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In addition to the difference in fur, river otters and sea otters have other differences in appearance. Taxonomically speaking, river otters and sea otters are different genera. They weigh between 45kg to 3,200kg. The Caribbean monk seal was declared. Otters are one of the most fascinating and charismatic marine mammal species. Its as easy as that! Have some feedback for us? Not to mention that we nearly eradicated sea otters out of lust for their pelts, and we continue to keep dolphins confined in small, hard-walled, unhealthy environments for nothing more than our amusement. More commonly known as seals, they are a widely distributed and diverse group of fin-footed, semiaquatic, mostly marine mammals. Male sea otters compete with one another for mates. Both are good swimmers but when we compare the two, the seals win because of their streamlined bodies and flippers that enable them to move in water fast. Thank you for reading! Some river otters can be found in wetlands and lakes. This is especially problematic in Monterey Bay, where there are more male sea otters than females. . Sea otters, conversely, are found only in salt water and rarely go on land. There are twelve different sub-species of river otter, but only three separate sub-species of the sea otter. One naturalist was so thoroughly disgusted with the sexual behaviors of Adlie penguins that his observations were hidden from view for almost a century. I'm a freelance writer with 8 years of experience. Many of, Crocodiles are among the most terrifying animals of all time. hold hands with other otters so they dont drift apart, Watch Five Giant River Otters Face-Off Against a Huge Jaguar, Watch a Group of Massive River Otters Defeat a Crocodile in Vicious Battle, Weight: 10lbs-99lbs Length: 2ft-6ft, Blubber deposits under the skin keep true seals warm, -Dense fur that has two layers, guard hairs, and insulating underfur, Spend equal amounts of time on land and in the water, Spend the vast majority of their time in the water. Found in both saltwater and freshwater, a river otter lounges around riverbanks and swims with its belly down, keeping the majority of its body submerged below the water. However, river otters prefer to eat fish, frogs, crayfish, birds, and reptiles, while sea otters enjoy sea urchins, clams, crabs, and seaweed. Cetaceans (whales, porpoises, and dolphins) are categorized into two main groups: baleen whales (mysticetes) and toothed whales (odontocetes). American Oceans, Quick Facts: Bioluminescence & What Causes It. Although described as the smallest marine mammal this species is quite large as otters go, reaching as much as 80 lbs. Levick recorded these behaviors as aberrations from the norm of nature. You might not be able to tell by looking at them, but river otters and sea otters have very different fur. Sea otters must eat 20-25% of their body weight to maintain their body temperature. They are mammals without fur as adults. The main difference between the two species is their size; Asian small-clawed otters are the smallest otters in the world, while sea otters are the largest. Yet, if the two creatures are closer in size, then you will need to rely on other methods of differentiating them. Dolphins kill other marine mammals and fish just for fun and commit infanticide. The word pinniped means fin-footed or flipper-footed. All rights reserved. Adult males weigh average about 700 pounds and 7 feet in length while females are a bit smaller at 250 pounds and 6 feet in length. Sea otters are slow swimmers, while their river-living counterparts are rather agile. Both types of otters need their coats to form a layer of insulation that traps air to keep them warm, and they certainly need it when areas like the Pacific dip to chilly temperatures that are often between 35 and 60 (and even lower than that as you move up the coast toward Alaska and Canada)! Contact Us Please try again There are over 70 different species of cetacean. Have a question? There seems to be no crime too low for these penguins, he confided to his journal. Habitat loss, water pollution, deforestation, and hunting threaten their survival. Its actually quite easy to understand the physical differences between sea otters and river otters once we understand that there is actually only one species of true sea otter. They are found all over the world and live in all waters both the arctic and subarctic. They move to land to escape some predators like sharks. Otters have paws and external ears while seals have flippers but do not have visible ears. Theyre even known to wrap their babies in kelp to keep them safe and warm while theyre off hunting, and as the Marine Mammal Center describes, these pups end up bobbing up and down on the surface of the ocean like little corks! River otters will achieve maturity between the ages of two and three, while female sea otters mature between ages three and five, and males even later between ages five and seven. Their familial units are very strong, while river otters tend to lead solitary lives. From behavior and habitat to offspring and appearance, this article will detail the differences between these two otters. The Mustelidae family is very unique and encompasses about 70 different species of animals including otters, wolverines, badgers, and more. The Key Differences Between Seal vs Otter. The salty crew of Deep Sea News has been trying to counteract the cuddly image of dolphins for years. For whichever animal wins, ClimateProgress will write a feature-length article exploring the story behind whats ailing your chosen critter, and who is working to save them. The webbed feet of a sea otter. A painful and confusing end for the poor pups. The Caribbean monk seal was declared extinct in 2008. Decades of efforts to help the dark gray baleen whale recover through international protection have done little to improve the species prospects. Sea otters are hardly the only marine animals to behave in ways that make us cringe. Additionally, sea otters spend the vast majority of their lives in the water, while river otters spend most of theirs on land, venturing into the water for tasks like hunting for food and traveling. Both species face threats of pollution, habitat loss, and