists will administer andscorea nationally normed and standardized achievement test selected by the District GradePlacement Committee. 5. Students are therefore warned in advance by this policy and otherwise not to store items in these school owned lockers or cabinets which they do not want to bring to the attention of school or law enforcement authorities, or which may be illegal, dangerous or in possible violation of school board policy or school rules. Any guardianship formed for the sole purpose of establishing residency for school district attendance purpose shall not be recognized by the Board, in accord with state law. 7th12th This allows students to select a minimum of three of the five meal components for their lunch and it must include a fruit or vegetable. Alert a teacher, administrator, or other staff member if they see threatening, inappropriate, or harmful content (images, messages, posts) online. The precautions include: 1. The assessments will yield English language proficiency in four domains of language development, listening, speaking, reading, and writing, as well as comprehension. Wipe surfaces with a clean, dry soft cloth. To see additional and detailed information regarding English proficiency instruction, please refer to Policy IK. The District Placement Committee will review the materials submitted by the School Counselor and make a placement recommendation to the School Principal in a timely manner. Student Records (JR) While some dress codes are stricter than others, this typically means students should avoid clothing that is too tight, is too revealing, or includes indecent images or words. Pants must fit appropriately. Haga clic aqu para ver ms detalles sobre los reglamentos y procedimientos con respecto a aparatos electrnicos. The administration shall adopt regulations to implement this policy. Molluscum Contagiosum is a common skin disease that is caused by a virus. Schools must post information in the community regarding the rights ofhomeless students, in schools and other places that homeless families mayfrequent. About Our School Mission & Vision Principal's Message Dress Code & Uniform Policy Registration & Enrollment If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here:, The Salt Lake City School District knows that many of our students and families are struggling with intensely personal questions, concerns, and fears about the national landscape regarding immigration. El estudiante necesitar poner su celular en su armario antes de irse a clase. Dress Code for Students (JCDB) 4. Participation in school-sponsored extra-curricular activities in the District is a privilege. When a child is determined to be homeless as defined by the Stewart B. McKinney Act, enrollment action in the best interest of the child shall be taken, pursuant to federal guidelines and Board policy. Additionally, jewelry and accessories that pose a safety concern for the student or others are not acceptable. It shall be a violation of Rankin County School District rules, regulations and policies to possess or carry, whether openly or concealed, on educational property the following weapons: any BB gun, air rifle, air pistol, bowie knife, toy gun, dirk, dagger, slingshot, leaded cane, switchblade knife, blackjack, metallic knuckles, razors and razor blades and any sharp-pointed or edged instrument (except instructional supplies, unaltered nail files and clips and tools used solely for preparation of food, instruction and maintenance). There is an option that can be selected to notify parents when the account gets below a specified amount. All data transferred or transmitted over the network can be tracked and identified, and originating users can be held liable if their use of the network violates any established policy, regulation, or law. Bottoms: Clothing that fully covers a student from the waist down to at least mid-thigh. 500 Vine Drive For these reasons, we would prefer students not wear these types of footwear. Use of Tobacco and Smoking Devices (JCDAA) Backpacks are not allowed on school grounds. 3. These testing dates are listed on the district web calendar at and will include nine weeks tests, semester exams, and all state mandated tests. For minimum community protection against certain diseases, the Board shall require students attending District schools to be vaccinated against diphtheria, measles, mumps, poliomyelitis, rubella, tetanus, and whooping cough, hepatitis B, and chicken pox (unless child has a history of chickenpox).