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Sliced returns need to be controlled with precision or else a volleyer can pick them off, especially in doubles. The essence of a slice is that it is the opposite of a topspin. Slow pace and the flat trajectory give your opponent two big advantages: more time and an ideal height, at about a foot above the net, to smash away a winner.


Basically, you hit the slice backhand just as you would hit your standard backhand (both one-handed and two-handed backhands), changing only the following things about your stroke:


1. We both feel like tennis has given us opportunities that we would have never had otherwise, so we started myTennisHQ with the intent of helping more and more people become familiar with the sport. Research Design and Testing Procedure . Only people who haven't really played tennis (or have played and don't use a one hander) believe this myth (aka 90% of this forum). Kevin Leck is a Sport Psychology Consultant and Writer from Loughborough in the UK. A sliced lob can be useful as a defensive measure, but it is generally slower and easier to attack than the topspin version. While you should strive to maintain an identical toss for your flat and slice serves, the kick serve falls into a category of its own, with a different toss that allows you to generate the necessary topspin. When executing a tennis slice, the player will swing downward in a slicing motion, angling the racket anywhere between fully flat and entirely diagonal.When the racket and the ball make contact, the racket should be continuously moving in a direction close to perpendicular to the ball. Defensive Lob. It doesn't break your bank. This requires care, however, as the ball may be low, and will not rise off the racket as readily as a ball which comes to you with topspin. Tennis Tips for Seniors and Every Tennis Lovers. Kevin is an LTA-accredited coach, and is world ranked in the over-55 age group. Return of serve. The result will help you generate even more topspin. On a surface like grass which creates less friction, the ball will tend to skid and stay low. It also has a slightly lower margin for error than the kick serve, because it doesn't have as much top spin to make the ball dip into the service box. Without some of Hi there! In tennis, a slice is a type of swing that puts spin on the ball.Players will utilize a slice when serving or returning volleys to give the ball an irregular bounce, making it harder for their opponent to track and return. Many top players, including male and female Grand Slam champions use the sliced forehand. When a slice shot bounces, the ball stays low, forcing your opponent to really stretch to get to the ball. When a slice shot bounces, the ball stays low, forcing your opponent to really stretch to get to the ball. Advantages of a Tennis Slice Frequently, players who are just learning to serve want to hit with power, so they try hard and attempt to muscle the serve over the net. The slice serve is a highly effective serve that can become a huge weapon when perfected. What Does Game, Set, Match Mean In Tennis? The major difference is that the racquet shouldn't be pointing straight up, at a 90-degree angle, like a bat. It's a defensive shot that you should use on only three occasions: If you have trouble effectively hitting the flat backhand, you can use a slightly different stroke that carries many players far in the game the pure slice backhand. A forehand push is a difficult defensive shot that requires the player to strike downwards on the back and underneath the ball to create backspin. Now that you know what to look for when hitting a flat serve, heres a video that shows the entire flat service motion. To generate the necessary topspin for your kick serve, you need to brush the side of the tennis ball from low to high. How To Hit The Perfect Tennis Forehand Slice In 5 Simple StepsThe forehand slice in tennis can be a real weapon if you master the technique and use it at the. Advantages of Clay . If you hit this shot from a comfortable, set position (at about the center of the baseline), your racquet should be pointing toward the right netpost. One of the best ways to increase your racquet head speed is to incorporate a wrist snap as you extend your arm to make contact with the tennis ball. On Friday at the Dubai Duty Free Tennis Championships, the Grand Slam champions earned themselves a nomination for point of the year. The sports divide into a few tiers of serving advantages. You can find his 2020 book: ', is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to. Slice shots that are hit from lack of confidence or in a desperate attempt to just get the ball back tend to float, and they travel through the air slowly. If well placed, the flat serve can be extremely challenging to . Grass is tough on the arm, though, because the ball hits the racquet with more speed, and more speed generally means more shock and torsion. Lets take a look at how to hit a slice serve with proper technique. This is known as a squash shot and a good one will fly low and fast over the net. When a slice shot bounces, the ball stays low, forcing your opponent ","noIndex":0,"noFollow":0},"content":"

Slice, or backspin, causes the tennis ball to spin back toward the source of impact (you). He enjoys competing in county tennis leagues and ITF Seniors events. The slice serve is perfect for opening up the tennis court. This will allow you to hit the ball with a slicing action. You may want to be slightly lower for a push as usually we play this shot against lower, backspin balls. Ive included brief stops to help you get a sense for toss placement, contact, point, and racquet angle. But knowing how to use the topspin to your game (strategy) has its advantages: When hitting a flat serve, here are a few tips to keep in mind: Many players enjoy hitting a big flat serve and rely almost exclusively on it as their first serve even if they only make 10% of them. You will have more time to return the ball, have a better stance, stronger strokes, more spin, and more confidence. The middle of the net is its lowest point, so its easier to execute a flat serve at that point of the net on either side. The Top 3 Best Babolat Tennis Rackets Under $100. Once again, Ive provided a view of this serve in slow motion so you can easily see the nuances of the different pieces. Even if good spin and placement are used, if the ball lacks pace, it can easily be attacked. Over the years, many techniques have been developed in tennis to make shots more difficult to hit. Here are a few tips to keep in mind when hitting a kick serve. Heres a photo that showcases the contact point and racquet angle when hitting a kick serve. Once again, when hitting a kick serve, you should rely on your continental service grip, which is ideally suited for this serve. I got a chance to play junior and professional tournaments across the world, and in 2015 I began playing as the #1 player for Pepperdine University, a great division 1 school. 5. At the start, youre content with just hitting the ball flat but as your skill level progresses you need to add variation to your game. That's just plain easier.