reduced food sources. again or contact 1.888.780.6763, Learning From and Standing With Climate Justice Communities, Senior Policy Analyst, Fish Conservation Program, Sorry, but we failed to add you to the list. However, seals split their time on land and in the water almost evenly. Welcome back to March Sadness, ClimateProgress educational bracket tournament of animals impacted by climate change and other environmental threats. Otters have long bodies and short legs, while seals have shorter bodies and longer flippers. Wildlife Informer is reader-supported. They feed on fish and shellfish. In this article, we will address all of these differences in detail, including their physicality and social behavior. This is primarily due to the difference in habitat, but sea otters and river otters have different diets. Contact the AZ Animals editorial team. Their unique bodies make it easy to tell the creatures apart. While members of both otter subtypes love to swim, the swimming behaviors they engage in are quite distinct. (36kg) and over 5 ft. (1.5M) in length.. These two different animals have their key differences, but one thing is for sure: theyre all still otterly loveable wildlife all the same! Young cattle egrets will peck and harass weaker siblings, going so far to push them out of the nest and to their doom. Learn more about us & read our affiliate disclosure. If you travel further north to areas like the Alaskan seaboard, you could even find males weighing up to 100 pounds! The key differences between seals and otters are size, family, and their method of thermoregulation. The sea otter does, however, have a shorter tail than the river otter. River otters are smaller than sea otters in both length and weight. Asian Small-Clawed Otters will live around 12 years in captivity but lifespan in the wild is really unknown, with an estimated number of 5,000 left in the world. Seahorse: Last time we talked about seahorses, we mentioned their fragile coastal ecosystemscoral reefs and mangroves, for instance, are especially vulnerable to disturbances brought on by warming ocean temperatures, ocean acidification, and increased flooding. Your best bet for differentiating these animals is to look for their ears, flippers, tails, size, and fur. Seals belong to the Phocidae family, and otters belong to the Mustelidae family. Although seals and otters are often believed to be related, the truth is that they belong to completely different . Only your votes can decide who moves on for a chance at a deep-dive feature story. 8 Fun Date Night Ideas in Salt Lake City. However, we noticed a conundrum that many readers seem to get themselves into. River otters tend to eat frogs, fish, crayfish, reptiles, and birds. Shocking behavior isnt the sole province of marine mammals. For if such awful displays occurred in nature, what might that say about our own actions? According to the IUCN, this can make it hard for otters to meet their high metabolic needs, leading to malnutrition or starvation.. Without a doubt, dolphins are jerks. Conversely, sea otters only give birth to one pup and care for them until they are between eight and twelve months old. The elephant seal can weigh up to 6,000lbs and grows 20ft long. The underfur is the layer closest to the body, and this fur functions to insulate their body and keep warm in very cold conditions. This inner layer keeps them warm, and the outer layer keeps them waterproof. There are nearly 2,000 different species! Unlike most other otter species, fish are not an important part of their diet. At Arctic Tundra we've created a habitat just like the grassy tundra near Point Hope, Alaska - and filled it with massive muskoxen. Who will win? Otter belongs to the Mustelidae family while the seal belongs to the Phocidae family. The marine otter simply lives near the ocean, diving in only to feed. Given their preferred habitats, this is only natural, though there are some dietary overlaps between sea otters and saltwater river otters. For example, sea otters are much larger than river otters in both length and weight. What makes each species unique, and what are the signs that make each one recognizable? But how do we tell the difference between river otters and sea otters? There are many distinguishing features between a river otter vs sea otter. With the help of donors like you, Ocean Conservancy is developing innovative solutions to save our ocean. Sorry, but we failed to add you to the list. In fact, the largest members of the seal species make otters look quite tiny. difference between sea otter and penguinups insurance cost calculator. Seals are larger than otters, weighing a lot more than them and growing much longer. Most immediately noticeable is the difference in fur types river otters have short, sleek fur, while sea otters are distinctly fluffy, with long, fuzzy fur thats extremely dense and warm. Enter your email in the box below to get the most mind-blowing animal stories and videos delivered directly to your inbox every day. If you spot an otter in the Chesapeake Bay, it's a river otter, whereas if you spot one in Monterey Bay (especially in the water), the chances are high that it's a sea otter. In addition to the sea otter being significantly bigger than the river otter, they also have different mating and parenting habits. Otters webbed paws are interesting because sea otters will hold hands with their partners, so they dont drift too far apart from their group. Vote in the embedded tweets below, on Twitter with the hashtag #CPMarchSadness, or on our Facebook page. Otters are mammals in the Mustelidae family. Their diets are reminiscent of their environments. The North American River otter is classified as Least Concern meaning they have safe population stability as of today. River otters and sea otters have different lifespans. Watch Five Giant River Otters Face-Off Against a Huge Jaguar, Watch a Group of Massive River Otters Defeat a Crocodile in Vicious Battle, River Otter vs Sea Otter: 5 Key Differences. On the other hand, there are 12 different species of river otter found around the world, from the North American river otter to the Japanese river otter to the Asian small-clawed otter. The largest sea otters can weigh up to one hundred pounds, but river otters are much smaller. Not to worry, friends. Thank you for visiting! Sea otters also notably have two very large back feet, webbed and streamlined for paddling and swift swimming in unpredictable ocean waters. There are nearly 2,000 different species! Seals are larger than otters on average, and the largest members of the species make otters look positively tiny. River otters and sea otters also have habitat preferences in these unique ecosystems. To meet the wonderful sloths that call SeaQuest home, book your visit today at any of the following locations: Utah, Las Vegas, Dallas-Fort Worth, Denver, Sacramento, Minneapolis, Connecticut, Lynchburg, New Jersey, and Atlanta. Otters belong to the Mustelidae family while seals belong to the Phocidae family. These remaining otters can be found in rivers, lakes, and freshwater wetlands. Southern sea otters are approximately four feet in length and weigh on average between 45-65 pounds. There are twelve different sub-species of river otter, but only three separate sub-species of the sea otter. Graduating Southern Oregon University with a BFA in Theatre and a specialization in creative writing, I have an invested interest in a variety of topics, particularly Pacific Northwest history. Decreasing sea ice cover is preventing Emperor penguins from finding food and sheltering their babies. Their tails alone can grow to 24 inches!. Later researchers rediscovered what Levick had seen. Some seals have fur, but they are not considered true seals. We also share helpful tips and guides on a variety of topics related to animals and nature. Male river otters are extremely territorial, while sea otters form more friendships and bonds with one another overall. If you see a vast creature, then its probably a seal and not an otter. They have webbed feet, water-repellent fur to keep them dry and warm, and nostrils and ears that close in the water. Fur seals are not members of Phocidae, and they are not true seals either. Habitat degradation due to development and accidental bycatch from shrimp and fishing vessels also endanger these charismatic creatures. Two out of those three species are now in decline. All pinnipeds (seals, sea lions and walruses) are protected in U.S. waters under the Marine Mammal Protection Act, according to NOAA. The dietary preferences and lifespans of river otters and sea otters differ as well. Many people don't know the difference between sea otters and river otters but, with a little info, you'll be able to tell right away. The pups learn their mothers voice to avoid confusion of the mother feeding another seals pups. Who will you choose? However, sea otters are only found in salt water and very rarely make their way onto land. Theyre both known for spending a lot of time in the water, something that is unusual for mammals that dont spend their entire lives in water. I graduated from Rowan University in 2014 with degrees in English and Education. If dolphins really disappeared tomorrow, as in the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy series, I think their final message would be Screw You rather than the So Long, And Thanks for All the Fish farewell Douglas Adams imagined. Otters and seals share many things such as they are both mammals and have the same physical appearance although they are different from each other. Parents can be as bad as siblings. Their fur is made up of a dense underfur, ranging in color from brown to black, and longer guard hairs. The sentiments about proper human behavior were impressed upon the penguins, and vice versa. Do you think you can tell the difference if you saw them side-by-side? They average around 2 feet in length and weigh around 10 pounds. Please try With 13 species around the world, you can find an otter species located on almost every continent! Sea otters also notably have two very large back feet, webbed and streamlined for paddling and swift swimming in unpredictable ocean waters. Maybe the bad behavior was just a rumor. The most famous in the United States, the California seal lion can be found all along the West coast of North America. If they cant keep them on their stomachs for some reason like if they are hunting, scientists have witnessed sea otters wrapping their young in kelp to keep them afloat while the mothers seek food. Though most species occur in cold-water environments. how to cancel quizlet subscription; denver criminal court docket; cody and caleb martin salary; how to remove a backwards bullet from the chamber The largest river otters weigh in at around thirty pounds. As their name suggests, sea otters are adorable mammals that barely leave their saltwater homes. They consume around 10 lbs of food per day. Heres a list of 9 ways that sea otters and river otters are different from one another. Elsewhere in Slate, read Jessica Winters essay about her dying cat, an excerpt from Jon Katzs new book about a Rottweiler in need of rescuing, and Jason Bittels thorough investigation into bat sex. Sea otters are mainly native to the northeastern seaboards of the Pacific Ocean, so they aren't spotted in areas like the East Coast or the Gulf of Mexico. Make A Lasting Impact By Leaving A Gift To Ocean Conservancy In Your Will. What sea otters, dolphins, and penguins sometimes do to one another in their attempts to mate can make us feel queasy, but this is just one sort of animal behaviors that have been unsettling us since the Victorian era. Otters use two layers of dense fur to keep warm when they are submerged in the water, and that is most of their lives. Whale: The North Atlantic right whales namerightcomes from the belief that it was the right whale to hunt. Although its not a visible means of telling the creatures apart, knowing their family can help distinguish the creatures. The naturalistic fallacy refers to the misguided belief that whatever is natural is good. This isnt where their social behavioral differences end, however. Who will make it to the next round for a chance at a feature story? Have some feedback for us? Seeing a dolphin at sea should be just as chilling as how many people feel when they see the sinuous silhouette of a shark. Their slow, quiet and sudden way. SeaQuest Blog Asian small-clawed otters have a body length of 30-45 cm (12-18 inches) and a tail length of 15-25 cm (6-10 inches).